On impersonators

There has been quite the rise in impersonators around here lately and more and more people seem to fall for their scams. It has been suggested that there should be a post concerning the subject, in order to prevent users from getting scammed, however considering that ST is not actively moderated, we wouldn't be able to maintain such a topic currently. The warning about this subject is more on how to avoid or handle such scams.

Please make sure the ST profile being linked from the person adding you, actually belongs to them. Verify that their steam profile URL is the same as the one who added you to trade and obviously, please search for them on steamrep, don't ask them to link their profile/rep, just do it yourselves.

In the case of such a scam occuring, please report them to steamrep and SG support, by providing some proof of what happened and explaining any details (please attach screenshots of your chatlogs and their steam profile). Creating a thread on SG forums in not the way to go, as that will get you temporarily suspended for calling out. There have been incidents of the wrong person getting blamed for a scam and thus harassed for absolutely no reason.

On feedback

Misuse of feedback has been turning out to be quite an issue, not only with messing up trades but also with reports on support about its removal. I think that most users are not aware of how it should be used thus this thread will serve as a reminder and a warning on how it should be used, how it shouldn't be used and what will happen if it's not used accordingly.

Feedback should be used for :

  • Successfully completed trades.
  • Scammers/Impersonators and warning the community about those

Feedback should NOT be used for :

  • Random comments, unrelated to a trade.
  • Comments such as "rude", "lowballer", "regifter" and so on. This is trade and not attitude related feedback.
  • Fake positive feedback for boosting your reputation count.
  • Revenge reputation (such as giving negative rep to someone just because they gave you false negative rep).

Common sense should apply in the above. The fact that I didn't mention a specific comment does not mean that it's acceptable. Misuse of feedback can get you suspended temporarily and if done repeatedly, suspension can get permanent. Revenge feedback, in particular, is especially tricky considering a lot of people want negative reputation removed from their profiles. If the people requesting the removal of negative rep from support have left such revenge negative feedback on the other user's profile, they can get temporarily suspended as well. Giving them revenge feedback does not make you any better than them.

Considering all the above, I would like to ask users here to remove any feedback they have left on other people's profiles that does not follow the guidelines above. Any investigation done on the removal of negative feedback from now on will take this thread into account and the fact that everyone should have read it and complied with it. No appeals will be handled for temporary misuse of feedback suspensions, considering you had the time to remove it yourselves.

Since lots of people ask :

Request for removal of fake feedback is done through SG support here

Please attach some kind of proof of what happened if the comment doesn't contain an explanation.

Thank you for reading and good luck in your trades!

Edit : Considering the "Gives fake feedback"-like comments as acceptable. Still under discussion but looks like it will be added.

1 decade ago*

Just been scammed by an impersonator, here's is the real users thread on the matter


1 decade ago

Watch out for a person called Serious hero and his allias names Yawny, Yawny jr, ste, lordwith and lordz.
What happened was i made a thread saying i had a shank 2 key to trade, i traded it to someone then i get added by this guy http://steamcommunity.com/id/SeHero this is another of his accs http://steamcommunity.com/id/SeriousHero. He asks me if i still have the key i said no but out of curiosity i ask him what he had to trade for it he said Serious sam 3 and alan wake, i told him to buy the humble bundle and get both shank games for $1 he said he can't so i told him i will buy them for him and we can trade, ill go first with shank 1 then him with serious sam then shank 2 then alan wake then in good faith i said ill add in eets he said ok and was very keen. It took me the night to get them because i had lost my card, anyway i bought them and sent him the shank 1 key then asked for serious sam he said no i might scam him and he wants shank 2 before i get a key i said no that is unreasonable he agreed last night to the order in which we trade and now i want him to follow through with it, This goes on for a while back and forth arguing because there is no way in hell I'm giving him two keys before i see a single thing after a while he calls the deal off and i told him that is considered scamming because i have already given a key and his reply was " i haven't activated the key and i didn't save it" to which i replied "But how can i know you wont activate it tomorrow or the next day" i have tried pleading with him to just go through with the deal and i even offered him all 3 games just for his serious Sam but he won't follow through with the deal. I'm not to worried about losing shank 1 i just want you all to know he is shifty and to be careful trading with him.

