On impersonators

There has been quite the rise in impersonators around here lately and more and more people seem to fall for their scams. It has been suggested that there should be a post concerning the subject, in order to prevent users from getting scammed, however considering that ST is not actively moderated, we wouldn't be able to maintain such a topic currently. The warning about this subject is more on how to avoid or handle such scams.

Please make sure the ST profile being linked from the person adding you, actually belongs to them. Verify that their steam profile URL is the same as the one who added you to trade and obviously, please search for them on steamrep, don't ask them to link their profile/rep, just do it yourselves.

In the case of such a scam occuring, please report them to steamrep and SG support, by providing some proof of what happened and explaining any details (please attach screenshots of your chatlogs and their steam profile). Creating a thread on SG forums in not the way to go, as that will get you temporarily suspended for calling out. There have been incidents of the wrong person getting blamed for a scam and thus harassed for absolutely no reason.

On feedback

Misuse of feedback has been turning out to be quite an issue, not only with messing up trades but also with reports on support about its removal. I think that most users are not aware of how it should be used thus this thread will serve as a reminder and a warning on how it should be used, how it shouldn't be used and what will happen if it's not used accordingly.

Feedback should be used for :

  • Successfully completed trades.
  • Scammers/Impersonators and warning the community about those

Feedback should NOT be used for :

  • Random comments, unrelated to a trade.
  • Comments such as "rude", "lowballer", "regifter" and so on. This is trade and not attitude related feedback.
  • Fake positive feedback for boosting your reputation count.
  • Revenge reputation (such as giving negative rep to someone just because they gave you false negative rep).

Common sense should apply in the above. The fact that I didn't mention a specific comment does not mean that it's acceptable. Misuse of feedback can get you suspended temporarily and if done repeatedly, suspension can get permanent. Revenge feedback, in particular, is especially tricky considering a lot of people want negative reputation removed from their profiles. If the people requesting the removal of negative rep from support have left such revenge negative feedback on the other user's profile, they can get temporarily suspended as well. Giving them revenge feedback does not make you any better than them.

Considering all the above, I would like to ask users here to remove any feedback they have left on other people's profiles that does not follow the guidelines above. Any investigation done on the removal of negative feedback from now on will take this thread into account and the fact that everyone should have read it and complied with it. No appeals will be handled for temporary misuse of feedback suspensions, considering you had the time to remove it yourselves.

Since lots of people ask :

Request for removal of fake feedback is done through SG support here

Please attach some kind of proof of what happened if the comment doesn't contain an explanation.

Thank you for reading and good luck in your trades!

Edit : Considering the "Gives fake feedback"-like comments as acceptable. Still under discussion but looks like it will be added.

1 decade ago*

I have 1 negative rep on my profile i never traded with the guy just declined his trade offer

this is his profile

could this please be fixed since i clearly didnt trade with him its a clear misuse of feedback

9 years ago

Today, another trader added me to inform me of an attempted trade scam by an impersonator. You can also see that the user has already been banned from SteamTrades (http://www.steamtrades.com/user/mazila1337).
This is the chat log between me and the person who informed me: http://i.imgur.com/Y1Dxaj0.png
The chat log between the scammer and the the informant: http://prntscr.com/3zwdv7 or http://i.imgur.com/R1KWylE.png
Please remain vigilant and avoid being deceived by this imposter! Happy trading!
Update: Another user has been approached by the impersonator. http://i.imgur.com/pAEd3B4.png Be wary!

9 years ago


and that scammer so happy finish plaing the whole game story too...

name scammer: litthelper.

| steamname: Littlehelper
| steamID32: STEAM_0:0:58389412
| steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198077044552
| customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/PedoTheLovelyBear
| steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198077044552

9 years ago

This fool gave me -rep just because I, as the other 15 people who did the same, gave him -rep after he tried to scam me:


I've just sent a ticket. Be warned about this guy.

9 years ago


Watch out for this guy http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198059638296/ ( http://steamcommunity.com/id/Bigsrhimp/ ) (he added me as KazeZlat!) But this guy is level 2.

I add our CHAT, u can see! http://postimg.org/image/fgyxtf8c9/full/ He tried to scam me!

Report that second guy (Bigsrhimp), seems he tried to impersonate also: LARA, -xXx-, LPTOUR.PT - [M]iguel 3#, Cr, Bigshrimp, Tricks

Beware! Dont trade with this IMPERSONATOR!

