I feel like being tricked by a player called: antrqx (ATM on steam)...
His steam ID profile:
Our deal: 2 of his accounts (1 with Counter Strike and 1 with Dead Island) for CS:S
And he went first since I was suspicious, because it seemed to good, but he wen first, and when I gave him CS:S then he is accussing me for being a scammer and I think that is really UNFAIR!
So hope some admins can contact me, and we can discuss on private and fix this problem, if neede i got proof :)
Trading with SirValo went very well yesterday, so I doubt he is the bad guy here.
SirValo has always being a great trader, so i really doubt he have scammed anyone.
And he do also have 152 games why risk all them for 2 games?
Nah, he is a thrustworthy trader! He always goes first, except when he is suspicious, but if you are nice to SirValo then he is nice to you too =)
I dont care for you i have proofs that he admit his scam yesterday. Yesterday i goed first and gived him 2 steam accounts and when came his turn he just deleted me + block . Today i just report him and he add me on steam,apologies for his SCAM yesterday and he is willing to give me today the gift .(He would not have done that if i did not report him FOR THIS SCAM).He taked a picture of successfuly trade TODAY TO PROVE THAT HE IS INNOCENT(AND WE ALL KNOW THAT HE'S NOT!!!). So i think that i am in this story positive guy. And he probably prayed you to comentate his post.
SirValo has traded with me on two separate occasions and both times he's proven he's legit. He's not only a legit trader, he's also a really nice guy.
Can i just ask a question then? -.-
If you got the game, what does it matter then when he gave you it, wether he gave it yesterday or apologized and gave it today?
But everyone else that have traded with Valo before say something else, lol.
He got like 23 that say something else, and 1 (you) that say he is a scammer...
Who is the most thrustworthy ones here? You or 23 others?
And one more thing...
Why did u trade accounts with SirValo?
you should have read the rules before u did that :)
Base Rules:
•Do not attempt to trade Steam or online game accounts (EVE, RIFT, etc). Zero tolerance.
I dont think he knew it, but he can give the accounts back if you give CS:S back :)
Maybe you have to do that, I will help Valo talk to admins so maybe u get your accountd back and Valo get CS:S back :)
First,deal is over , if u dont know. Second , ill never ever trade again with that scumbag. And you proove yourslef.
That's ok, but everything seems to be fine, you got your game and Valo is happy, but on the ther thread SirValo wrote: "I didn't give it at once, because when u "changed" email for me, then u didnt so when i logged on your profile I had to change email once more, and i thougt u tried to scam me, but i gave it at last, ask any1 on my profile, all believe me, I'm no scammer lol"
Looks like a miscommunication with the two of you, seems like he thought you tried to scam him, but after all, he apologized and gave CS:S as you can see on your pictures, so I dont see the problem here + everyone else is saying something else, so it is pretty hard to believe.
But everything is good, u got game and Valo is happy as I said.
So what is the problem, if you dont want to trade with Valo anymore, thats OK, but there isn't really a problem anymore.
Everything is okay here, both got what they wanted.
Seems like it was just a miscommunication with Valo and antrqx, but after all Valo apologized and gave him the game, so to be honest I dont really see the problem here, hope to get response from you before you do anything serious about it, well before we have discussed it if you want, since there is no problem here anymore =)
Ok first of all i goed FIRST! HOW CAN I SCAM HIM IF HE DIDNT GIVE ME ANYTHING :@ I gived him 2 accounts and he changed everything(email,pw,sq) and after that when he should finish the trade HE DELETED ME + BLOCK. I DONT SEE THE POINT OF THIS REPLY,THERE WAS NO MISUNDERSTANDING. So please go hunt the snakes.
Read what I worte, and stop acting like a kid on forum, and please dont use CAPS on full sentences, it is quite annoyiing..
And i didn't say u scammed him, but it seemed like SirValo thought i would, because of what he wrote, that was what i thought when i read it...
So yes there was a misunderstanding, so....
And you got your game, so problem solved
Well, seems like you dont want to solve this problem, just start a new one...
The problem is already solved so whats the matter?
Your acting like a child on public forum..
Well i am 16 years old and i think that im still child . But child who is smarter than you. You prooved yourself like i said . Dont reply anymore,please for your dignity good.
So admins, if you are going to talk to Valo do it, but i think you need to learn antrqx the rules too :)
Zero tolerance, that means something serious, so you should take a talk with antrqx =)
I smell a troll. IndieCollector has tried to calm the situation down and antrqx doesn't want to be happy by the looks of it. No one likes a troll (in particular admins) so antrqx, I adivise you to stop ;)
He doesn't want to find a solution...
