Eventually, cg will create a better system for handling these aspects of SteamTrades, such as a Support Forum, but for now, I hope that members can read this list to look up reputation.

  • Do not post entire logs in comment. Please use Pastebin or take screenshots and upload to an image hosting site, preferably Imgur. Otherwise, your comment will be ignored and possibly removed.
  • Keep your post straight to the point and supply us with necessary information.
  • Please keep this thread civilized.
  • If possible, please also give their SteamTrades/SteamGifts account. Also, please comment with their SteamID, not their custom profile name.
  • You can use http://steamidconverter.com/ to get all necessary information faster.

MegaRobots Scammer Blacklist - list collected by MegaRobot

1 decade ago*

Then you should see this... Add me if you want any additional info (PrettyLittlePony on steam). The thread that was posted on here was by Pilkis, but has since been deleted and Motherfucker Jones has blocked me on steam.

I added Pilkis who directed me to noah- (Motherfucker Jones) who supposedly had Dota 2. I started talking to Motherfucker Jones and we agreed on a coal amount and went into trade only to be told that he didn't have it. He said that its actually his friend that has it and that he wanted coal first... More info in the pictures below.

Pilkis: http://steamcommunity.com/id/PilkinaZzzatoR/ ; http://www.steamgifts.com/user/Pilkis
Motherfucker Jones: http://steamcommunity.com/id/noah-


Also, Pilkis is in this if not the same person as Motherfucker Jones. If you check my conversation with Pilkis he first directed me to the user below (Grimmjow) - http://steamcommunity.com/id/vvvvvvvvvvvvv/ and he got scammed out of coal as well. I am willing to bet he accidentally copied his name and pasted to me instead of Motherfucker Jone's name account.

1 decade ago

I confirm. The same situation with Jones steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197966175894, I lost 20 coal.

1 decade ago

Same situation here, though that fag jones changed his name DA SNAPP http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198024554389 scammed me out of a $2 game we used as collateral, he also said he had dota2, that fucker is playing the game he stole right now. ban him from here and steamgifts, report his account for scamming, fuck that asshole.

1 decade ago

Guys seriously: never trade your coals or games first if it's a key or the other guy can't even show you the 'not tradable' game


Keys go first everytime

1 decade ago

^ this

1 decade ago


1 decade ago

I forgot to comment previously, but I've banned these users.

1 decade ago

This guy did almost the same thing to me: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198024554389

he said that he had the DOTA 2 key, but since it was a key he had to write on the chat, so he said i needed to gift him first, but as soon as i did, he just blocked me and now is enjoying his game.

this is the link to his post on steamtrades.com : http://www.steamtrades.com/trade/rpbLE/h-dota-2-key-w-sonic-generations-offers

u can easily see that he wanted sonic generations, but he is accepting any game, since he is not giving any1 the key....

i can take some prints screens if needed...
HIS POST: http://img812.imageshack.us/img812/2678/ss1dofilhadaputa.jpg http://img685.imageshack.us/img685/920/ss2dofilhadaputa.jpg
HIS STAEMPROFILE "ALIASES": http://img21.imageshack.us/img21/5791/ss7dofilhadaputa.jpg
STEAM CHAT:http://img685.imageshack.us/img685/1773/ss3dofilhadaputa.jpg http://img442.imageshack.us/img442/9923/ss4dofilhadaputa.jpg

1 decade ago

Add screenshots for proof please.

Just in case the post get deleted before you post here is his info.


1 decade ago

thanks, going to post ss in a min

1 decade ago

can i use like imageshack?

1 decade ago

imgur is easiest.

1 decade ago

He has a new therad , he tryed to scam hey say'd he get a Email from VALVE with the Code but isn't right
I know that no one will get a email ( you get it in your inventory )so i delete him.

so i hope you guys can do something.

