On impersonators

There has been quite the rise in impersonators around here lately and more and more people seem to fall for their scams. It has been suggested that there should be a post concerning the subject, in order to prevent users from getting scammed, however considering that ST is not actively moderated, we wouldn't be able to maintain such a topic currently. The warning about this subject is more on how to avoid or handle such scams.

Please make sure the ST profile being linked from the person adding you, actually belongs to them. Verify that their steam profile URL is the same as the one who added you to trade and obviously, please search for them on steamrep, don't ask them to link their profile/rep, just do it yourselves.

In the case of such a scam occuring, please report them to steamrep and SG support, by providing some proof of what happened and explaining any details (please attach screenshots of your chatlogs and their steam profile). Creating a thread on SG forums in not the way to go, as that will get you temporarily suspended for calling out. There have been incidents of the wrong person getting blamed for a scam and thus harassed for absolutely no reason.

On feedback

Misuse of feedback has been turning out to be quite an issue, not only with messing up trades but also with reports on support about its removal. I think that most users are not aware of how it should be used thus this thread will serve as a reminder and a warning on how it should be used, how it shouldn't be used and what will happen if it's not used accordingly.

Feedback should be used for :

  • Successfully completed trades.
  • Scammers/Impersonators and warning the community about those

Feedback should NOT be used for :

  • Random comments, unrelated to a trade.
  • Comments such as "rude", "lowballer", "regifter" and so on. This is trade and not attitude related feedback.
  • Fake positive feedback for boosting your reputation count.
  • Revenge reputation (such as giving negative rep to someone just because they gave you false negative rep).

Common sense should apply in the above. The fact that I didn't mention a specific comment does not mean that it's acceptable. Misuse of feedback can get you suspended temporarily and if done repeatedly, suspension can get permanent. Revenge feedback, in particular, is especially tricky considering a lot of people want negative reputation removed from their profiles. If the people requesting the removal of negative rep from support have left such revenge negative feedback on the other user's profile, they can get temporarily suspended as well. Giving them revenge feedback does not make you any better than them.

Considering all the above, I would like to ask users here to remove any feedback they have left on other people's profiles that does not follow the guidelines above. Any investigation done on the removal of negative feedback from now on will take this thread into account and the fact that everyone should have read it and complied with it. No appeals will be handled for temporary misuse of feedback suspensions, considering you had the time to remove it yourselves.

Since lots of people ask :

Request for removal of fake feedback is done through SG support here

Please attach some kind of proof of what happened if the comment doesn't contain an explanation.

Thank you for reading and good luck in your trades!

Edit : Considering the "Gives fake feedback"-like comments as acceptable. Still under discussion but looks like it will be added.

1 decade ago*


His nickname is EARTHIRN. Mine is EARTHIN (Without the second "r")

his profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Earthirn

Steamrep: http://steamrep.com/search?q=Earthirn

1 decade ago

Are you sure about that profile? that might be the real one.
Check the profile of the scammer, most of scammers use same name but different id, see steamid64.
Usually scammer got private profiles

1 decade ago

Yep, it's the right profile, he is a known scammer. At least he doesn't care about using his main profile to scam, instead of an alternative account like the rest. MetalHaax you can leave your negative rep here:
http://www.steamtrades.com/user/chala1919 (+17/-8)

Here is the rest of the info:
| steamname: CHala
| steamID32: STEAM_0:1:60354128
| steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198080973985
| customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/chalaa
| steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198080973985

Scam reports: 1, 2, 3.

1 decade ago

Thanks =)

1 decade ago

Yeah,I'm sure that it's him.

1 decade ago

Yeah,I'm sure that it's him.

1 decade ago

Me too... fuc*ing scammer...

How could we fuc* him?? :(

For more information, he give me his email while we were trading:


1 decade ago

Err...thanks? Sorry,but what should I do with his E-mail? He would just delete my mails,and I bet that it's fake.But thanks anyway =)

1 decade ago

Well, actually is not for you. That information is for the people that could be scammed by this idiot. Maybe, if he changes his steam account, but not mailing account, people could track this guy´s steps.

1 decade ago

Ah ok,got it =)

1 decade ago

This three users ;



give me -neg comments but I don't know them I didn't trade with them.I added them to talk why they give me -neg and they said nothing.Please do something because of their comments people think that I'm scammer.

