Eventually, cg will create a better system for handling these aspects of SteamTrades, such as a Support Forum, but for now, I hope that members can read this list to look up reputation.

  • Do not post entire logs in comment. Please use Pastebin or take screenshots and upload to an image hosting site, preferably Imgur. Otherwise, your comment will be ignored and possibly removed.
  • Keep your post straight to the point and supply us with necessary information.
  • Please keep this thread civilized.
  • If possible, please also give their SteamTrades/SteamGifts account. Also, please comment with their SteamID, not their custom profile name.
  • You can use http://steamidconverter.com/ to get all necessary information faster.

MegaRobots Scammer Blacklist - list collected by MegaRobot

1 decade ago*

Well buddys, we have an Scammer

This is his steam profile... http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198027497672

Some Photos: http://i.imgur.com/y2nax.jpg http://i.imgur.com/LmxkW.jpg

So, Have a nice day dudes ;) ... Don't be scammed by this noob (:

1 decade ago

Do you know his SteamTrades' username?

1 decade ago

he tried scammed me, he wanted my hawx and arcania and offered CoD:MW3 and he wanted my games first (His game was nontradable). It was suspicious so i don't trade with him.

1 decade ago

How to Trade - the safe way* (work in progress):

  • Do not go first, unless the guy has lot of +rep

  • Do not accept keys unless u got them first and can test them

  • accept non tradable gifts only if u get them first

  • check if the User has Games in his acc. that are more than 50$ worth, else: it could be a fake accound

  • check his name history, maybe he changed his name lot of time in the past days or hours

  • check his friends and how long they are friends. Example: he got only friends since december = indicatior of a scammer

  • scammers likely try to involve you in a long conversation until you will give up and just trade in order that everything will be fine

    - be aware of Guest passes, click on the item that is offered to you and read the description!

  • check his steamgifts accound - Example:

  • http://www.steamtrades.com/user/lokonopa

  • change the "trades.com" to "gifts.com"

  • http://www.steamgifts.com/user/lokonopa

  • Registered: 6 months ago = good indicator

  • Registered: 1 day ago = bad indicator

  • check his steam accound comments, sometime scammers create fake accounds and comment them self or they ask friends to comment.

  • record your trading session with a screen recorder programm like camtasia studio or some freeware (dont know if fraps can record desktop)

please comment with your ideas and experiences.


*note that everything is based on my personal experience. You do not have to follow these instructions, but I highly recomend since there a lot of scammers...

☠ - ☠ - ☠ - ☠ - ☠ - ☠ - ☠ - ☠ - ☠ - ☠ - ☠ - ☠ - ☠ - ☠ - ☠ - ☠ - ☠ - ☠ - ☠


MegaRobot's Scammer Blacklist (Daily updates):

Now here: http://www.steamtrades.com/trade/Cx4It/megarobots-scammer-blacklist-unofficial-reporting-thread


☠ - ☠ - ☠ - ☠ - ☠ - ☠ - ☠ - ☠ - ☠ - ☠ - ☠ - ☠ - ☠ - ☠ - ☠ - ☠ - ☠ - ☠ - ☠

1 decade ago

If nobody goes first then you can never trade for giftable games...

1 decade ago

I traded with lot of guys and they went first. Its because I have a good reputation. But this is also the "safe way".

1 decade ago



1 decade ago

Those tips don't warranty you not getting scammed

Unique and successful tip:

Keys go first ever

And they can even be exploited or illegal keys

Disclaimer: Giving your games first is at your own risk and SteamTrades.com can't get back your lost games

1 decade ago

Nice one megarobot. You forget, however, that certain scammers prey on those with keys, asking them to go first. So saying keys go first would be a good rule for people without any reputation in trading (and even that is easy to get these days sigh) Keys will always be a highly risky form of trading, so someone will have to take a leap of faith at some point.

Personally, I feel the person trading the key is at more risk (assuming he has a legit key) than the person that is going to receive it, because a lot can happen once the key is given: the person can take the key and log off (very common); the person can claim the key didn't work (i.e. it is a duplicate) and even accuse you of trying to cheat him, but keep the key and at a later time (after you say your bye's) activate it, etc. Then again, if the key trader is not legit then all the risks of gifting first for a key are very true and hold true.

1 decade ago

very nice btw. this is pretty much similar to what I wrote when the site was first formed to help people against scammers (yes there were scammers before the winter achievements dropped a whole lot of good'uns and bad'uns). However, I like the way you check the steamtrades user id, quite a simple but smart way (why didn't I think of that lol :D)

1 decade ago

thank you for your feedback. Yes i know that trading / accepting Keys is always very risky. But since Keys are forbidden here to trade its the fault of the User that think they make a good deal. I will rewrite everything including that trading with Keys should be avoided bcs the risk of getting scammed is just too high (its better to buy it from a trusted keyshop).

1 decade ago

Just a correction: trading for keys are not forbidden here; only trading for keys that are considered exploited (unless that changed since last night). Some of the ones considered exploited are given in the rules page but from the top of my mind: dead island, eets and dirt 3.

1 decade ago

ah yeah sorry, you are right. But a proove of purchase (from my point of view) is a must if you want to offer a Cd-key, bcs you always get a "sales receipt" from any online keyshop.