1 decade ago

Yes he has a new thread and he scammed me for a warhammer copy exactly that same way for the dota 2 key thing, unfortunately i dont have the logs but it is a different account, though he contacts with the same steam ID for trading. someones gotta get this guy for good, does steam support help with any of this? ive reported about him there, but im afraid nothing can be done in my case. what happens now? he is DA SNAPP in steam

1 decade ago

This user has been banned. Thanks for the report.

1 decade ago

Interesting "http://steamcommunity.com/id/uhsteam" - "oLDSCHooL" still trading dead island stolen keys.Is it allowed to trade them?
about 6 hours ago he wanted 4 coal for dead island nice.I was contacting him 4 hours ago and he got Zero purchase or redeem proof.

1 decade ago

No, Dead Island keys are considered exploited.

1 decade ago

Dumb question incoming: What do you mean by them being exploited? Doesn't a CD Key work the same way as anything else? (I don't have any, but if they DON'T, I don't want to accidently accept one)

1 decade ago

What he wants to say with "exploited" means that most of the Dead Island keys that are going around the steam market where stolen :P

1 decade ago

Stolen from where I wonder. I've searched for news regarding it but couldn't find any.

1 decade ago

They were exploited from Eastern Europe AKA Russia. I received a exploited key and now my game doesn't work.

1 decade ago

Mine it's working perfectly o.o

1 decade ago

Oh, dang. Good reason not to take them then! Thanks for the heads up, because if I hadn't known, I may have taken someone up on that

1 decade ago

I tried to trade a game with oLDSCHool, but he wanted me to give him the game first then copy and paste the key to me which I didn't really feel safe to do. When I told him I was not sure about this, he started sending me threatening messages.

1 decade ago

My copy of game is still downloadable from Steam server, I hope it will work normal. Damn, that I didn't read that topic before...

1 decade ago

I got a key from a russian guy I tested the game (is an eastern europe key) and it's working! how about you?

1 decade ago

I'm downloading game still, I have it from our friend oLDSCHooL

1 decade ago


1 decade ago

BTW I told you that I got a Eastern Europe key from a Russian guy, and I downloaded it all and it worked for a day. After 2 hours of playing it, I went to sleep and tried to fire it up again and it didn't work. Four days after that, the game was removed from my library. Largely all of the Dead Island Keys are exploited and illegal.

1 decade ago

thanks :/

1 decade ago

my copy of Dead Island is still in my Library, or maybe it's because I live in Poland and it's working here, who knows.

1 decade ago

my key has just blocked up by steam support.

1 decade ago

Glad this thread exists. Nothing to report, but I've been worried about what to do in case of this situation. Thanks for existing :)

1 decade ago


1 decade ago

I have something to share but it's from the Steam forums. A guy created a thread saying that he is from a cd key store and that they want to make a big giveaway with Steam gifts. So he offered to trade CD keys from his store for our gifts.
Since 4 or 5 people traded with him and weren't scammed I traded also, I gave him a Dota2 gift and he was supossed to send me a Skyrim key.
He deleted me after he received the gift and that was all.
This is a screenshot log of my conversation with him:

This is his profile:


Looks like he's building more rep from the posts in his profile, be warned.

1 decade ago

Hello, do you happen to have more information about this user?

1 decade ago

Previous scammer has compensated me, and I agreed to not disclose anymore information about him to the public.

Another scammer in my trade log will be posted now. Steamtrades.com user The Kinks AKA Steam ID huganeskimo has scammed me of $19.96 when I bought him Ghost Recon Pack, Rainbow Six Collection, and Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X. He stated he was willing to trade me a Skyrim key that he bought at Amazon for the games I listed. He insured me with a couple of terribly old and crappy games, and so I went first. He said that he'd give me the games, I'd give him the games, and he'd give me the key. He logged off after he received his stuff. He blocked me as well. It seems his former ID huganeskimo was deleted from Steam. With some searching I found that his main account is "Chick Magnet" A.K.A. Steam I.D. cunttts .

Proof of the Purchases:


This is the "Chick Magnet" A.K.A. The "[cunt]tts:


I know it is him because: He has me ignored for some "odd" reason.


