Yeah.. dont know why some ppl scam :o he take a game i dont want but he do scam so be aware...

1 decade ago*

our conversation was almost identically. luckily I didn't go first.

1 decade ago

Yeah, i was so dumb :/

1 decade ago


1 decade ago

Во кидала тупорылый надеюсь ему заблочат аккаунт !!!!!!!!!!!

1 decade ago

I have a question: you have proof in that screenshot. Why doesn't the admin of this site ban his account?

1 decade ago

Dont know :/ Think its just not enough x.x

1 decade ago

He is already on the BLACKLIST. Yesterday he scammed 3 other people too (including me). Please report him via Steam, so he may get banned. I don't know either why is he not banned yet on this forum.

And always read the forum before such a business, I did it too, but he wassn't known as a scammer that time. :(

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.