1 decade ago

hey would you mind if I used some of your methods (actually just one- the username checking method) on a guide I am preparing myself?

1 decade ago

no problem, I'm glad that someone else want to make this site better. Feel free to use what you want :)

1 decade ago

Just got scammed out of a copy of Day of Defeat: Source by http://steamcommunity.com/id/Farklymee/ (username here is Rasl)

He offered DOTA2 for DOD:S and Dungeon Defenders. DOTA2 was a gift on another account he linked. I traded DOD:S first and he changed accounts to send me DOTA2. The link in the email didn't work and when I questioned it, he deleted and blocked me. On closer inspection, the gift email is an obvious fake.

He also deleted his offer from my trade post after he deleted me.




1 decade ago

There are two thread telling Rasl is scammer also in this thread i wrote many posts about him. If you still get scammed by him then this is your mistake. What can i do more? All day i'm writing he is scammer but peoples still keep trading with him...

1 decade ago

Well don't I feel like an idiot. I never bothered to search for his name on the forums.

1 decade ago

i think he changed his name now

1 decade ago

he have many accounts.

1 decade ago

This guy here Rembrandt,is not serious,in the middle of the trade he leav and not answering for 30MIN,when he cam back he tell my to he go to hel his mom,i say OK so lets trade and he say that he do not want to trade,fist he left whit out of msg to he goeing AFK,second 30min afther that he tell my that he do not want to trade , OFC:Before he leav he want to trade,this is not serious behavior,and hi not deserves his place in this community!


1 decade ago

I went afk to help my mom with something important and came back to see this guy has posted on my profile and on my post about being a bad trader so i was ticked off and declined to trade with him. I would've been fine with trading with him had he not had gone overboard and went and commented everywhere.

1 decade ago

Yes man you leav for 30MIN whit out telling my. . .that not serious,if you think that is it,then you do not deserv your place here.

1 decade ago

Also you should realize i went afk literally right after you went afk and thought i would be back right after you would be done getting the proof of your gift, but it took longer than i thought and i came back and saw that he commented everywhere and ticked me off.

1 decade ago

Had he not commented everywhere i would've did the original trade and i would've gave him some coal and coupons extra for his troubles but no he had to comment on my profile and thread and make me mad.

1 decade ago

This guy is a scammer


1 decade ago

Thank you for posting this Kove, i'm glad i didn't do the trade now because he did have a giftable only copy of Portal 2 and he did want me to go first.

1 decade ago

Hey Diaz. I understand your frustration, but a lot of people have stuff going on in their lives and can't be as dedicated as you are in front of their computers. From what I can tell, Rembrandt went afk without telling you- sure that may be rude (though this may differ based on cultural backgrounds), however there was no scam involved (unless by "middle of a trade" you mean you sent him something and he didn't return it after he changed his mind when he came back). All that happened was you negotiated and he went afk and upon return cancelled the trade (think of it as you negotiated but could not agree to the trade if it makes you fell better).

I know it feels bad you couldn't trade (particularly if it was a good trade or for a game you really wanted) and Rembrandt may be at fault for being a rude, selfish person and/or without good trading etiquette (not saying he is as I do not know him but you may think so based on your experience with him), but this thread is for violation of the site rules and scamming reports and there doesn't seem to be any here. Please don't turn the thread into rants.

1 decade ago

Post above yours

1 decade ago

No we had not done any trade yet, he went to take a screenshot for proof of the game and while he was doing that my mom yelled at me so i had to help her with something.

1 decade ago

I was not go AFK,you ask my for Prof of Portal II i was jast uploding an img 30-40SEC,that it.

1 decade ago

You were gone for a good couple of minutes,

1 decade ago

LOOL For take a screenshot and uplaod it i do not need couple of minutes,max 1MIN

1 decade ago

just for the sake of it ,please forbid charity indie bundles :(

1 decade ago

Hello guys. Some guy named snirking33 did create the topic "[H] CSS [W] Offer". I thought it wasn't a GUEST PASS, but made mistake. We exchanged and later I noted that it is a guest pass and "2 days left for play". So now he ignores me. The trade on this site was closed.

His steam profile is http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198043829128

Proof screen is situated here -> http://i.imgur.com/oDLy8.jpg

what should I do?

1 decade ago

First and foremost you need to send a report to steam and show them the screen shot as well, if you haven't already done it.

1 decade ago

where should I write?

1 decade ago

Sorry, I've been trying to keep up with the amount of PMs, tickets, and this thread.

1 decade ago


He just got scammed out 60 coals and didn't send me Valve complete pack. He said that he had it as a gift and that it was on another acc, so he needed to move acc. Also he invited to chat his "friend", who told me that he was trustable trader.
So he got offline, i thought that he moved acc, but he just deleted me from friends and blocked communications.

Here is his steam account: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198027497672

P.S. he deleted his tread after he scammed me, so i don't remember his nickname on steamtrades

1 decade ago


1 decade ago

This user is now banned, thanks.

1 decade ago

bad trader stole my items
don't tade with him

1 decade ago


Do you have some evidence?

know his SteamTrades' username?