This is his alternate account:


Found his ass:



His Steam Forum Name is:


His Steam ID is here:


The Chat Log is Here:

Log (1): http://i.imgur.com/QhOAe.jpg

Log (2): http://i.imgur.com/YL4nt.jpg

Log (3): http://i.imgur.com/io4wl.jpg

If you're reading this I will be posting this on several websites. I will submit this to Steam Support and you will be banned, IP banned, and etc. You will no longer be able to call yourself the "The Chick Magnet" and you'll lose all your street cred. (207 games). You can prevent this though. You promised me Skyrim, I want it. Remove me from your ignore/block list and add me to your buddy list. Give me Skyrim and you can save your library of games. Don't forget, I'll also tarnish your reputation on steamrep.com.

Link to Steam Official Trading Forum:


Link to his steamrep.com:


Edit He changed his profile picture and his name after Day 1 of posting these threads. He states "Come at me Brah!" as if he believes he will win this. From what I can entail, he's clearly a generic American asswipe.

Edit He changed his name to "No Refunds" as if I bought from him.

Edit Picture of his recent profile pic. change and his removal of his custom ID:


1 decade ago

Im so sorry about your problem however i did enjoy at your chat logs

Log 1 ~ Episode 1

Log 2 ~ Episode 2

Log 3 ~ Ending Episode


1 decade ago

Why people keep giving gifts and trade them before getting the key?

1 decade ago

I stated that I bought my gifts after he messaged me wanting them. I thought he was telling the truth, but he ended up being a little asshole. He told me to go first and I did. I lost it all.

1 decade ago

Have you seen this user on SteamTrades? Having trouble finding his actual account here.

1 decade ago

To be honest I don't remember, but he's either from the Steam official forums or Steamtrades because I posted this scammer info. on both of them and he found out, so he made his profile private and all; he also changed his picture and name to try to invoke my anger. He still has me blocked unfortunately, but he seems to think he will win this, so he made his profile public again. It seems he's trading with people now too. I don't think enough people know about this.

1 decade ago

Thank you for the report. I hope other people read this to avoid trading with him before I can find his account and ban him.

1 decade ago

Hey, I was wondering, but how do you create URLs? My report threads on steamtrades.com are seriously lacking without the one-click-windows.

1 decade ago

Here's my formatting FAQ.

1 decade ago

A guy is swearing in my thread about "noone wanting my f*** coupons", which is not only impolite, but also annoying. If noone wants something, then noone writes anything. And he wrote that after I updated my thread (cause I traded the "main cookie" already)

In case he edits/removes his post : http://i.imgur.com/xlBMy.png

BTW. I'm pretty sure that there are more guys like this.

1 decade ago

Why should he remove it? You overreact a bit, as much as he did. Nobody want coupons, at least those. Simply accept it and done.

1 decade ago

I was pretty sure it was against the rules to swear like that. Nvm then :P

1 decade ago

So in this images you can see what happens here @ steamtrades in 1~ hour (i'm pretty sure i didnt catch them all becouse half bumps is deleted uc.)

1 decade ago

i got scammed by Xermes a.k.a 11 http://steamcommunity.com/id/xermes he promised dota 2 for my dungeon defenders + Space Pirates and zombie + 4 coal (topic link http://www.steamtrades.com/trade/A7xhN/h-dota2-w-games ).... he send me email that looked like steams usual gift email so i thought that it was real and steam had some lag like usually so i did not suspect for it being fake and agreed to trade..... here is some images from trade http://imageshack.us/g/846/thing8.png/ topic link http://www.steamtrades.com/trade/A7xhN/h-dota2-w-games(incase he deletes his topic) sorry for not getting pics from steam conversation.

1 decade ago


This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

1 decade ago

I have banned this user. Thanks for the report.

1 decade ago

Thanks :D
(edit. btw, is there anyway to get my stuff back?)

1 decade ago


This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

1 decade ago


He gave me a Humble indie Bundle 4 key instead of DotA 2 key, I just went along 'cause I was offering 40 coals wich is shit for me.
can't prove since I already close the chat and activated the key, but take it as a warning if he adds someone. He doesn't post, just scan for people wanting to buy DotA 2 here.