As I have said a 100 times before...
You got the game and SirValo apologized for the misunderstanding, and he did after all send it, and you just keep on like a child..
We have already solved this so i dont think we need any admins to solve this problem, only if they want to do it self, but if any admins see this, I RECOMEND to read the WHOLE topic we have created here, so u will get a point of view of this case, not just from my point of view, but also from antrqx's view =)
btw im human(not fag like SirValo) so i dont want to disscuss abot this. Im tired of u..
He is actually trying to solve this, and look at you -.- And he already did, by giving u the game.
Grow up!
BTW! It's not allowed to use offensive language, specially not on public forum.
I've send him the game, he didn't send me the pack he was meant to send me.
Besides, I accidentaly closed the window in which we talked when he went offline after I sent him the gift ;/
Now started a new thread under different account (same 'proof' URL).
Goes by the Steam id: 76561197971537039, which has previously been reported in this thread.
Edit: Whether they are the same person is unclear. They both offered the same product with a non-accessible picture from the same Israeli site and have both been reported as scammers by other users (I have not been scammed). Furthermore, the user seems very reluctant to repost the image to a working host. However, this might not mean they're the same user. In any case, beware.
why do you bullshit?the thread you copied is mine,if the subject is similar its doesnt make it being him lol,
im legit
What I reacted to was not the subject (Valve Complete Pack) but the 'proof url' ( which goes to the same (non-working) Israeli site with the claims of it being a pic of a giftable Valve Complete Pack.
Also, the user in question admitted to deleting the old thread and starting a new.
But then again, I could be mistaken. What's your steam id? The user later posted a working link to a pic of the giftable Valve Complete Pack in an account named 'arcetus'. If you can show a working image link where it is under another account name I'll immediately remove my comment and issue an apology.
i can do it , but no purpose to,if you look up top and right,youll see account name nirmiranda,which this guy account was something else i cant remember
I'm sorry, but when I say the site is 'non-working' I really mean it. All I'm getting is a white page which never finishes loading.
found the other guy image,diffrent thread of him,look..
Indeed. That is the other guy's image. I've yet to see yours, though. And you should really consider uploading it to another host regardless (tip:, considering the host you're using doesn't seem to be working (at least to me and probably some other users).
Which brings us to another issue... "Only post one thread regarding your offer, no duplicate threads."
thats not the main issue now lol,i gived you proof its not me,now can you delete your comment
You only gave me proof that the other user is 'arcetus', which I already knew. I still don't know your steam id and haven't been able to access your pic. You know, if you want to trade with other users, it might be good if they can actually see the pic you're linking them to.
dude, arcetus strikes again!
shhh, i'll try to check him :p
Oh and also it is his profil (JohnyRrR)
Suspicious is that he posted on scammer's profile "Good rep" and he is friended with him
That Steam Id has been reported several times in this thread!
However, that they're the same person, as I claimed, might not be true.
JohnyRrR, I am going to haunt you. You are the worst kind of scumbag. To think I thought you'd redeem yourself... I put some trust in you and you blew it. I'm actually a little disgusted with myself for actually thinking you'd go legit. Get the hell out of here!
ProxxAa is SCAMMER
He took my HUnted and became offline ...
Here is the PS ;
Stay Away from HIM .... !!!
Have to report a scammer.
He usally trades with Humble Indie Bundles. I said in his Topic that my Bundle is just Desura only, he agreed and we chatted a few lines, deal was deal.
I send my Url first and now he refuses to send his Link. He said that he has to go and now he blocked my steam id.
proofs following.
Images of proof:
chat session is numbered.
i did something wrong at uploading so u have to look at the names of the pic.
Hope u get him he is lying (proof on picture). saying things like i deleted him etc. but i got the whole chat session on my pictures and there is no Line which says "Mr.Unknown is offline"
his unique steam id:
Steamtrades username: MrUnKn0wN
I consider myself out of here, just providing additional information, that everyone else can also see.
And as addition he toldme that he wouldnt use the desura key and i just should trust him. 2 hours later he activated it
I said i made my screenshots and saved them on my computer.
I dindt said i UPLOADED them. If u are able to read we wouldnt have such a problem
you start blackmailed me...
so why didnt you upload the last part of our talk???
Its all on my pictures, everythig else doesnt exist.
U lied twice in this chat session why should some1 believe u if u blame me of blackmailing
its all u said bye and got off after i said u should sleep well and regain some energy for our trade.