1 decade ago

Brightside scummer!!!

Brightside: hello
LightDy: hi!
Brightside: you have dota?
LightDy: yes
Brightside: tradable?
LightDy: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198054217474/inventory/#753_1_1083347170436879173
LightDy: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198054217474/inventory/#753_1_1604638557913939472
LightDy: 2 x Dota 2 Hardware Survey:)
Brightside: are they tradable?
LightDy: No:( 20 January
Brightside: :/
Brightside: well, anyway...
LightDy: I can send gift for steam acc
Brightside: do you see something in my inventory that you might like for one?
LightDy: second
Brightside: sure
LightDy: Ghostbusters: The Videogame + magicka collection + shogun 2 , go ?
Brightside: oh my
Brightside: thats a bit much man
LightDy: Ghostbusters: The Videogame + magicka collection
Brightside: that goes
Brightside: can do
LightDy: ok?
Brightside: yes
Brightside: well the ghostbusters arent tradable though
LightDy: and Hydrophobia: Prophecy plz:) I send first?
Brightside: umm
Brightside: i suppose that wont kill me..
Brightside: but u need to sent it on email, since i have dota 2 activated
Brightside: send*
LightDy: ok , you send me first gift, and i send you dota 2 , and you send me second gift
LightDy: ok?
Brightside: umm
Brightside: idk idk
Brightside: what you want me to send first?
LightDy: Comments about me is, do not cheat. I think you too:) Sorry for my english, im from Russia
Brightside: well never can be sure man
LightDy: want you to sent at least one first to start a Gift
Brightside: i might send one first prolly
LightDy: yes
Brightside: what you want me to send first?
LightDy: magicka, example
Brightside: no
LightDy: ghostbuster
Brightside: magicka is tradable, ill trade magicka
LightDy: ok
Brightside: ok im sending ghostbusters
Brightside: ok?
LightDy: ok
Brightside: sent
LightDy: ok, you email?
Brightside: dan.altman.28@gmail.com
LightDy: i send you
Brightside: got it
Brightside не ответил на предложение обмена.
Brightside: do you mind if i go to secondary account and activate it?7
Brightside: emails may be tricky
Brightside: ill be back in 2 minutes
LightDy: no problem
Brightside сейчас Отключен от сети.
Brightside не подключен к сети, сообщение не может быть отправлено.

1 decade ago

please use pastebin. pasting it here messes up the formatting.

1 decade ago

I'm writing again because probably peoples can't see my reply in page 1.

Rasl again created another account now and using http://steamcommunity.com/id/Myfam31/ profile url. (Same steam account he just changed community id)

His new account: JobStyle


1 decade ago

Another report on Xermes (alias Volki), using a different Steam Account I believe and sending a forwarded email as a legit steam gift. was going to trade HL2 + Orange Box for DOTA 2, thank god i only gave him HL2 first. After I called him out on who he truly was he signed off. I believe he is not posting but instead scanning posts for games he likes, adding you, then saying all his games are gifts in order for you to send first. EVERYONE LOOK THE FUCK OUT!!

conversation: http://zhost.tk/u/65/xermes.png

fake email: http://zhost.tk/u/zc/xermes2.png

steam profile and aliases: http://zhost.tk/u/dj/xermes1.png

custom URL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/icecoldcilla3

steam ID: STEAM_0:0:31550537

Steam ID: 76561198023366802

1 decade ago

sorry i cant give his user profile here. look out for the matching picture from this profile please!

1 decade ago

Thanks, this user has now been banned. I apologize for the wait.

1 decade ago

Last known name: sssnakepit. Also was on steamtrades as such(Is currently amilegend). He commented on my trade thread that he offered 3x the ship complete, half-life 2: episode 2. I accepted his offer, gifted first since I used a giftable version of dota 2, then went to trade. The copies he had were 2 packs, a step below. I pointed this out, and he argued with me over it. After some back and forth, he led me to someone else, who he had apparently tried trading with as well. I talked with him some more, and he ran off while I was talking. Would have been nice to at least get a partial payment than a goose egg. It happens though. He needs to be banned from this forum due to scamming.

Minor addition: He also apparently deleted his thread comments while we were attempting to trade.

One more addition: I forgot to add the pastebin of the chatlog involved in this: http://pastebin.com/HmfMNSbS My apologies.

Another name on steamtrades: amilegend. Letting you know mod so he doesn't sneak in further trades until he resolves his issues with me.






Double spaced for clarity up there.

1 decade ago


I want to report a member,i dont know his name but i have his steamname,steamprofile,and screenshots

SS: http://i.imgur.com/pkFp3.png

Steam id:STEAM_0:0:43375841



profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Nickkss

1 decade ago

Ok here is a list of threads and users that have made posts against the rules.

Rule Violation: Do not attempt to trade what we consider exploited CD-keys (Serious Sam: Double D, Dead Island, Bulletstorm, Homefront Shotgun DLC, AI War, Portal 2, Dirt 3, Dark Messiah of Might & Magic Multiplayer, Eets, etc).