1 decade ago

same here.
i have chat screenies tho. fuckin robbed me of lucidity, CSS, and 7 coal.




fucking gifted CSS BEFORE checking key. FUCK MY FUCKING LIFE.

EDIT: Was able to recall the CSS gift :D

1 decade ago

Same,bought DotA2 "CD-KEY" but there is nothing.

1 decade ago

let's send all proof to Steam support guys, i just did that too.
He will be banned for this although cdkey trading is againts the Steam Trading rules i guess.

1 decade ago

Trading is against the rules? Why has Steam a trading subforum on its own forum then?

1 decade ago

I mean cdkey trading is not be recommended by Steam Support.

1 decade ago

R14170 is now banned.

1 decade ago


Username: - R14170



Pictures say it all. He wanted me to trade 120 coals for his cdkey but he gave me the fake cd key and ignored me later.

Well, that coals are nothing for me, so I don't really care. I just give you the old warning, don't believe cdkey guys.

1 decade ago

R14170 is a scammer. He did the same to me.

1 decade ago

he also attempted to scam me as well, but i didnt fall for his shit.

1 decade ago

He scammed me too.He offered me HiB #4 for 10 coal :(


1 decade ago

let's send all your proof together to Steam support guys, so we can get our items back.

1 decade ago

I sent it today,but only mine proof.soitre send all proofs to steam, because my language is bad :(

Edit:Oh wow,he changed nick,he's now - Geezch!

1 decade ago

Go to his Profile -> Report Violation -> User Misconduct -> paste your proof (picture or text from pastebin). Maybe you will get the items back.

1 decade ago

R14170 is now banned.

1 decade ago

Thank you for this post. Saved me from getting scammed by him :)

He just tried to get me to trade, but when I asked him to post on my thread he removed me as a friend :)

1 decade ago

well if there is more then 1 guy who got scammed buy one person then you can send it to steam support and get your items back :)

1 decade ago

This man stole from me 60 coals.
We have agreed with him that I first take off his 60 coals then he told me Skurov, but after he took a deal on the coals, he removed me from frient list, and ignored me.
This is our chat: http://piccy.info/view3/2420969/f96b84a93865e3de4dbf00a2164a0424/orig/

And this is other guy who want scammed me: http://piccy.info/view3/2420968/4bbf0b4b89de70d29a7df0e3051f2a75/orig/
i think he is rascal, you can understand it from chat:

I can somehow get your coals back?
Thanks for help to all.

1 decade ago

I'm sorry, there isn't a way I can get your coal back for you, and I will find this user here and ban him.

1 decade ago

report to the state because I was cheated by the user
Link to profile: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198014139827/
It offered very attractive seemed fair, so I sent him a game that were asked are:

Day of Defeat: Source
Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X. ® 2
Left 4 Dead 2
The First Templar - Steam Special Edition
Holiday Gift Sale 2011: The Orange Box
Anomaly: Warzone Earth

Is it possible to recover these games? I really depend on them.
I add also the conversation with the user.


Please action and response;)
I do not want to lose my games;)
I cordially greet the Polish
Kuba Mrugała

1 decade ago


Username: Slerio

Mispresenting his own trade goods, offers HiB2 & HiB3 as full Humble Indie Bundles, only small notation in his description, where it says only Desura, onlive. Doesnt trade steam keys, just some keys from other platforms on a steamtrade forum, infroms people wih small notations and missleads them with big Titles.

No retrade,because he fears that i would take desura or onlive key .... but who wants a HiB witch is half used anyway and steam is the most important one in a HiB

1 decade ago

I'm assuming it was almondsman, as he has several other threads where he is constantly bumping for trade of his DotA 2 account. I will suspend this user until further notice.

1 decade ago

i not scam you . why you take my profile ?