9 years ago


This guy is trying to impersonate me BEWARE!!!!!

9 years ago

This person is impersonating me and has tried to scam users.

9 years ago

*"Since lots of people ask :
Request for removal of fake feedback is done through SG support here

Please attach some kind of proof of what happened if the comment doesn't contain an explanation. "*
Did I read that correctly?
I made a report there almost 2 weeks ago and still no kind of reply.

9 years ago

Hey Guys, I have an important question.

Today i get this trade (Link: http://oi62.tinypic.com/f2j67n.jpg ) and I'm asking myself if this is a try to scam me or is it really possible?

Greetings and thanks.

9 years ago

This is a scam. Report him to steam.

9 years ago


9 years ago

Hi, i dont know where i can ask, but i recieve a negative point because of: -rep Poor stock updates and extremely blunt.

Feedback should NOT be used for :

Random comments, unrelated to a trade.
Comments such as "rude", "lowballer", "regifter" and so on. This is trade and not attitude related feedback.
Fake positive feedback for boosting your reputation count.
Revenge reputation (such as giving negative rep to someone just because they gave you false negative rep).

So, what can i do to erase that no sense negative point ?

9 years ago

I have updated my feedback to correspond with the guidelines.
The feedback now reads: "-rep At the time of trading there was poor and unreliable stock information."
I feel my comments are related to the trade as unreliable stock information is extremely frustrating for the potential buyer.
Thank you and take care.

9 years ago

I would recommend contacting Steamgifts support. Lot of people put -rep for bad reasons, like the guy that did it to you.

9 years ago

Hello, this guy is impersonatin me: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197993902497/
Many people was scammed, take care. SAME PHOTO AND NAME!

9 years ago

This guy is impersonating @T4O http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197993902497/
He told me he have a 5 $ Steam wallet code but I've got to make the first step, so I did it, but then he scammed me, I trust him because he was replacing the original one who had a high rep and no negative points, but then I fell in his scam.

9 years ago


name :littlehelper

this scammer was scamming my sniper elite 3 game code and he was not pay me any tf2 key after that.its already a month ago.until now i not even get any feedback from him..he ban me for add him as friend..he deleted all the msg comment i leave at his profile..do not go first with ur game code if he deal with u.he big scammer and cheater.

9 years ago

Hello, already have 2 guys impersonating me.

#1 - Profile on ST http://www.steamtrades.com/user/klubberx

#2 - This guy have put me a negative. We never traded or chat. FAKE ATACK!

Please do something! Block my acc for time or idk, later I will have only - rep.

9 years ago


"He was selling a CD key to me and I offered him several cards for it, which he accepted. I gave the cards first, but before he gives me the CD key, he told me to post a positive rep on here or else he will cancel the trade. Um excuse me? Yeah, I cancelled the trade myself. I never used SteamTrades before but he tells me to make an account anyway just to make him look good. You don't just force people to give you rep, they have a choice whether to do so or not.
-Rep, rude and forceful."

This user left negative reputation on my profile, describing a situation that isn't even vaguely familiar to me, or could even possibly be a simple misunderstanding. I've not traded with anyone in the last 3 weeks, outside of TF2 Keys and Games securely through Steam during the summer sale.

It seems to me like she was dealing with an impersonator, and I want to know who that is so that I can report them. I've never seen someone impersonate me before, but I'm sure it's happened, although they probably weren't successful in scamming, as this is the first -rep I've seen that would hint to it.

And in any case, even if I was the person who did this, what she describes isn't actually call for negative reputation. Scamming is call for it, but being "rude and forceful" is perfectly fine. In any case like that the block button in steam is your only course of action, or reporting for harassment if it really got that serious.

Anyway, I wanted to clear this up like any intelligent person would, so I commented on her steam profile, and attempted to add her to talk to her, and possibly find out the ID of the impostor. She deleted my comment promptly, and didn't accept my friend request. She links her facebook, so I contacted her there as well. No response.

EDIT: Got a response on Facebook...

"Stop stalking me. I will report you to authorities if you continue doing so, thanks."