1 decade ago

http://www.steamtrades.com/user/Fliper127 had high steam rep AND SCAMMED ME

1 decade ago

I bet you got scammed by an impersonator and not the real trader.

1 decade ago

http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198022944478 (Mr Pringles)

Scammed me and took my key of Metro Last Light without payment. Had a relatively good Steam Rep, at least from what his page seemed to indicate. Wish I had a way of logging my chat with him, but he defriended and logged off right away.

1 decade ago

http://www.steamtrades.com/user/omerking160 is the guy's steamtrades profile. Looks like he has really bad rep on steamtrades.

1 decade ago

i got revenge repped from a scammer is there any way to get it removed, it is a false statement that will turn people away from trading with me i made a post about the scammer on the forums jpstew7794

1 decade ago

Disregard this guy Jawn he scammed me. I know I have low rep. I sent him Rise of The Triad because he claimed connection issues. The account linked to him on Steam isn't "Jawn", it's "Peace|Of Mind". He has a separate account on Steam named "Jawn", which he asked me to send to his fake "Jawn" account. It's private btw. After I gifted him Rise of The Triad in exchange for BL2 Season Pass advertised, he logged off and unfriended me. 5 seconds later, he had the gall to log on with "Peace|Of Mind" and ask for payment again, pretending he didn't know me. I realize I overtrusted in this situation. I won't get recompence, but I hope someone believes me.

1 decade ago

I did a paypal transaction with jpstew7794, high dollar amount, he went first. No issues, trust worthy trader. I find it hard to believe the guy would do a trade like that for such a high dollar amount then attempt a scam. Doesn't smell right. Does not smell right at all. I have my transaction and conversation with Jstwew recorded and can provide proof of paypal for any Steamtrades admin that would like some additional info.

1 decade ago

It sounds like you got scammed by an impostor. Did the real Jawn(Peace|Of Mind) send you to the fake or did the fake add you and claim to be the real Jawn? Do you have screenshots of the chatlogs?
Always keep the chatlogs and always use the trade window for gifts. No exceptions.

1 decade ago

Agreed on the chatlogs and trade windows. What is weird is taht Jawn did not say it was an imposter. Wouldn't that be the first thing he said? Jawn posted here -- http://www.steamtrades.com/trade/FgesZ/possible-scammer-jpstew7794
never mentions imposter, he in fact says he was in a conversation with jpstew.

1 decade ago

haha bullshit (pardon my language) id love to see the screen shot of that
i never logged on to a fake account and there is no private account called jawn. also i never claimed connection issues. i was playing chivalry and then you said you sent me a game, i exited my match and there was no gift you also had no items in your steam inventory when i checked your profile soo.. if a forum mediator would like to talk to me on steam feel free to

1 decade ago

There are a load of users called "Jawn", too many in fact. I was under the impression it was you under a fake account because he had the same profile picture and your name here is Jawn, I failed to see that it was Peace|Of Mind instead. I suppose it is entirely possible it was someone else, and I have no screens or videos, but what really had me believing it was just a fake account of yours was that I got a friend request from your real account literally 5 seconds I got scammed by the "Jawn" account. And I failed to mention I did message Peace|Of Mind first (under the impression it was the same guy I sent the game to), asking if he was Jawn (he said yes), after which he talked of a PayPal transaction for the Borderlands 2 SP.

1 decade ago

I deleted my -rep on your profile Jawn. Your association with my scammer was not substantial, and had no evidence. I'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt and trust it wasn't actually you.

1 decade ago

I deleted my -rep on your profile Jawn. Your association with my scammer was not substantial, and had no evidence. I'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt and trust it wasn't actually you.

1 decade ago

thank you, sorry for the confusion. always make sure you are talking to the correct person. i only use one account. i will be removing your -rep as well take it easy hope all goes well for you

1 decade ago

It all worked out. Got a refund on Steam. Sorry about jumping to conclusions haha.

1 decade ago

this kid is a LIAR.
he took my key and retired
Be careful. disgusting vile user.

1 decade ago

Be careful. This guy impersonator and scammer http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198096708925

1 decade ago

Hi can you remove the 2 negative feedbacks from my profile?

Both I have never traded with yet they left negative comments.

1 decade ago

Please remove my negative rep. The guy is already banned.