SteamTrades - you also can see my aliases and see that my name is never was " Evo "

1 decade ago

да ты пиздишь уёбок.I have screenshots , your profile and profile your girlfriend lol

1 decade ago

GIrlfriend ?

1 decade ago


1 decade ago

a - i have no girlfriend
b- Steam can check my all names, and picthere and see that is not me .
i want that he get banned from steamtrades for lies !

1 decade ago

u rly idiot?On a screenshot all is written,Why you would tell that I have thrown coal to your friend?

1 decade ago

he took my dota 2 gifts and gave me a mw3 invalid key... http://www.steamtrades.com/trade/P2JC9/h-dota2mw3keydead-islandkey-w-games
and screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/fXMOg.png

1 decade ago

Xermes was already banned several days ago. I'm sorry about your DotA 2

1 decade ago

1 decade ago

did not send me Trine 2, blocked me in a contact list after receiving my Mafia II game


1 decade ago

its fake i send the game for u man... and u want to send your game back. So u want MAFIA II and trine aswell. I'm not crazy u want to scamm me...

1 decade ago

http://steamcommunity.com/id/pslime/ he selling Guest Pass killing floor and say is full game he try to scam

1 decade ago

I just had an experience with a bulgarian guy


and something to add is that he isn't giving his SteamTrades username/information

1 decade ago

There's another 2 bulgarian scammers I think it's just one guy repping his own accounts or something like that :O

1 decade ago

Another attempt of scam, awful, with bad edited pictures.
This time an austrian/polish (idk) guy


1 decade ago

Adding this to my Scammer corner. Another foolish attempt of scam


1 decade ago

Adding this to my Scammer Corner, a guy that scammed a lot of SteamTrades Users


1 decade ago

1 decade ago

Bad people...

1 decade ago

Hahaha man check my post above, it's the same guy xD report this guy on SteamRep.com

This is his Alt/Main Account: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198027789554

I'm terrible sorry for you


This is the permanent link of the guy who scammed you: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198016055948

1 decade ago

I already did it :))

1 decade ago

1 decade ago

Nice :)

1 decade ago

I saw he has MW2 with more than 150 hours play time.

I will make him break up with that account :)) It is worth for my items :)

1 decade ago

ban on record not banned forever. T__T

1 decade ago

This user has been banned.

1 decade ago

He scammed me for 3 coals D: (I know it's not as seriuos as the other ones, but it's an alarm). He indeed had Mafia and Tropico, but since his games were set to private, I could never know if he had the others :/

1 decade ago

Cheap ass scammers

Man, never give your tradable things first even if its a key worth $60 and ask them to show you the games first if they're not tradable, so, you can barely know if you are doing a serious trade

His permanent link: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198022937390

1 decade ago

Oh, wait, I though I had posted the STEAM: aowjfoajwfp one xd

1 decade ago

u didn't send me your coals... and i removed u

1 decade ago

can someone help me to report on a guy i wrote few post above
i dont know how

1 decade ago

It's the same scammer as the above poster, report him thru his steam profile

Do someone know his SteamTrades username?

1 decade ago


1 decade ago


  • Hi i was scammed by this guys : http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198039256951

  • I lost my DOTA 2 to him. Then he delete and blocked my account maxiq1210 and Ogtoma too.

  • I did not take any proof bc i dont know how to do it until now but i have another victim was scammed by him too.

  • I will quote this with link from Steam Forum.

    "I was scammed by Steam user: strider.95 http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198039256951
    his forum id is: RealStrider and his post advertising trade in Steam Trade forums is:
    he promised to trade me Terraria for 5 coal with a half before half after deal because HE didn't want to be scammed and buy the game for nothing. Being the nice, trusting guy I am, I unfortunately agreed, after I traded him for the first 3 coal he blocked me and ran off with it.

    here is proof, what I get for being nice and trusting people on the holidays I guess, sigh, at least it was only 3 coal but those 3 coal probably took me 3+ hours with some of the achievements being a hassle (Rusty Hearts etc). merry christmas

    This thread should be stickied >,>"

Here how i make this short:

I want clean community. Plz ban this guy forever. if not , i can't sleep tonight. thanks u !