Username: mcwillzz

Username: viperziv

Username: lolipop6600

Username: TheKasele

Username: denisp2

Username: OhadAs98

Username: kebralt

http://www.steamtrades.com/trade/y2OvA/hwitcher2dead-islandsteam-keyportal2below-wbatmanac-assass-creed-revel-battlefield3-b2k Username: DMFlop

Username: MaxFd

Username: astupiddvdcase

Username: silk8884

Username: sNk

Username: DonJuan

Rule Violation: Only post one thread regarding your offer, no duplicate threads.

(note these are only from the users I reported above posting the dead island keys- there may be more double threads)

Username: MaxFD

Username: TheKasele

http://www.steamtrades.com/trade/6kVgw/have-dead-island-100-epic-want-games and
Username denisp2 (triple thread for DI keys)

Username: mcwillzz

Rule Violation: Do not attempt to trade Steam or online game accounts (EVE, RIFT, etc). Zero tolerance.

Username: MoiGex. He seems to have traded with mcwillzz (one of the dead island traders above) but I can't be sure as no explicit mention of a trade conducted has been made.

Edit: Update on two of the key traders:
Username: silk8884 and
Username: sNk
seem to have deleted their threads after I posted my message stating that trading for keys is against the site rules.

1 decade ago

Some repeat offenders of the Dead Island Keys:

User: mcwillzz (multiple offenses, deletes thread and then reposts, especially after I make a post warning that DI keys are not allowed to be traded based on the rules and he previously apologized here saying he didn't know and wouldn't repeat the offense but there it is...)

user:denisp2 (this user has had a scam report against him- claimed to have proof of payment and 2 keys for trade, both keys didn't work, offered 6 more keys... also this is his 3rd post for DI that I have seen so far and I informed hşm before about the key issue- see above)


username: OhadAs98

New Offenders

username: MalwareGFX1337 (also in violation of multiple threads- about 3 of them: http://www.steamtrades.com/trade/MXu49/hdead-island-keys-w-games

username: homigura

username: LGxPanda

username: eyal98

username: InJ3cTiOn

Username: kebapf

username: JohnyRrR

1 decade ago

Dont trust this guy - nick Nickcd. Traded with him, he gave me a duplicated MW3 Key, after that just blocked me. Also fakes his identity stating that he is some respected trader. Offers various fake keys,seen him all around the forum.
http://steamcommunity.com/id/Nick***(last 3 letters he change)

1 decade ago

Go to his steam profile (the current one) and post his steam profile link here. what you have faced is a key scam. When trading for keys, check the steam and steamgifts profile of the users (found by changing the "trades" part of http://www.steamtrades.com/user/4e6ypok to "gifts", i.e. http://www.steamgifts.com/user/4e6ypok) [thanks to MegaRobot for this method :)]. If the steamgifts profile is new or if the steam profile has very few games, then be very weary of the user and ask for them to go first in the trade when trading for keys.

1 decade ago

Is this guy!? he tried to scam me too!


1 decade ago

Posting this here just in case the scammer delete his post



1 decade ago

I sure hope he does. It is cluttering up the report thread.

1 decade ago


1 decade ago


he scammed me to ..

1 decade ago

Well, it seems cluttered, but I simply jump from parent topic to parent. It's not so bad, it's just going through all the supplied evidence making the case against the user and most of the time finding the account on here to ban. Since commenting refreshes the page, I haven't been commenting in an attempt to streamline this process.

1 decade ago

warlock _ - SCAMMED ME
We were going to gift games each other because they were untreadable, so i gifted first Red River, after that he said he's going to shop for 10 minutes. After that he removed me form friends and i never get my game back !!!

1 decade ago

he's still trying to scam more people

trying to give froozi some rep, probably his friend in trying to scam people

1 decade ago

He scamed me to, i offer him 40 coal for shogun , he says it not tardeble and then hi disapear :|

1 decade ago

I got Scammed by VarietyCZ he is already banned here but be aware,this guy keeps changing his steam name,Better block him guys.



1 decade ago

alternative names --




Your Mom






(cz) sweetmotherofgod

1 decade ago

Name Changed - January 3rd, 2012 @ 2:54am - Brightside

Name Changed - January 3rd, 2012 @ 2:52am - VarietyCZ

Name Changed - January 3rd, 2012 @ 2:50am - WickedWill

Name Changed - January 2nd, 2012 @ 10:07pm - sweetmotherofgod

Name Changed - January 2nd, 2012 @ 3:31pm - Will

Name Changed - January 2nd, 2012 @ 2:34pm - Your Mom

Name Changed - January 2nd, 2012 @ 2:28pm - Sweet

Name Changed - January 1st, 2012 @ 11:47pm - Preacherman

Name Changed - December 25th, 2011 @ 6:07pm - variety

Name Changed - December 14th, 2011 @ 12:41pm - (cz) sweetmotherofgod

1 decade ago


Forces to send stuff first. tries to "sell" Dota 2 but its not in his account. I have a screenshot about our conversation if needed.



1 decade ago

Yep he is a scammer,tried the same thing with my friend

1 decade ago

This guy isn't my friend, i just traded with him, the trade was SMOOTH.