That is beyond hilarious. She defiles my rep page because she isn't intelligent enough to tell the difference between a legitimate account and an impostor, and then when I try to explain the situation, with complete respect and kindness, she calls me a stalker, and threatens to call the cops? Ban Her. Threatening legal action against me as if I was stalking her with some sort of sexual tinge is beyond ridiculous. People like her don't belong on the internet. Messaging someone twice to try to clear up confusion about an incredibly dumb mistake that's damaging TO ME, in the span of a few hours, isn't even vaguely close to "stalking". Stalking would imply that I'm harassing her or that I've been following her for an extended period of time. This is disgusting. Girls like this just think they can make wildly false claims, do what they want, and get away with it just because they have differing genitals.

9 years ago


9 years ago

http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197993902497 Scumbag dooped on a gift to gift trade! user name levalle

9 years ago

http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197993902497 Scumbag dooped on a gift to gift trade! user name levalle

9 years ago

Okay, I'm naive and too trusting. Just traded with an impersonator of http://www.steamtrades.com/user/leodiblack
We were even negotiating for like 15 minutes about the trade.

Real Steam profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/LeoDiBlack/

Impersonator: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198070394975/

9 years ago

thanks for the info Sloth!

9 years ago

http://www.steamtrades.com/trade/hZBGT/omg-one-guy-give-me-two-rep-with-2-steamtrades-acc-for-nothing-cant-somebody-chack-them and i have proof picture, can somebody chack this one guy he have two accounts? thanks

9 years ago

User: http://www.steamtrades.com/user/Rube

Reason: he gave me -rep without any trade, only for the fact that he did not accept my offer.

This is not the first time when he did it, look at his -rep comment - http://screenshooter.net/100020152/klidhsc

9 years ago


9 years ago

User : http://www.steamtrades.com/user/Xlb13

Gave me a -rep and another trading saying we were rude etc neither of us traded with the person, I submitted a support ticket 2 weeks ago is there anyway my negative rep could be removed?

9 years ago

This scammed me: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198024595314

We wanted to give me Sniper Elite 3 and Murdered for Divinity OS, but after he get keys, he start saying about slow connection and go offline, then he login again and said that he want me to send him keys again cuz he couldnt see them on chat. He simply relog on different acccount and used my keys. No games, no divinity...

9 years ago

Another impersonator. Lol he thought I was a noob xD. But no harm done xD. Well thank you all for reporting him as I was surely going to be scammed if that message from steam wouldn't have appeared.


9 years ago

Lowballer left me the negative feedback

9 years ago

Please remove the negative feedback

9 years ago

Give him too negative review

9 years ago

Feedback should NOT be used for :
Random comments, unrelated to a trade.
Comments such as "rude", "lowballer", "regifter" and so on. This is trade and not attitude related feedback.
Fake positive feedback for boosting your reputation count.
Revenge reputation (such as giving negative rep to someone just because they gave you false negative rep).

9 years ago

Watch out for this guy, he gives -rep even if you do not trade with him.

I already reported this issue to steamgifts support to have it removed. Not worth the hassle.



9 years ago

i did reply to him in your profile feedback...... :)

9 years ago

Thanks man. I doubt he will look at your rep on my steamtrades profile. Unfortunately major retards don't think logically for some reason. I think he is just upset that I didn't trade with him. They don't even seem to care to follow the rules. Also support on steamtrades is almost nonexistent.

9 years ago

support...yeah i know what you talking about i being stuck with 4900 million neg rep for over 5 days and still waiting reply from support...

9 years ago

btw: Edit : Considering the "Gives fake feedback"-like comments as acceptable. Still under discussion but looks like it will be added.

You can safely leave -rep on his profile.

9 years ago

You think so? It wouldn't be considered revenge -rep?

9 years ago

You guys didn't trade (which, honestly, he says in the rep that he left) and he left you a -rep. That's pretty much textbook fake feedback. Also, given that his inventory is private, he actually seems pretty conscious about how much having a -1 hurts his chances of successful trades, so you leaving -rep on him might force him to remove the one on you. Just note that you'll remove the -rep when his fake feedback is removed, whether by him or support.

9 years ago

any mod here please: i would like you to fix the bug (it show 490 million neg went it should be 0 )
p.s. did open a ticket will ago but no reply (not even to the one i open 1 month ago) so i try my luck here

9 years ago

How do i report someone to steamrep?

9 years ago

I nearly got scammed by a guy called MidnightTrader who was impersonating BadKid, a person with over 130 rep.