1 decade ago

| steamname: tardtard
| steamID32: STEAM_0:0:75603993
| steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198111473714
| customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/turtles123
| steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198111473714

Is Currently Impersonating me, Please beware guys.
My profile is ALWAYS public

1 decade ago

Scammer: | steamname: muratyagli
| steamID32: STEAM_0:1:69604783
| steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198099475295
| customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/muratyagli
| steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198099475295
| steamtrades: http://www.steamtrades.com/user/muratyagli

He deleted his posts on this thread http://www.steamtrades.com/trade/6RUEP/ripped-off (maybe a mod can see that he posted then deleted) but this guy just ripped me off... He offered a trade and I told him I wasn't interested but then he replied offering 12 tf2 keys. After chatting, we agreed to a different deal and I sent him my end first because of his rep on this forum. After getting it, he immediately signs off and I get nothing. I even waited over an hour before posting this to give him the benefit of the doubt. He shows up as offline to me but his profile shows that he is playing the game he just ripped me off for. I have a screen shot of the chat log if anyone is interested. I guess he picks and chooses who he decides to rip off or maybe I was an easy target since I'm new? He even had the audacity to leave me a positive trading report saying I am a good trader and trustworthy! Once again, I have a screen shot of the chat log if anyone is interested. I realize he has a number of good reps and I only have one (not counting his)

1 decade ago

Took the liberty to upload the screenshot myself hope you don't mind.


Also remeber that the easiest way to create a line break is to end a sentence with two spaces.

1 decade ago

Thanks. That was copied and pasted, sorry.

1 decade ago

So after ripping me off and still playing Saints Row and conducting more trades, he changed his positive feedback to negative. I am still stuck without a game or even a response or excuse. Is there any way I can at the very least get the negative feedback removed? This is ridiculous.

1 decade ago

Quote from here: Phishing site and scammer!

It has come to my attention that a user is finding people on trade sites, SteamTrades or others, and is telling people to add them because they get a Steam error when they attempt to add you.

HOWEVER, he will leave a URL like this http://lsteamncommunity.com/id/crab332/ in a reply (sometimes - if your friend has been hijacked, they will send you a URL like this). PLEASE DO NOT CLICK THE URL - It is a Phishing site!

The scam worked like this:
You are sent the URL to add the user.
It looks like the Steam website, so you are supposed to believe it is genuine (as phishing sites work).
You click add friend but then find you are not logged in on Steam.
If the then click login and enter your details, they will be imediatly forwarded to the phishing site host, who can then steal your account information.

Please ALWAYS CHECK THE URL! As you will notice in the example above http://lsteamncommunity.com/id/crab332/ it has an l at the beginning and an n in the middle. These are there to trick you as it looks similar to the real website. Please DO NOT be fooled!

The REAL website is http://steamcommunity.com/ - it it is any variant of this, then it will be a phishing site! If you notice one of your friends send a URL like this to you, it is safe to say their account has been hijacked. Steam guard is designed to prevent attacks like this, even if someone has your username and password, however it doesn't always work...

There are some crafty b*ggers out there.
So be careful guys! Especially when trading.
~ AlphaLegion

1 decade ago

http://www.steamtrades.com/user/Dukeof6 left negative rep after I refused one of his trade offers. No trade actually occured.

Here's my profile


I would like the negative rep by this user removed

1 decade ago

Now I have an impersonator, and I have a little proposition to Support about how to fight them better.
Impersonators uses URL to steamtrades.com profile to show how many rep they have, and only vigilant experienced traders checks if this ST profile really links with his Steam profile. Most of users can just think "Wow, you have +63 rep, it would be rude to not trust him". I want to warn them, but all I can do now is to write a warning on my trade thread and on my Steam profile. BUT, unexperienced traders won't go there, and won't read it. That's why I propose to let all users leave a little (maybe up to 100 chars) comment on their ST.com profile page.
For my example, I would write this: "There is an impersonator! http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198108641177 - This guy is not me, and he scams people using a link to my rep. Be careful and check real profiles when you do unsafe trades, like game keys or Paypal."
And the scammer could not use my link to his scamming deals anymore. Thanks for your attention. :)

1 decade ago

1 decade ago

Sorry bro, here is the info of that guy:
Scammer: Impersonator of synth3, konyo42.
| steamname: konyo42
| steamID32: STEAM_0:0:74532449
| steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198109330626
| customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/takashi019
| steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198109330626

1 decade ago

Support on steamgifts sucks ballsack. i got a thread for one month ago that didnt get viewed by no one

1 decade ago

Report this guys~trying to fake me

1 decade ago

Damn, another impersonator that created this account yesterday just to scam.
| steamname: MengCrap
| steamID32: STEAM_0:0:76199585
| steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198112664898
| customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/mengcrap10
| steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198112664898

Real Profile
| steamname: MengCrap
| steamID32: STEAM_0:0:28270712
| steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198016807152
| customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/MengCrap
| steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198016807152
| steamtrades: http://www.steamtrades.com/user/MengCrap

1 decade ago

I got scammed by this guy today. Impersonating konyo42.