And pls stop lying ur getting just more trouble
Reporting for spamming. Proof:
edit: His name on this account is Jenkec. I found his id from the opening posts in those threads.
Well, now I'm bummed. I thought I was doing a good job on the trading, and just got my first time being scammed. Lost out on Dota 2 as the initial part of a multi-part trade for Skyrim. I should have known, etc. Blinded by my want for the game, and found what seemed a realistic deal.
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:41789749
Previous Profile Link
Universal Profile Link
Current Profile Link
Aliases: Dark_Prince, Teh_Darkening_Prince
, Teh_Dark_Alex
, Teh_Prince_Of_Darkness
, MrExplainNow
I gave Dota 2 through trade. He claimed to send Skyrim to me as a gift. It didn't show. He made some noise about Gabe's fault, etc. I gave him my email. He claimed to send it as a gift through email. It didn't show. He complained about gabe newman(sic) some more. Then he unfriended and put me on ignore. He changed his profile name and his profile pic.
EDITED Here are screenshots. I'm going to put together a couple more.
Initial research seems to indicate he's a kid, 13-14. I will update.
Another scammer giving me exploited dead island keys!!!
this guy gave me 2 exploited dead island keys - his name is ohadas98
same as above: this is no proof at all and If you had read the rules, then you should know that Dead Islan keys are forbidden here.
1337 pocan: Овнид
Is offering to trade his MW3 for MW2 and another game. First he says it's another account not a tradable copy. So I say no, then he said he might have a gift copy and said to hang on. He comes back and says he does, so I'm like ok. Then he wants me to trade my MW3 and C&C3 to him then he will gift me the game. He has no kind of pos feedback at all, so I back out.
I can't find his steam profile since he is using a different name here from steam, but he is most likely trying to trade exploited Dead Island keys, for proof read his comment here: User in question is "Dexie" I mean, if not exploited why would anyone possibly give 3 DI keys?
I realize those are forbidden here anyway, so please do something about that guy.
As i said, i never talked to him, all i have is the thread.
Also, even if it is the fault of the users for getting his DI keys, if they are against the rules he deserves to be banned or am i misunderstanding something?
from my point of view: These Users must be banned as fast as possible and reported to Steam, but I'm not a Mod. - His Steam Profile - His Steam trades URL
steamID32: STEAM_0:1:37031502 - Initial Post - My Reply - Initial Trade - Giving me back one game and admitting to scamming
SS on steam AKA Reeker, AKA Roma Acorn on STEAM, ZE on SteamTrades is a scammer, just gave him CSS for nothing, because he did not gave what he offered.
I think its his account too, because of the late registration and the same profile picture as ZE here at steamtrades.
I would like to report a new scammer:
Video proof, chatting with him with my bros acc: (He denies trading with me - Sundesz - and having LA Noire, but on my trade history there is his profile name. My name has never changed, I was always Sundesz):
His Steam ID: - He is always changing his profile name and picture
His forum name: sterstarxs
I second this complain... no proof, except for my steam inventory trade history ... this guy ripped me off a copy of Terraria, and then changed his ID , blocked me off. Please add -ve reps for him on Steamrep He stole renegade ops and dungeon defenders for an offer of l4d2, i traded first because he had fake recognition on his steam page. His steam name as of 05/01/2012 is LALA so be careful of who you trade with
input interpreted as steamID64
Just scammed me out of my Modern Warfare 2. Signed off then blocked me right after. Also using a different account on Steamtrades then he is using on steam, cause he also deleted his offer from my post.
+1 The same guy as mine, hope he get what he deserves! And also with Deus Ex HR.
And please report him to Steam too, I already have.
Scammed me off Terraria : his ID was [Ledge]pLic [rep id:76561198008699189]
The steamrep website did not report anything , and I did not check this thread earlier :(
Reported violation on his profile.
Steamtrades: AdiDs
He offered Dota2 for my BC2 account (Origin) so i accepted it....i go first....and i was scammed.
This user has been permanently banned. The administrator will also try to review these accounts and check if they have multiple accounts by IP. Also, the $50 minimum account requirement that applies to SteamGifts also applies to SteamTrades. It's been a lot easier to find these accounts, obviously, when everyone started to take screenshots of their threads or supply their username in some other way. I can't find accounts via their SteamID yet.
It just sucks because some some of us actually paid for the items that were stolen. I most likely won't get my Modern Warfare 2 back or the money I paid for it with. Is there no way to get the steam ID that people sign in with? Or set the website to display what their steam ID is when you click on their name?