1 decade ago

Plzz , he is scammer , ban him. omg. !!

1 decade ago

Definite scammer, his account is banned, offering skyrim keys, called him out on his own thread and he deleted it.

1 decade ago

this is nice. !!

1 decade ago

It's the second time he got reported in this thread

1 decade ago

He is scammer: http://i.imgur.com/8GlcE.png

Also in his profile two people writing fake recommendations and he writing to their profile same fake recommendations too.

From ALB: http://i.imgur.com/fXMOg.png

These two guy friend of him and they are keep writing fake recommendations in forum and in their profile. They are scammer too.
When i write they are scammer in their forum thread they instantly deleting thread so peoples can't know they are scammer.
Also how may i report them to SteamRep?

Edit: Also they scammed many peoples in forum but they don't report in here :(

1 decade ago

Rasl gave me duplicated CD key.

1 decade ago

He is a scammer..ban him..

1 decade ago

http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198049629617 Also this his account too. He have many fake accounts for fake recommendations.

1 decade ago

He scammed me

1 decade ago


he's still here just found his topic and he deleted it

ban him

1 decade ago

why is he still there?

1 decade ago

He has been banned from this community and from SteamGifts.

1 decade ago

This user has been banned.

1 decade ago

Only Rasl banned? What about Xermes, gozik and their all fake accounts (they using same avatars in their fake accounts)?

1 decade ago

Please relax. Xermes was banned already, but this is the first time I've seen this gozikkk name reported and I'm having issues finding his account. Did you happen to have his SteamTrades account? This is how we ban users.

1 decade ago

He again created another account now and using http://steamcommunity.com/id/Myfam31/ profile url. (Same steam account he just changed community id)

His new account: JobStyle


1 decade ago

now that fag selling scammed games on plati.ru


report him to steam please with this link, together we ban him everywhere!

34 year old Ukranian btw, got his ICQ - 82135032 and phone number, go say everything you think about him

his new profile link - http://steamcommunity.com/id/Nickkss

1 decade ago

Ok will do we must do what we can to fight those that would take advantage of fair trusting people who only want an equitable exchange of goods ;).

1 decade ago


Watch out for "NaTuRaL" He is selling Killing Floor -> GUEST PASS <- He says it's full game and wants you to cheat somebody else with that guest pass...

Look at this Screenshot: http://i44.tinypic.com/dvlr8z.jpg

THREAD - http://www.steamtrades.com/trade/t0qLG/list-of-games-pick


1 decade ago

I have banned this user.

1 decade ago

Watch out for MaxFD! He says he got Dead Island Key. When he takes coals he asking that key is working and goes offline. Scammer dumbass..