1 decade ago

Here is a scammer (his profile has even gone private)


or http://steamcommunity.com/id/Sturmgewehr4256/

Just changed his steam alias to: Sturmgewehr4256

I went first with a key, he didnt buy me the wanted games and went offline immediately

EDIT: He has just asked his friends to give him some positive rep right after i gave him a -1
Please ban him immediately

1 decade ago

Hello, I have a lot of negative reputation. Those who put it either scammers or they did not like what I refused their offer. I ask you if possible to remove all the negative feedbacks from my Profile. I am been here for 2 years, and no one was deceived and do not intend to do that. Thanks in advance!

My reputation is clean

1 decade ago

1 decade ago

I was offline for a month and impersonator scammed few ppl using my name. I tried to talk with scammed ppl, but 3 invitations are still pending and one guy removed me few seconds after he accepted request.

scammer profile link: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198086297539/

scammed ppl from which i got negative rep:

Please remove these negative feedbacks if its possible.


Talked with 2 scammed ppl, 1 guy was newbie and he didnt understand that he should check steam id before trade and he said that it was me for 100% (same ammout of games) - screen. Second one was a child which said that he will remove negative rep for 5x dota 2, when I said that I cant trade with him (steam refused trade request, idk why) he said that he wont remove negative rep - screen.


1 decade ago

Asfoo2 gave me bad rep because I gave him bad rep(he's a known scammer and attempted to scam me). Sent in a support ticket like 4 days ago and yet i still have the neg rep...Can I expect this to be fixed or am i sol?

1 decade ago

I just got totally ripped off by someone a few minutes ago. I left a negative feedback here. But, I dunno..... Im pretty upset right now. Thats what I get for trying to get Last Light cheap.

1 decade ago

Just found out 2 people were scammed from an steam impersonator of me using my steamtrades to make it look fine.

Uses this profile on steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/csai29/ - watch out! /EDIT: PROFILE HAS BEEN DELETED - USES A NEW ONE!!!!!! PAY ATTENTION - CHECK FOR CORRECT PROFILES WHEN COMPARE! THX !!!!!!!

uses my profile to make it look good and people didnt compare if it fits with steamprofile :(

People remember always to compare steamtrades profil with steamprofile, if it doesnt fit then dont trade!!!

EDIT 2: I GET NEG REPS EVERYDAY, CANT ANYONE DO SOMETHING AGAINST??? Do a comment line on top of steamtrades profile to write a sentence or something...

1 decade ago

Some random guy just adds me on steam and makes me an offer. When I refuse, he says "fuck you". Can I leave a feedback on his page ?

1 decade ago

I received a negative feed from a guy on Steamtrades named Shirie (Steamp profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/rossweisse/ ). This is totally no sense.
I stopped the trading because he continued to ask for trading cards and made many changes.
We didn't finish the trading, so he didn't give me anything and me too to him.

As comment for negative feed, he wrote:
"Bought the game this trader wanted and we were inside the trade. This trader backed without saying anything, suddenly goes offline for 1 hour and then removed me from steam. What a waste of money. -rep".

Absolutely false, because he already had the game. And if not had it, only an idiot buy a game for a trade without an agreement yet.

EDIT: I also chatted with another guy on Steam that had a bad experience with Shirie.

1 decade ago

http://steamcommunity.com/id/UZuhltrading (76561198089483106) This one said that he is http://steamcommunity.com/id/UZuhl and wanted from me to give him key first, that than he will pay me. When I told him that those are two different pages, he than said that I am experienced and removed me from contacts.

1 decade ago

Iv had a steamgifts support about removing it sense iv had a fake profile impersonate me along with many others im sure http://steamcommunity.com/id/crdm/

Then iv now gotten 2 fake negative rep from the same two fake profiles the retard didnt even change the picture http://www.steamtrades.com/user/t1mon http://www.steamtrades.com/user/DocRock

Seriously is anything going to be done about this?

1 decade ago

Impersonator: http://steamcommunity.com/id/MrbeckDK/
He make me look like he was him: http://steamcommunity.com/id/MrbechDK/ by linking me MrbechDK steamtrades rep.

Now i'll contact SG support.