Another impersonator


1 decade ago

I know people will still fall in the trap but still
I am currently not trading any steam key or any game key. Only add me from the profile that linked from steamtrades.

1 decade ago


| steamID32: STEAM_0:0:68006380
| steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198096278488
| customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/778153898
| steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198096278488

REPORTS: http://forums.steamrep.com/search/search/?keywords=76561198096278488&o=date



Aliases he is using:

Be Carefull

1 decade ago



250 XP

-[XGEA]- Swordeflux Profile Steam http://media.steampowered.com/steamcommunity/public/images/avatars/00/00496849fbaab43998d7d1f61df5d57993336a02_full.jpg
give me negative rep for nothing !He want Nazi Zomie 2 for 3 keys but i dont open my 4 pack for this offer! is not korrect!

1 decade ago

Scammer: Impersonator of psydex
| steamname: tangoak
| steamID32: STEAM_0:0:73918316
| steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198108102360
| customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/--psydex
| steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198108102360

1 decade ago

Impersonators Profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/lordvadar/

Never tell your password to anyone.
03 November 2013
01:57 - {THC} Obama Bin Laden: Hello :)
01:57 - omoeraku: hi
01:57 - {THC} Obama Bin Laden: Did you see my F1 2012 post?
01:57 - omoeraku: how much ppp for f1 2012 ?
01:57 - omoeraku: paypal*
01:57 - {THC} Obama Bin Laden: Hadn't really thought about it, offer? :)
01:57 - omoeraku: $13 ?
01:57 - {THC} Obama Bin Laden: Sounds fair. :)
01:57 - omoeraku: alright
01:57 - omoeraku: http://www.steamtrades.com/user/omoeraku
01:58 - omoeraku: my steamtrades profile
01:58 - {THC} Obama Bin Laden: Okie dokie :)
01:58 - omoeraku: ready when you are
01:59 - {THC} Obama Bin Laden: Alright nice profile :) Send the money to -censored- please. :)
01:59 - omoeraku: sure
01:59 - omoeraku: gift first right /
01:59 - {THC} Obama Bin Laden: Yup
01:59 - omoeraku has accepted your request to trade.
01:59 - {THC} Obama Bin Laden: Almost forgot I had to send it rofl
01:59 - omoeraku: np
02:00 - {THC} Obama Bin Laden: Alrighty then, so you send payment now? :)
02:00 - omoeraku is now Offline.

Edit: I should have been more careful, it's a goddamn impersonator. :'( I didn't realise, too new to this and didn't know people could even do that. Apoligies to omoeraku (The real one) for the Neg rep I left on him, has now been removed.
Should have realised something was dodgy when it said he was on trade probation on steam, scammed me for $13 for F1 2012. Only reason I sold it to him was so I could buy my dad a birthday present! So angry right now. I didn't really take note because I'm quite new to the site and because of his high rep. ;_; Then upon further examination I find out it wasn't even the same goddamn guy.

1 decade ago

Scammer: Impersonator of omoeraku
| steamname: omoeraku
| steamID32: STEAM_0:0:68314098
| steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198096893924
| customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/lordvadar
| steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198096893924

1 decade ago

my post

last comment. he offer 17 tf2 key for fifa 14$. I say "no thank", and he give me 1 -rep. while me and he not trade

plss, REMOVING -rep, it affects my business. sorry my english very bad.

1 decade ago

This guy ( [XGEA]- Swordeflux ) give me a negative rep for nothing,he want nazi zomie2 for 3 keys but i dont open my pack for this offer sorry,and not for 4k!is not okay Idiot!!!is kidding!please block this kid!clear please the negativ rep,i dont trade with this guy!This Guy [XGEA]- Swordeflux -http://media.steampowered.com/steamcommunity/public/images/avatars/00/00496849fbaab43998d7d1f61df5d57993336a02_full.jpg

please clear the -rep,thx

1 decade ago

deuxdoom gave me fake negative rep. we didnt trade at all. unfortunately i closed the chat window since we didnt trade and saw his negative rep on my profile afterwards. please delete it or ask him for proof or chat logs. he blocked me and i can't add him anymore. just a son of a b!