ZajÄ…c Poziomka: hi
Lolololo: hi
ZajÄ…c Poziomka: where did you get your key?
Lolololo: from my friend
ZajÄ…c Poziomka: where your friend get that key? :D
ZajÄ…c Poziomka: auction website?
ZajÄ…c Poziomka: or something?
Lolololo: i think from ink keys ot something
ZajÄ…c Poziomka: what is ink keys?
Lolololo: ok
Lolololo: im asking my friend now
Lolololo: http://www.intkeys.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=74&products_id=302&zenid=44pkh8juj16jvt7jb7jnu9rht4
Lolololo: this proof enough?
Lolololo: here bro?
ZajÄ…c Poziomka: wait
ZajÄ…c Poziomka: next
ZajÄ…c Poziomka: hm
ZajÄ…c Poziomka: its not used key for 100%?
Lolololo: my friend saying that isnt used key
ZajÄ…c Poziomka: ok
ZajÄ…c Poziomka: so
Lolololo: i didnt check lol
Lolololo: XD
ZajÄ…c Poziomka: someone have to do his part first
Lolololo: what you mine?
ZajÄ…c Poziomka: mean*
ZajÄ…c Poziomka: i mean
Lolololo: oh lol
ZajÄ…c Poziomka: someone have to give his items first
ZajÄ…c Poziomka: you key or me coals
Lolololo: srry for the bad english
ZajÄ…c Poziomka: np
Lolololo: bro i had scammed twice
Lolololo: :(
ZajÄ…c Poziomka: me too ;d
ZajÄ…c Poziomka: ok
ZajÄ…c Poziomka: thn
ZajÄ…c Poziomka: i can give you 7 coals
ZajÄ…c Poziomka: you give me key
ZajÄ…c Poziomka: and
ZajÄ…c Poziomka: i give you
ZajÄ…c Poziomka: next 7 coals
ZajÄ…c Poziomka: okay?
Lolololo: why only 14?
ZajÄ…c Poziomka: you said 14
Lolololo: can it be 16?
ZajÄ…c Poziomka: ok
ZajÄ…c Poziomka: but first 7 coals
ZajÄ…c Poziomka: then rest
ZajÄ…c Poziomka: ok?
Lolololo: ok
Lolololo: but please do not run
Lolololo: ok?
ZajÄ…c Poziomka: okay
Lolololo: ok im taking the cd key
Gracz Lolololo zaakceptował zaproszenie do wymiany.
ZajÄ…c Poziomka: ok
Lolololo: 7A3V6-887TB-R7PRN
Lolololo: working?
Użytkownik Lolololo zmienił status na: Offline.


wacht out for this key!

1 decade ago

Can you supply me with any further information? How about his SteamID or profile? I have a user by MaxFD, but I don't want to ban the wrong user.

1 decade ago

Another fucking stealer -.-
He took my 5 coals and dont give me hib 4 -_- (Duplicate CD KEYS)

NICK: NickNamelsLX


  1. http://i43.tinypic.com/ivixxd.jpg

  2. http://i43.tinypic.com/2afk9hs.jpg

1 decade ago

Could you possibly supply me with more information? Having his actual SteamID is useful, but it would appear he probably changed his custom ID, because his profile is no longer available at that name. Do you have a SteamTrades user account?

1 decade ago

Wanted to trade my 10 coals for Dead Island with this guy: http://steamcommunity.com/id/ThisIsRasl/

I went first ... and got duplicated key now -.- Also, he is now ignoring me on Steam, and deleted his topic -.-

1 decade ago

I want to report http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198016825448/ He/she used my key, we agreed to trade. after usage he/she blocked me and I got no game. Saved the log http://josthereal.com/text.txt.

1 decade ago

we agreed to trade, then I give him 30 coals and he blocked me and I got no game

1 decade ago


Fucking cunt stole my 24 coals and give me not working key -.-

Funny shit is that he said:

Key is for DOTA 2 used on account DUPLICATE for Dead Island not Dota 2..
I wanted my coals back but he told he spend them already and will give me dota or other game after new year -.-
I said "Nice new way to cheat peoples -.-" and he blocked me + logged off + changed infos about hes profile and avatar.
i will make sure he will be banned.

1 decade ago

He have Xermes in his friend list probably he is same people which i reported before.

1 decade ago

Reported him too.

1 decade ago

Reporting a scammer here. Goes by Mortiz, chelsea518, and john. He is using multiple accounts.

http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198054881290 is the alt he used to scam me.
Email address of - johnwilliams937@yahoo.com

Main account is apparently http://steamcommunity.com/id/awholeothername

He said games were giftable, and not tradable. I checked his inventory and this checked out. I asked him to send gifts first, and he did, and I recieved the gifts in my email inbox. The redeem urls however, did nothing, and he ran off with the coal I give him after recieving the emails, and removed friend. He has also blocked me now apparently, as I cannot invite his main as a friend to talk to him.

1 decade ago

Do you remember his SteamTrades' username?

1 decade ago

By any chance you have his SteamTrades' username?


1 decade ago

Dont trust this guy - nick RAVENCHIK. Traded with him, he gave me a duplicated MW3 Key, after that just blocked me. Also fakes his identity stating that he is some respected trader. Offers various fake keys,seen him all around the forum.