1 decade ago

Hello there, why should i gift you dota2 first?
what an idiot lier :O
Ya'll don't have a proof that i scammed someone :)

1 decade ago

Someone scammed me by giving me a killing floor guest pass (22days) for OrangeBox gift http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197977942789

1 decade ago*

Hey... I've been just scammed of my Deus Ex Human Revolution... I am so mad... ARGH...
I wanted to trade my Deus Ex HR for MW3 key... I thought i can trust him, he even gave me screen of box with MW3...
It's his profile http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198032991108
Here is that pic: http://www12.speedyshare.com/file/Ut7KE/download/2.jpg
I gave him first my Deus Ex copy... Then he gave me wrong code... Yeah, i know it's also my fault. I shouldn't trust him... But if anybody alse will got offer from him, DON'T TRADE WITH HIM

His main accout where he was banned http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197962030803

1 decade ago

was you deus ex a key as well?

1 decade ago

Just got scammed out of The Ship... out of all things. We were going to trade The Ship and Men of War: Assault Squad for his Valve Complete. His Steam name is Gregory, and his url is: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198012717782/

I have screenshots and a witness who can back this all up.

1 decade ago

I forgot his nickname, but he scammed me for dota 2, l4d2 and trials 2 gifts. I'm SAD. do not trust him.

1 decade ago

traded few mins ago with this guy


he used this account to trade


i gave him 3 games and one guest pass for portal 2, after i gave him the witcher EE as gift from my other account, i get my main account blocked by valve for suspicious activity, i want to trust him, but guys keep an eye on it.

now i am able to login to my main account, i don't know why it gave me such advice like "you are a fraudolent one" or somewhat like.
i hope i don't get scammed or whatever lol.

1 decade ago

I have had many successful trades with no issues. I haven't gained any of my games or coals through any means other than legit trades or through achievements for games I already owned. Both of my accounts are old not freshly created also.

1 decade ago

i am apologizing, seems something went wrong according to valve, but is not your fault at all.

1 decade ago

Good to hear :)

1 decade ago

then delete the post plz? if you are not reporting anything don't clutter up the report page. there is only 1 mod so let's not make his life more complicated, eh?

1 decade ago

Sadly, have to add this report for a breach in trading etiquette...


He has a thread up on the forum asking for portal 1, l4d1, and other games, and is offering other games for it. I responded to his offer to see if we could come to an arrangement, as detailed in the chatlog given below. It didn't end well. He is welcome to keep his copy of portal, but it would be helpful if someone else took him in under their wing, and gave him some tips about how to trade properly, and to not insult other traders. I'm personally rather offended that after giving him a reasonable offer(of things he asked for), he wants me to gift first, when he has lower rep. It makes my head hurt. And calling me a scammer to boot just doesn't sit right. mutters Enough rambling. If i'm wrong, please tell me so.


<-- The thread I mentioned.

^ He's also apparently using double threads for the same thing, to get more bumps. Okay, maybe he should get at least a temporary boot.

1 decade ago

any proove ?

1 decade ago

did not make a screenshot (

1 decade ago


1 decade ago

Reporting scammers here:

Username: Opratist •CommunityID: 76561197982490826 •Custom URL: proxvision •SteamID: STEAM_0:0:11112549 •Status: Online •Steam member since: 2006-05-06

This guy stole me my cyan complete pack after promising me the valve complete pack
i went first. he had 2 fake rep.
i strongly suspect his friend and few other :

1 decade ago

Yeah, he is friends with the previous guy (who I reported). They are all scammers.

1 decade ago


yes !and they come on my tread too make ma scammer..

1 decade ago

let's do a mass report and ban them all

1 decade ago


he is deleting all his post right now

mods do something pls

1 decade ago

Hello, insomniac91. Thanks for linking his user account, he's been banned.

1 decade ago

You trade for dead island keys sNk. Trading for keys is a violation of the site rules...

1 decade ago

i think moderatores or sleeping or just ignore this threade....

1 decade ago



1 decade ago


1 decade ago

You can report here:

MegaRobot's SCAMMER BLACKLIST - Unofficial Reporting Thread

Thanks for your help!

1 decade ago

bumping beucase i wanna know why people are putting mine name in there when i never scammed anyone

why i am there i never scamed anyone? i added him because he wanted to trade with me why are you saying i am a scammer i never scammed anyone and alyways send my games first when they whore nom tradble

1 decade ago

haven't seen your name here... can you provide the post? (username and time and page it is located on should be enough?)

1 decade ago

You are just unlucky to be on that guys friend list. I'd remove him if I were you :P

1 decade ago

well ive just got scammed guys so look out this guy keep changing his name now he is been called Nisim Elmakayas
this is the user's profile http://steamcommunity.com/id/ProxVision so look out people i hope u will keep bumping it to help others

1 decade ago

same guy who scammed me!!!!!!!!

1 decade ago

Username: Opratist •CommunityID: 76561197982490826 •Custom URL: proxvision •SteamID: STEAM_0:0:11112549 •Status: Online •Steam member since: 2006-05-06

1 decade ago

This user has been banned.

1 decade ago

MegaRobot, pleae look into this topic again, and if you can delete my steam id from the list.

There's like no proof that I've ever scammed someone, you took the list from Revenge's friends and yesterday I traded with him via Steam Trade(maybe he scammed others but I really don't know) I can give you 1000 people that will say they already traded with me few times and I never scammed someone.