1 decade ago

Scammer Steam profile: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198067848465/

K.H II NMM: i use a tf 2 forum

K.H II NMM: http://www.skial.com/members/ruelel.12/

K.H II NMM: under the picture 57 positives

K.H II NMM: btw may you go first since you got lower rpe ?

K.H II NMM: rep *

PenguinJim: may I see your Steamtrades rep please?

K.H II NMM: i dont have any cause i dont trade games

K.H II NMM: i mostly sell hats for paypal

K.H II NMM: hight tier hats worth 200 +

PenguinJim: on that link you gave me, it links through to this Steam profile: https://steamcommunity.com/id/DrRuelel/

K.H II NMM: oh sorry my bad wrong link sec

K.H II NMM: http://www.skial.com/members/vintage-marianos.502/

PenguinJim: that one links to this Steam profile: https://steamcommunity.com/id/doublemarianos/

(Scammer didn't respond)

1 decade ago

Scammer! Stole my Alan Wake gift. I had a bad feeling about trade but trusted him.
Possitive reputation from account that tryed to scam....
Also game me negative rep. Say'n that he don't even know me.

1 decade ago

Scammer: http://www.steamtrades.com/user/Felemix He scammed http://www.steamtrades.com/user/PianoPaul for a RE5 copy ( http://www.steamtrades.com/trade/NGpk0/scammer-alert-stole-my-re5-gift ). Tried to help the guy and got myself a -rep from this scammer. http://www.steamtrades.com/trade/TkpJH/h-redisent-evil-gift-5-w-offers btw, a few mins after he scammed this user for his RE5 copy, he already was trying to trade it here.

1 decade ago

Hello, I would like to warn you all for this guy right here : http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198087337511/
Scammed me for trine 2 complete story, no, I am not mad, I am dissipointed at how stupid I am :/
He is an impersonator.

1 decade ago

Only saw this now. Did he scam you as U'Zuhl or myself? I've been alerted that the same guy is currently impersonating me.

1 decade ago

No, he scammed me claiming that he was U'zuhl and that he saw my steamtrades topic. I think he made that steam account on puropose just to scam.

1 decade ago

This guy is a scammer. Watch out he changes his alias quite a lot and sends all items to his 2nd account.

| steamname: OGvanilla
| steamID32: STEAM_0:1:42771125
| steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198045807979
| customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Austinomical
| steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198045807979

1 decade ago

This guy is a scammer: http://steamcommunity.com/id/arthur_bishop/



I went first with a key, he didnt give me the wanted game and blocked me immediately.

1 decade ago

Knew it! He contacted me so many times, always with terrible offers!

1 decade ago

Me too !

1 decade ago

This guy http://steamcommunity.com/id/PeaceAndQuiet
Is a scammer.
I went first with a Borderlands GIFT and he delete me immediatly...

1 decade ago

It looks like I have an (at least one) impersonator now who scammed people yesterday. While I'm clearing this up, I made my profile public for the time being (usually I am on "friends only").

Always make sure that you're really trading with ME.

1 decade ago

Just got scammed when trying to get games off this person http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198070156704 'ProtectioN'
Offered him some paypal and then sent me invalid and used game codes, then immediately goes offline changes name and picture.
THEN has the nerve leave me negative feedback saying I stole his codes and that I went offline (In which I was on, he took me off his friends list, I was playing Torchlight at the time)
I'm disputing it in paypal but just a heads up guys

1 decade ago

Feedback should NOT be used for:

  • Random comments, unrelated to a trade.

Lina has some explaining to do...

Also you look nice today.


1 decade ago

scammed today by an impersonnator here is his steam profile:http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198037001182/
he use this steamtrade profile to scammed me : http://www.steamtrades.com/user/dljkee

the trade was suppose to be : mine side "9 tf2 keys " his side "divinity dragon commander cd key"
his profile seem trusty so ive send the key first to him and he instant disconnected and disapeared like a great thief
he used a lot off different nick name so beware.

here is the nicknames :dljkee ,TROLOLO ,get owned ,im a faggot,•SG•Up4orMin3Craft,diediedie77,Stingmaster24
so beware

he had steal me 9 tf2 keys have a nice trade and beware again.

note : i post here because im not good enough in english too report on steamrep

1 decade ago

Not sure if it's the right place to post here or if there still are some active mods around here but please ban this moron : http://www.steamtrades.com/user/mikpear + http://www.steamtrades.com/trade/dM6G4/h-payday-2-tradeable-w-tf2-keyspaypal He's a scammer and an impersonator + he -rep'ed me because I've posted in his thread about his reputation as you can see in the link.