Reporting a scammer here. Goes by PliCZor!. SteamTrades username sterstarxs.
He said his game was giftable, and not tradable. I checked his inventory and it was true. He asked me to trade my game first, since i have no rep and he have some, and i did, he asked me if i wanted my game sent by email or acc, i answered he said ok and got away. He has also blocked me, so i cant talk to him. I know my game is lost for good. Just reporting so other people dont get scammed.
Please report him via Steam too, we already have. Above two or three replies, there are 2 other victims, Me and another user. So we are 3 now.
Already reported him via steam. Changed his name 5 times today.
5 January 2012 @ 4:32pm - PliCZor!
5 January 2012 @ 3:38pm - [W0eM]PlicS
5 January 2012 @ 2:27pm - Holy pliCs
5 January 2012 @ 11:28am - pLIC
5 January 2012 @ 10:01am - f0rzex-
yes this guy is also in my list:
He lied to me. I gave him two games. He promised to send after me. As soon as I handed him the game, he blocked me. proof -
Steam ID : pumacss12
Since SteamTrades shares the same database and information as SteamGifts, a ban from SteamGifts should also be a ban for SteamTrades. -- STEAM_0:1:5635655
Scammed me Worms Ultimate Mayhem
He delete me and block me.
im not the first scammed by this guy, i see late this thread...
well while looking at my scammers steam profile i found that he is friends with several other scammers i found on megarobots scammer list and they are giving themselves fake reps this is the scammers page: his scammer friends ( the ones i could find are ) :,, and many others. also the ones that are not on the list but have thanked the scammers are most likely scammers themselves. I hope this should help narrow down the search
A scammer, don't know if you guys already know him. But now I know him and I got to know him the hard way lool.
He is a known scammer, I am one of his victims, I think I was the first. Please report him to Steam, maybe we can make him pay for that, at least with a ban. Now we are 5.
His ID:
More proofs:
sterstarxs is probably another steamtrades username of him
Take care.
Just got Alien Breed 3 Stolen from me. Offered Portal 2 that was gift only. After I traded he went offline and blocked me.
It seemed believable because of the +1s on his account.
SteamTrades ID:
Great thread. Here's one that scammed me over the holidays. I reported him to STEAM but this looks like a good place too.
Steam Name:
Steam URL:
Steam ID:
He traded me a guest pass of Killing Floor rather than the full game for Nuclear Dawn.
It seems he has been trying to scam people will Guest Passes before. Once someone calls him out for it he just starts a new thread so no one is aware of it.
Here's a link to some screenshots:
DustInTheWind - deceiver, don't believe him!!!
StOrexXx now
Killing Floor Gift
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:41773418
Steam ID 64: 76561198043812564
Stole Borderlands GOTY
I gave him L4D2, he wrote that he scammer and disconnected.
steamID: STEAM_0:1:32986822
steamID64: 76561198026239373
name: ohadas98
He said that he has only giftable Dota 2 and he don't want to go first, he was deleting every topic in which I said that he is a scammer.
This guy (OhadAs98) is a scammer. Tried to trade me a CSS guest pass. He would have taken my Terraria since I offered to go first and gift it to him since it wasn't tradeable and he already had it. So he asked for my L4D1 and I said fine. Good thing I always check their stuff before completing the transaction though. Claimed he was the one that got scammed but I noticed a guy posting multiple times that he was a scammer in his profile. He most likely erased them by now.
Here's a screenshot of the chat log
As you can see I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt at first. First time trying to get scammed so I wasn't expecting it obviously.
Another observation the guy obviously deletes any negative comments from his profile but he has a sizable list of positive rep. Obviously most of its faked so this just serves to underscore how worthless that is to determine if someone is reliable or not.
Got scamed from this guy here are the detals abouth him.He scamed me over Dota 2 for Oblivion deluxe
CSGO scammer
steamID STEAM_0:1:44379500
steamID64 76561198049024729
name Epicness
Thanks, I will try to find his SG/ST account. Did you happen to know his site username?
just see this thread
a guy named Brinko54 continously makes offensive posts in my topic. steam profile:
he even added me just to blame me for lying (?). have screenshot proof about conversation if needed.
I saw that, actually. He was correcting you that your DotA 2 offer was not the "FULL" game that you were claiming, but it was a the BETA of the game. It will be F2P upon release. Please do not misrepresent your offers and do not delete this post or I will have to suspend you for trying to wrongly report another member.