1 decade ago

This guy scammed me too.

1 decade ago

http://www.steamgifts.com/user/VarietyCZ this is his steamgifts and steamtrades account,but he is already banned

1 decade ago

Name Changed - January 3rd, 2012 @ 2:54am - Brightside

Name Changed - January 3rd, 2012 @ 2:52am - VarietyCZ

Name Changed - January 3rd, 2012 @ 2:50am - WickedWill

Name Changed - January 2nd, 2012 @ 10:07pm - sweetmotherofgod

Name Changed - January 2nd, 2012 @ 3:31pm - Will

Name Changed - January 2nd, 2012 @ 2:34pm - Your Mom

Name Changed - January 2nd, 2012 @ 2:28pm - Sweet

Name Changed - January 1st, 2012 @ 11:47pm - Preacherman

Name Changed - December 25th, 2011 @ 6:07pm - variety

Name Changed - December 14th, 2011 @ 12:41pm - (cz) sweetmotherofgod

1 decade ago

He did the same trick with me,i traded with him my dota 2.He sent first Torchlight,then i traded with him Dota 2,and then he should sent me Two Worlds 2 but he never did,he deleted me and blocked me.He said that he have principles,and he won't scam me but he did.

1 decade ago

VarietyCZ was banned months ago. I will make a note for the admin to check for alts.

1 decade ago


1 decade ago

http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198016825448/ - http://steamrep.com/index.php?id=76561198016825448

Our deal: Saints row 3 key for Dota2 and LA Noire. But then i would add something to my part. I promised him a 50 euro game just not now, but in a lil bit days/weeks. Told him to man up, told him that he had to take the risk and he would be rewarded. He didnt want to take the jump. So he asked for dungeon defenders DLC. I said its cool son, its cool. I get whatever u want.

So he gifted my friend DotA2, he received and activated it. I provided him with a key that wasnt very clear from the image, could be a 2 could be a Z, u know the drill. (He could have tried combinations himself) I told him, in a quiet Morgan Freeman tone; that everything will be alright. That i will contact the support from where i got the key and ask for assistance. And if that goes wrong that i would simply gift him the game through steam.

Dude kinda went beserk, saying stuff like: u have 10 mins or else im calling the cops (Or well,'reporting' me). My response was pretty deadly; "If i wanted to scam u, i wouldve deleted u by....dont u think?" Basicly told this father of a 16 month old to man the fuck up and that everything would work out in the end. He finally calmed down....about a hour later it was all sorted. He had Saints row 3 on his account and it was all good.

Now we got to the second part of our trade, the DLC for LA Noire, no this is not a seperate trade. I still had to buy the DLC but i thought he would gift me the game first. (Since i would get the dlc from boris who lives in a dungeon in moscow for a cheap price). He said no, he wanted to trade at the same time. I said its all good hombre. And proceeded my way to the kitchen where i was making a sandwich. On my return i noticed mr "venom" aka Michael Lewis being offline. Could not find him on my steam. The conversation window was still open so i simply checked his profile through there. He was online, on his profile it said the following, nasty, message: This user is ignoring you, so you may not add comments to their profile.

Oh no he didnt. True our trade didnt go smoothly, but i spoke to him throughout of the process and assured him plenty of times that everything would be online. Where as he, did the nasty block/ignore/delete tactic.

despite the positive comments on his profile, i do believe blocking someone in the sceneratio i described is EXTREMELY low. And not trustworthy.

In the end who gave Dota2 and received Saints row 3, and it wasnt our deal. So dude scammed and should be banned.

1 decade ago

Dude changed his profile to "friends only"

gg, game set and match vicdawg.

1 decade ago

So he gifted my friend DotA2, he received and activated it. I provided him with a key that wasnt very clear from the image, could be a 2 could be a Z, u know the drill. (He could have tried combinations himself) I told him, in a quiet Morgan Freeman tone; that everything will be alright. That i will contact the support from where i got the key and ask for assistance. And if that goes wrong that i would simply gift him the game through steam.
Dude kinda went beserk, saying stuff like: u have 10 mins or else im calling the cops (Or well,'reporting' me). My response was pretty deadly; "If i wanted to scam u, i wouldve deleted u by....dont u think?" Basicly told this father of a 16 month old to man the fuck up and that everything would work out in the end. He finally calmed down....about a hour later it was all sorted. He had Saints row 3 on his account and it was all good.

to me that was the deal at the end of the day u friend ativated the game and i activated mine i was fed up with all the bull shit u was giving me but nice little story

1 decade ago

fed up with what bullshit? That the image wasnt crystal clear? I walk u through every step i made. And u know what? U could have said u were done with it after u had gotten a game. Atleast i would have seen u as a man. Instead of this sneaky delete/ignore.

In the end, we didnt finish our trade. Who actually won? U. Since u received Saints row 3 for a Dota. U deleted me, u ignored me. U scammed me. So ya, either finish the trade or get banned imho.