I gave him -rep after, now he's accusing me of trying to scam him and has given me revenge -rep. Please, please remove it.

9 years ago

Great, now the guy who tried to scam me has got his friends/alts to -rep me.

I guess I've got to get another account just so I don't get -repped and a stain on my record... great.

Just a word to the wise. He is STILL imitating a trader called BadKid who has tons of rep. Yet nothing has been done yet.

Now wish me luck in ever being able to trade again.

9 years ago

I made a report 2 weeks ago and still no news from SteamTrades mods, anything else I should do? Since my rep is not too big (kind of new here), I''m worried this may hurt my trades: http://www.steamgifts.com/support/VU1E4/fake-revenge-rep-from-scammer-i-gave-bad-rep

9 years ago

Got myself an impersonator and he scammed a new user. They left me negative feedback and won't remove it. The impersonator is currently called Zangdar. Left a post at steamgifts support and waiting for a response. Links below to profile and image of profile.


9 years ago

I have -rep from this scammer
I and him have no deal or offer trade, even discuss. Don't know him at all and he -rep me with no reason.
Please, remove this nonsense -rep on my profile and do something with this bad trader.

9 years ago

http://www.steamtrades.com/user/guuhandreotti, This Guy put -rep said wss a thief. And whe had not deal, Was rude and hostile.

9 years ago

He have one topic in steamtrade: http://www.steamtrades.com/trade/66DlB/sp-h-huge-inventory-w-offers-updated
We agree trade,and i go first: http://s100.photobucket.com/user/ManhCuong-PTIT/media/Untitled_zps691ac2cd.png.html?sort=3&o=2
After that,he unfriend and blocked me.I know trade by key and with person have less +rep is not safely,but i belive him,now i think i wrong xD
Here is him steam profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/anthrophobic/
Now,we can see,he just set private for profile.Here is picture in cache google one month ago: http://s100.photobucket.com/user/ManhCuong-PTIT/media/Untitled2_zpsd714b6d5.png.html
In him topic,every one can see he said my dirt 2 steam key is not work,so what is that: http://s100.photobucket.com/user/ManhCuong-PTIT/media/Untitled4zps6e5b7616.png.html

9 years ago

HI, I had a Negative Feed back from this User: guuhandreotti. I would like to get it removed as I have not had direct correspondence he is claming that I have done. PLease Help me in this matter. Thanks you for your attention to this Matter. I hope you can help me resolve this.

9 years ago

Hi, I had a negative feed from the user: ayrton969. I would like to get it removed as he is claiming he got scammed from me with the trade of Resident Evil 6: All Modes Pack for 3 TF2 Keys. After doing the trade the user claimed it wasn't what he wanted and reported me as scam. He thought the game was included in the bundle even though I never said it was nor implied it did. As the name of the bundle and pack shows on Steam only the multiplayer modes are included in it. It's not my fault he thought Single Player campaign was in it and got unhappy with the trade after it was done.

9 years ago

Whichever ADMIN see's this please fix it :)
I have 0 Negative feedbacks but the 4 billion bug hit me last night and now I have well... 4 BILLION negatives lol


Thanks in advance.

9 years ago

Damn bro, ur the most epic scammer evah, scamming more than people, wow!

9 years ago

Suites my name. Legendary rep sheet for a guy named LEGENDSTER :P

That's me Scamming half the people on Earth.

9 years ago


9 years ago


9 years ago

Man, this is true scamming ninja ;). 4 BILLION negatives and still not banned ;).

9 years ago

....Getting tired of the "funny side" of this bug.

9 years ago

4294967286 Negative Feedbacks, Damn you are never going to trade ever!

9 years ago

Jesus fųcking christ! 4294967286 -REP
That is a world record.

9 years ago

http://www.steamtrades.com/trade/c8XjF/scammers-alert-please-read-your-your-own-safety just a scammer warning! Also the guy revenge -REP me. So if anyone could remove that it would be great.

EDIT: And now I got a "bit more" negative REP... so please remove that too. Thanks :)

9 years ago

Between you and me. We've scammed a billion more people than that exist on this planet. I guess I scammed a few million aliens... no wonder they were so dumb. One guy asked me what is a key.

9 years ago

Please remove 2 -rep from my profile, they are both from scammer



9 years ago

An Impersonator of a guy
Please ban the impersonator from here.

9 years ago

Closed 8 years ago.