Well, just had further proof that sterstars is a proven scammer.
[HIS PROFILE - Look at the fake rep by the known scammers.]
This guy is one dumb scammer indeed.
The yellow part means that, I already own the Deus Ex HR. There is no way of sending it to me as a gift. If it's a legit trade. He would have highlighted this to me.
The red part means that, first he said he bought the game. When I asked him if he bought the game, why can't he trade it, he kept going around in circles.
And lastly, the usual scammer excuse of not going first - HE HAS BEEN SCAMMED MANY TIMES.
What a dumb ass.
This is same guy as the one who tried to scam me read my report. He is now trade banned btw.
The scammer, named [Ledge]pLic
He took my Grid and don`t give anything back.
His profile
Sorry for what you have lost and Thanks a lot for your report, make sure that you saved me, was about to deal with him until someone came and warned me about me based on your report.
Cheers to you and to that guy who warned me, Wish he read my reply though cause I don't remember his name.
be careful next time buddy, how about gmod ? still get trouble when unpacking it ?
Coklat :D
This is same guy as the one who tried to scam me read my report. He is now trade banned btw.
steamID: plica
steamID32: STEAM_0:1:24216730
His "Main"
steamID: Stupidu
steamID32: STEAM_0:0:30847135
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
The account he contacted me with was trade banned and had around 8 comments of rep within the last few days. When I say in chat "So you are saying you repped this account from the other one you control?" I had noticed that the last rep on his "Friends account" was on January 9th (less than a day ago) from "his" account which he said was his actual one. It said something along the lines of "good fair trader very trustworthy +rep". He has since privated his profile on the one he tried to scam me on. The account he contacted me on only had one of the battlefield games (I think it was bfbc2 didnt pay that much attention to which games they exactly were) on it and the one he linked me to only has mw2 and dead island. Therefore do not believe it to be his actual account.
3 people above me reported him as well and he is now trade banned because of him scamming them too. Also his steamgifts account is Found by other user above me. You can see in my chat where he says he doesnt have one.
Don`t u know is it possible to get back my Game?
I am write in Steam support...bud i think there is will be no result...
Try steam support. Since you have evidence and he is already trade banned for what hes been doing Id say you might have a shot at them granting you your game back. Link them to this thread and send them copys of him trying to scam the rest of us too.
They take a while usually so give it time. Before when I had to contact them took 2 - 3 days between responses to questions and info given to them. I had a couple tf2 items destroyed in trade because their item server for the game was unstable. Though you might get faster response for this sort of thing than just returning items destroyed. Good luck.
he stolen games this kid... report
Reporting possible scammer. I have reason toe believe he is the same guy who contacted me earlier.
steamID: ImMissPiggy
steamID32: STEAM_0:1:32940616
steamID: A4ex
steamID32: STEAM_0:0:47970963
steamID32: STEAM_0:0:47963621
steamID: bTy.Classico
steamID32: STEAM_0:1:34040146
This is the screenshot of the two nearly worthless hats he was offering me for my game and me showing him i know they arent worth hardly anything and have a bunch already.
"His" Profile
"His" profile which he later tried to say was "his friends"
Nothing was said from him about the bTy.Classico account but it was friends with the non set up account even though the guy who contacted me wasnt at first and the profile is not set up. But was also friends with Piggy. In other words I believe it to be yet another alt.
I also found a post in the forums with someone saying "ImMissPiggy" stole a humble bundle key.
Screenshot of that
Bumping threads consistently:
user: noamab22
steamgifts profile
Reporting a spammer here: (fecrAnze)
This site has a serious problem with spammers
Also reporting a possible scammer: jkhwarazmi (
His main acount is:
When i told him he had 0 games on his account he invented a story about not being able to use his main account. AFter i told him i wouldn't give him the key first he blocked me so he probably wanted to scam. Just a heads-up for people.
What a fucking scammer noob, i gifted him dota 2 and he was soppoused to give me Serious Sam 3.
I gifted him the game and then he says "its fake dont scam me" and right after he removes me from his friend list and make his profile private and blocks me.. what a fag...
first pic:,nykDc#0
second pic:,nykDc#1
report him to valve as long as u can.. damn what a noob..
edit: there is his steam trades ID.
this fella is trying to sell his damn steam account which is clearly against the SSA:
Eventually, cg will create a better system for handling these aspects of SteamTrades, such as a Support Forum, but for now, I hope that members can read this list to look up reputation.
MegaRobots Scammer Blacklist - list collected by MegaRobot