1 decade ago

i scammed u mm where did u get the key from ? from a russian site for half the price maybe ? so lets see dota 2 these days going for around $15-20 yea saints row 3 cd RUSSIAN key average well lets show some links is it


http://www.g2play.net/store/Saints-Row/ = £13.35 which from XE.COM = 13.35 GBP = 20.8968 USD


http://cdkeyshere.com/saints-row-the-third-cd-key.html = $23.99

so there u go fair is fair im not a scammer i have done lots of trades and got rep for it 2

1 decade ago

Steamtrades: Hippy

Steam: Hippyrock (Ep.)

He ignores me on steam, few days ago he scammed me and took my portal 2 gift -.-

Good for me that he was soo stupid and he didnt changed his avatar, so i found that fucker.

He created new thread - http://www.steamtrades.com/trade/beJgs/hcounter-strikesource-wgames

Hahaha, this fucker deleted his thread when i writed in it "I remember you scammer -.-"
Ok, steam report sent....i hope you will ban this mofo from this forum.

1 decade ago

i cant believe after wat happend in school you reporting me for free.
i just kicked your ass and you trying to get me disabled GOODDD JOOBBBB .
i deleted the thread because i already sold the CS:S now i have extra copy that im saving for me.

1 decade ago

yep you also deleted your post in some guys thread when i replied to you and said you are scammer ^^

"Happened in school"??? wtf are u talking about nub?


Cool story bro.

1 decade ago

now youre even saying were not in same school?!
sure bro.
i deleted my post because im not intrested :)
@Edit, im sure you can do more for making me disabled

1 decade ago

btw , wat game did i "scammed" you because i never had portal 2 on my inventory.
Cool story "bro"

1 decade ago


1 decade ago

@Hippy interesting... so first "btw , wat game did i "scammed" you because i never had portal 2 on my inventory. Cool story "bro"" but then "btw I BOUGHT MY PORTAL 2"... If you bought it you should have a receipt, so when the mod asks you for it, be sure to show it to him.

1 decade ago

Dude he is scamming ^^ And hes still blocking me ;d i would like to hear how will he explaing why hes blocking me :D maybe cuz i stole his cake in school hahahah xD
"User is ignoring you, you can't add comments to his profile"
Already reported that dick :D

And hes editing his posts or deleting them like it was in some thread that i told seller he's scammer and he deleted his post after 1-3 minutes xD

And i guess saying
"I beated you in school and now you try to get me banned on this site" is new method to avoid ban :d
Nice try scammer, really i dont expected something like that :D
I even dont know him and he's from spain if i remember well and im from poland and i wonder how we could be in 1 school hahaha.

1 decade ago

Your big layer hu? And for the other man , i have my reciept i will send it :)
Man look how you talking to me , like your bitch . So cool down.

1 decade ago

coco31063, aka MrTraderGuy, IWantGarrysMod, INearlyHaveGarrysMod

current avatar http://onegoodmove.org/1gm/images/pixar02.jpg

STEAM ID http://steamcommunity.com/id/MrTraderGuy

Really my own fault for letting it happen. But, we were supposed to swap gifts, my Altitude for his Magicka. Then someone had to run off after declaring he scammed me.

1 decade ago

This fraud has changed his name to Pablo Escobar with an avatar that is a solid black fill. Careful not to mix him up with another Pablo Escobar, there's another person with that name.

update, Steam ID now http://steamcommunity.com/id/coco31063 also back to original avatar

update, update, Ok he must check this or something cause now his Steam ID is http://steamcommunity.com/id/markoslerans why are we allowed to change the url?

1 decade ago

Little tip: http://steamrep.com/index.php Try using this or steamidconvertor to get a numbered id. That one the mods can look up and resolve. Hope that helps.

1 decade ago

I would like to report 2 scammers, who work toghether. Their attempt on scamming me luckily fail.

They said they wanted to buy my Left 4 Dead 2, for Shogun 2. Which I immediately accepted.
He said that his friend was going to buy the game to me, only if I gave him Left 4 Dead 2 first.

Logs of the conversation of the first scammer can be found here: http://pastebin.com/Y3JfYtij

Logs of the conversation the second scammer can be found here: http://pastebin.com/T9rUp3wH

I told them that I wanted some kind of proof that they had the game, and asked if they could send a picture of the email where they had gotten the code from, just where the code was painted over. They did so.
BUT, this whas what i got. 3 tottaly random pictures from other websites, and 1 from a whole diffrent game ( I didn't get the game it was just a picture of someone sending it to someone.

First attempt on convincing me: http://imgur.com/sVy5f,jz4Fp,37BZ5#0

Second attempt convincing me: http://imgur.com/sVy5f,jz4Fp,37BZ5#1

Third attempt convincing me: http://imgur.com/sVy5f,jz4Fp,37BZ5#2

SteamID of the first one: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Luxuris/
SteamID of the second one: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Lincius/

I would appreciate some action in this case, because these guys were undoubtedly trying to scam me.

I appreciate your time,
and a reply would be very appreciated.

Kind regards,
Kristoffer (TheAzzazzinator)

1 decade ago

http://steamrep.com/index.php Try getting their numbered steam ids, as stated in the opening post. It doesn't do any good to have their customurls, because the mod cannot confirm who it is that way.