1 decade ago

Impersonator of me Block him and don't trade with him.

1 decade ago

ok,block sepp

1 decade ago

Impersonator Block and don't trade with him

1 decade ago


1 decade ago


can you please delete the rep- he gave me ? this guy scammed 3 other people not fair for me to get rep- because i didn't allow him to scam me i provided screenshots on that thread hope i get a reply from st mods

1 decade ago

this guy is scammer ! he activate my game [gta complete] and he not send me game gift.


1 decade ago

impersonator block and don't trade with him

1 decade ago

ST: BensDream
SG: BensDream

Reason: Fake reputation on SteamTrades. The user gave me negative feedback for not accepting a friend request without any conversation between us.

URL: http://www.steamtrades.com/user/Mew2/page/7

1 decade ago

impersonators http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198052369450/
reason : tried to scam people with my steamtrades profile


chat log : http://i.imgur.com/WHCXzOj.png?1

NB: i never have bl 2 goty and batman arkham origins

1 decade ago

UPDATE: I talked to Rusher and he says he was scammed a Ghost Key. Neither person has replied to this thread like I requested :-/ It sounds like Rusher was scammed also. I reported the Fake Cavepox to Steam Rep and Steam.\



| steamname: Unknown

| steamID32: STEAM_0:0:76525752

| steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198113317232

| customURL:

| steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198113317232

I just had a this guy http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198042536283/ message me thinking I scammed him. He did say the profile was private and realizes he was scammed. Im now scared to death my perfect feedback is about to be ruined. Another guy said he was trading Ghost for 18 DOTA keys. But Scientific the guy who got scammed wanted a middleman. The middleman was the scammer I mentioned. Here is the original sellers info.

| steamname: ۩ϟ۩RuShEr۩ϟ۩

| steamID32: STEAM_0:1:59204384

| steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198078674497

| customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/rusher67

| steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198078674497

Im reporting the middleman to steam.

1 decade ago

Impersonater Alert

Steamname : Foysop

Reported to Steam

Never tell your password to anyone.
katinacooker: Hi
foysp: Hello, I have THQ Bundle and Deep Silver Bundle want to trade.
katinacooker: How many keys?
foysp: I prefer Paypal, is that ok?
katinacooker: How much?
katinacooker: And are they the BTA ones?
foysp: Yep. gift URL.
katinacooker: Cool, how much are you looking for then?
foysp: Let me think...............
katinacooker: Also, do you have a steamrep or steamtrade profile?
foysp: Yep, here it is http://www.steamtrades.com/user/foysp
katinacooker: Why is your profile on steamtrades that one, but when i click on the one here it is private
katinacooker: ?
foysp is now Offline.

1 decade ago


BEWARE OF SCAMMERS AND IMPERSONATORS! There are some impersonators out there trying to take advantage of my reputation. Please ALWAYS check the steam account of who you're trading with. He might be an impersonator of mine, or somebody elses!

Here is an example of this: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Jcqhues
This person is trying to scam people under my name! I'd appreciate if you'd report scums like this one!
Thanks for your attention!

And huge thanks to http://steamcommunity.com/id/lasttroy for the heads up!

1 decade ago

Yes, be careful with that guy. Since yesterday he changed his Steam name 3 times, but his id number is this one:


Don't trade with him. He uses a fake origin account too.

1 decade ago

Just fall for scam of one guy: http://steamcommunity.com/id/TheSadTruthh/
He was pretending to be this person: http://steamcommunity.com/id/TheSadTruth/

1 decade ago

This guy stolen my Skyrim LE key: http://www.steamtrades.com/user/darknai

He change his name every time he scam, but his ID is always the same.


I've opened a support Steam ticket and opened a post in steamrep to aware people from this guy.


If anyone have him as a friend, please add me in Steam to talk. Thanks.

1 decade ago

That guy, DARKNAI is still doing trades. I contact with one of his friends and added to him at conversation, but he says nothing. If anyone knows DARKNAI, please, contact me. Thanks.

1 decade ago

Sadly, you won't find any help here, we still have the same scammers from 1 year ago. Too many scammers against not so many people doing something to stop them. The best thing you can do is to report him to steam support. Buena suerte mi amigo.