1 decade ago

Don't know who he is impersonating (munzta?) but keeps claiming steamtrades to not be working, refusing to confirm his identity and wants me to send code 1st. Left after a failed attempt though

1 decade ago

This guy is an impersonator http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198003730535/ of the real Zuledd. It's not the first time, so beware. Also, if you could search his steamid on google you can see that he also scammed someone of The Ship game.
real: http://www.steamtrades.com/user/Zulzedd
scam: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198003730535/ (cannot find his strades profile)

1 decade ago

Just got scammed by this guy for an Origin Dead Space 3 key:


1 decade ago

I just got scammed by user foysp


Has gone by the alias foysp, Ghost, Fawil, Albertoluy, WanChan,Konyo42, Boobies, Csa27, Cgatumalito, 3utal

Was doing a trade for steam credit via paypal. I emailed him the codes, as he seemingly had 120+ rep. He received the email and signed out immediately. Emails to the account are bounced. What an asshole! Is there anything that can be done, banning his account?

Never tell your password to anyone.
Two Toned Echo: Do you have a paypal account?
foysp: Of course
Two Toned Echo: What is your paypal account email address, I will send a request for 40$. After confrmation I will message you the code if that is alright with you
foysp: I guess you're a new guy in steamtrade :) http://www.steamtrades.com/user/foysp I have pretty much rep, higher rep always go second in the trade, hope you understand, I'll send you money after I received your.
Two Toned Echo: I am new to steam trade, that sounds fair
foysp: How can I received your?
Two Toned Echo: How can I recived your? That doesnt make sense gramticaly
Two Toned Echo: do you want me to email it to you,
Two Toned Echo: I can send it in this thread
foysp: You have steam wallet code right?
Two Toned Echo: yes
foysp: 50$ for 40$ paypal?
Two Toned Echo: yes
foysp: Ok, send to my email please lizhamflf3tf@gmail.com
foysp: i'll buy 2 for 80$
Two Toned Echo: Composing email now
Two Toned Echo: can we do them in two transactions? Ive never done a steamtrade like this, it would be make feel more comfortable. I do acknowlege the fact that you have such high rep.
Two Toned Echo: Would you like PDFs or just for me to type them in the email
foysp: just type in email, I'll let you know as soon as I know it work, and don't worry, I traded with a lot of people in steamtrade, you can see what they told about me.
Two Toned Echo: can we do it in two paypal transactions?
foysp: Well, I prefer to one trade.
foysp: You sell your games on gamestop and they gift you money?
Two Toned Echo: I sold my xbox, they had a double instore value for consoles
Two Toned Echo: so i used the double value to buy wallet credit
foysp: Oh, I understand, first time hear that.
Two Toned Echo: Ok ready to send email
foysp: Ok, give me your Paypal email.
Two Toned Echo: twotonedecho@gmail.com
foysp: I'll send money right after I redeem it.
foysp: Your Paypal is verified?
Two Toned Echo: I would assume I have 50 transactions on ebay
foysp: Wow.
Two Toned Echo: sent
foysp: I didn't received it yet.
foysp: Ok, I received it
foysp: Wait for a sec please
foysp is now Offline.
foysp is currently offline, they will receive your message the next time they log in.

This guy is the scum of the earth!

1 decade ago

Just been scammed by http://www.steamtrades.com/user/Matrix128 i have a chat log but dont know how to upload

1 decade ago

Closed chat log can i retrieve it ?

1 decade ago

hi i was wondering if you could help. My brother was scammed when i was sat beside him so i reported the guy for being a scammer from my account as it is only going to happen continuously until he is stopped. and then he gives me bad feedback saying i gave him a dupe code when i have never traded with him before. please help i need this negative feedback gone because people won't rust me in trades aymore :/. thanks for your time.

1 decade ago

Hi, I have received negative rep for "saying no to a trade for no apparent reason". That is abuse, please remove it. I do not think it's fair to get negative rep for saying no to a trade.

1 decade ago

Closed 8 years ago.