1 decade ago

They often change their names. What would help even more is the SteamGifts/SteamTrades username. It's difficult, and sometimes impossible, for me to track down their accounts using just their Steam64 or otherwise.

1 decade ago

The problem is that I´m unable to do that. When I try to convert their ID, I get the response "The specified profile could not be found."

1 decade ago

I'm sorry I cheated, you can make a complaint? I Send gift "Crazy Machines 2" for "CS: Source" and he never send to me a gift.
This is a guy,

1 decade ago


This guy: VanquishingAle almost scammed me, on this thread: http://www.steamtrades.com/trade/uZSJ5/dead-island-key-can-show-proof-of-purchase-will-go-first He said that he had 2 copys of Dead Island, I add a comment, then he add me from another steam account http://steamcommunity.com/id/krzs3/ the account used for creating the thread was http://steamcommunity.com/id/vanquishingale.

For my own safety I asked the key first, and he gave the code to me, but.. the key was duplicaded. I told him, he sent the other one. also duplicaded, (in his thread he said that he got only 2 more keys) then he sent me more 6 keys.. none of those worked.. so I asked him for the proof of the purchase, and then he vanished.

It appears that he was using a kind of keygen to generate the codes.

I didn't got scammed, but I'm only asking for watch over him. he seems suspisious to me. none of his affirmations were valids.


1 decade ago

I believe I had this guys name in the post I made before. can you check?

1 decade ago

Those Accounts really belongs to him. (Those links I did post on my report)

P.S. Yesterday I had a deal with ohadas98, thanks to him, now I own a real and legit Dead Island :3

Here some proof


also you can check it on my profile and his profile, both of us has posted a comment after we had the trade.


Those proofs are weak because everything went so well that I haven't saved the chat and took a pic.

1 decade ago

Would like to report someone spamming up the forums. You can see more of his threads just buy searching the topic title in the picture below.
Imgur Image
steamID: STEAM_0:1:23314066
steamID64: 76561198006893861
customURL: zainster
profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/zainster

1 decade ago

UPDATE: With the help of a SteamRep admin, I was able to get my game! Reporting DOES give results, guys!

Original report:

I'm sorry, but these guys quite literally MAKE ME RAGE!!!!!

I got scammed twice in 2 days, for L4D2 this time.

SteamTrades/SteamGifts Username:


Steam Community ID:

http://www.steamcommunity.com/id/tf2ba / http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197999833402

Steam Community ID to which I sent the game:

http://www.steamcommunity.com/id/tf2bacom / http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198043495271

Proof I got scammed:

I explained that my game isn't tradeable and that it's on a different account of mine (the reason why it isn't tradeable) and that I can only send him the game if he has another account, because he had already owned L4D2 and e-mail gifts do not work for everyone currently.

So I added his other account as a friend on MY other account and gave him SIMPLE INSTRUCTIONS: Click "Accept" and after that "add to my inventory" (because he wanted to be able to trade it later on) after I had sent him the game. He said "k","kk", but NO, after I sent him the game, he added it to his game library and even insisted that he didn't afterwords, but that's completely foolish, because I can see that L4D2 appeared in his game list, according to his Steam Community profile.

You can see for yourself from the screenshots, I got nothing in the end, except a kick in the balls, since I just lost my L4D2 for nothing...

REALLY HOPE THAT GUY GETS IT! I'm tired of scammers and idiots! If you don't know what you're doing, leave this forum!

1 decade ago

OK, an update.

With the help of a SteamRep admin, tf2ba returned the game and admitted he was wrong. Because this "scam" was rather a human mistake and didn't seem planned, you are free to draw your own conclusions.

1 decade ago

http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198000849365 , on the forum username is SirValo . He scamed me , i gived him 2 accounts . One with dead island and one with cs 1.6 . And he should give me the css gift.He just deleted me and blocked me . The username of that 2 accounts are woosaii1 and saddens. I have 2 email inbox to proof that i changed the emails to his emails. I also know his emails , something like deadislandftw@hotmail.ne and counterstrikegamer@hotmail.ne or something like that.

Edit : And also i believed that he is a good guy, because he have many comments on steam profile that vouch for him{all fake for sure ! ) so I goed first.


1 decade ago

No i gave you CSS, i even got screenshot of it! :)

1 decade ago

I got proof, so im no scammer lol

1 decade ago

Check his steam library, he wanted CSS and i traded it to him, got proof, so admins just contact me and I will show you :)
Hope you will contact me so we can fix this shit here :)

I dont want to get a bad reputation, so please contact me so we can fix it :)

1 decade ago

yes u gived me , after u yesterday deleted me and blocked without giving me the gift . I have proofs that he pleads guilty !!!

1 decade ago

True story bro

1 decade ago

I got screenshot of chat so i will fuck you up ! just to upload it

1 decade ago

Me too ^^

1 decade ago

Heres the images ill not reply to you anymore , i wanna just say to people that he is not trader of trust . thats all , bb biatch.

1 decade ago

I didn't give it at once, because when u "changed" email for me, then u didnt so when i logged on your profile I had to change email once more, and i thougt u tried to scam me, but i gave it at last, ask any1 on my profile, all believe me, I'm no scammer lol

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.
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