1 decade ago

Almost traded with HIM :O, he also say he have many rep...
lucky when i send Dota 2, Steam acting weird and say gift invalid

1 decade ago

Lucky you :) I lost my Dota to him, sometimes I hate my personality.

1 decade ago


Fucking scammer.

1 decade ago

You only lost a game key that poor fellow obviously lost his values a long time ago if he sinks so slow as to scam for a mere game.

1 decade ago

Reporting: http://steamcommunity.com/id/TASIKA_-

he scammed me. Will provide videos that I recorded.

he got many other fake accounds.


Here is the Video:


Soryy for my English, i never talk in english :/

his email:

1 decade ago

As you have the original video, can you tell his SteamTrades.com username? it's garbled from here


1 decade ago

i help me friend to report this scammer. the unique page url is : https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197960269800

he set his profile page to private so that other people cannot check.

he changed his name frequently. see here: http://steamcommunity.com/id/43253215151/namehistory

briefly description (i stand for my friend):

i started thread in this forum about trading 65 coals for dota2.
this people added me and tell me that he was cheated by someone else before,
so he want me give him coals first and then send me dota2 (not trade-able)
after i gave him coals he said a lot, briefly he want me to restart my computer.
i didn't think too much and restart computer.
after that, i found he deleted me from his friend list.

as computer was restarted, there's no way to find out any chat history in steam.
so stammer use this way to make him disappear and erase chat history.

be aware of anyone that would tell you to restart or others.
keep chat history before trade complete.

1 decade ago

he soon changed his id to : http://steamcommunity.com/id/43253252 after i posted this.

the unique page url is : https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197960269800

1 decade ago

why on earth would you restart your computer at someone else's request? you should have copied the chat log to pastebin (link on the first page of this thread) and then restarted if anything.

1 decade ago

Please steamtrades.com, do not allow users to delete their topics! just give a option to close the topic but not delete. It is much harder to find out the username if the topic is deleted.

1 decade ago

+1 and add my topic or search function.

1 decade ago

if we don't let topics be deleted do you know how many threads there would be? the site would just crash or at the very least slow down. I agree that deleting topics let's scammers get rid of the evidence, but every keyboard is equipped with a print screen button, so use it and save your evidence (there was a link to an image site on the first page of the thread if you don't have space on your disk to store the images on your drives).

1 decade ago

I found this guy from someone else's thread he posted he had payday heist for 27 coals when I added him he said he has it as a gift and after I sent coals he immediately blocked me. I was using a different steam account but here's the proof:

His profiles on steamgifts and steam:

PS: I hope he dies in a fire this year...

1 decade ago

NAME: ProxDlox
He say he got Valve Pack and he want 18 coal for it but when i request for showing the gift he just keep silent, he totally tried to scamming. Im upload my proof now. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/11/afasdfasfasfasfaf.jpg/

His profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/ProxVision/

Hope that fag getting died.

1 decade ago

  • scammer: http://steamcommunity.com/id/westhamtillidie
  • he open new topics [h] skyrim [w]games
  • but his trade status is banned and he got friends only since dezember (i guess fake acc. or friends commented) and he has lot of namechanges after each day.
  • he deleted his topic after I asked him why his trade status is banned.
1 decade ago

next scammer: http://www.steamgifts.com/user/ProxDlox
after I posted that Users should be carefully bcs this Guy is registered only 1 Day ago, he deleted his Topic directly...poor scammer :(

1 decade ago

Some evidence?

1 decade ago

Can't you guy just banned ProxDlox and his Ip?? He is not only just scam he just spamming thread and it totally against rules.

1 decade ago

steam: The China lover
steamtrades: nexiron
He's selling "Killing Floor" but it's guest pass -_- no comment...

Another idiot what sells killing floor but its guest pass too -_-
Nick on Steam: Ep.

1 decade ago

I traded The Orangebox For Killing Floor But It was a Guest Pass gift -_-

1 decade ago*

Closed 1 decade ago.
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