1 decade ago


he is a scammer.i went fist my cd code.but he said that it was region blocked.and suddenly went off line.
only i lost my key.he stole my cd-code. he had a loss nothing from me.so please get rid of my neg rep.

1 decade ago

maxviwe (23 seconds ago)

Very Rude Person. I was behaving very nicely but he behaved in very rude manner.

He added me trying to trade bundle keys for a gift, it says on my thread I don't want them. and I asked him to come back with keys.. he called me a name then deleted me and left me negative feedback which is not what it's for... Can I get it removed please?

1 decade ago

The easiest way to determine if someone is an impersonator is by adding the person from the rep thread. If you already have them in your friends list, Steam notifies you of that. If you do not have them as a friend, you suddenly have two people with the same name. Can you streamline this process somehow?

Also, I left a comment in a user's feedback about how people should watch out for impersonators of the users since I was just added by one. Is it possible to order comments by time in descending instead of ascending order?

1 decade ago

I have had two impersonators in the last few months. Fellow traders should be made aware that I never ask anyone to send items or payment first. I only trade using Steam's system (gifts for TF2 or Dota 2 keys). I don't sell game keys (only sold 007 Legends, once) and I NEVER use Paypal. Don't hesitate to report impersonators, and feel free to warn me about them.

1 decade ago


This account is a scammer... and when i put a negative with the word scammer... HE PUT ME ONE TOO LOL

1 decade ago

I received a negative rep yesterday from someone who has been scammed by an impersonator of another trader on here who has also been impersonating me apparently.

"-rep He add me to buy my Euro truck simulator 2 gift with paypal and some minute later i accept this and he say he more rep than i reps. He say that he add me with "he's brother" account and i give the game for this acc and i trade the game. Then he remove from all acoount and i dont got money :( Sry i close he 1st account chat but i have "he's brother chat" I hope you see the essence and does not fool you https://www.dropbox.com/s/zs63zr708092er8/k%C3%A9p8888888888.PNG https://www.dropbox.com/s/nmvlrb30xkh0r90/K%C3%A9pkiv%C3%A1g%C3%A1s.PNG"

If you look at the screenshots he provided, you can clearly see how the impersonator is using someone else his name but is using my steamtrades link as proof of rep.

I went to search and found the bastard - http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198060139226

Then when I decided to search for my name, another 2 impersonators popped up.


1 decade ago

Do you have the dlc dc universe online?

1 decade ago

I was scammed yesterday by this guy: http://steamrep.com/search?q=http%3A%2F%2Fsteamcommunity.com%2Fid%2FUdercoV%2F

He was impersonating user UndercoV, since then he has moved on and is now impersonating user Genkisan

Real Genkisan:




1 decade ago


This guy give me negative rep.I dont trade with he.I write just in him thread.Please deleted my negative rep.

1 decade ago

I agree with you. He is my impersonator and already scammed at least 2 people. I already created a thread at steam support board and reported his profile 2 times, but steam support is too lazy to deal with him...

1 decade ago

same. just got scammed. damn. wish i read this first

1 decade ago

Hi,have now a Impersonator please block and dont trade with this guy!

My Impersonator http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198009958261

1 decade ago

Scammer http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198048781208

Meteo0: hej

Meteo0: why you add me?

Spiker: i wanted to trade with you sir

Meteo0: for ?

Spiker: games

Meteo0: what games ?

Meteo0: frist past you offer on steamtrades ok ?

Spiker: wait

Spiker: i copy paste my games

Spiker: to here

Spiker: k ?

Spiker: terraria, Gmod, don't starve, and rogue legacy

Spiker: Injustice: Gods Among Us

Spiker: Payday the heist , payday 2

Meteo0: you profile on steamtrades ?

Spiker: Batman AO

Spiker: thats all

Meteo0: show me

Spiker: http://www.steamtrades.com/user/Spiker

Spiker: show what?

Meteo0: This is a different account :)

Użytkownik Spiker zmienił status na: Offline.

1 decade ago

BE CAREFUL http://www.steamtrades.com/user/Unstoppable7 impersonating me

My account always opened 8 years old and 1000+ games

1 decade ago

Yep this guy tried to Scam me.

He was pretending to be : http://www.steamtrades.com/user/Arafo

Scammer profile : http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198048781208

1 decade ago

lol he gived me a negative rep, mods can you please ban this dickhead

1 decade ago

and give me too negative LOL please ban and delete negative rep

Where is the administration ???????

1 decade ago

Closed 8 years ago.