I don't know where to put this, so might as well post this for you guys to see.

This guy http://www.steamtrades.com/user/crameep

or steam profile: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197969538669/

gave me -rep because i did not gave him +rep.

here is the comment:

Trade was fair, after the trade changed profile name recontacted me on another profile tried to trade a different game and once i left bad rep, contacted me again and changed name, traded with this person then changed his name to VietSpartan9791 to make it look like it wasn't him who traded me.

so I'm like, WHO THE FK WAS THIS GUY? I didn't trade with him ever.

CHAT LOG: http://i.imgur.com/QGl1G.png

this guy is a noob that cant differentiate a profile. 7 yrs old on steam yet he cant determine that I am not the one he traded with.

1 decade ago*

Scammer 3 profile

Scammer 3 rep

This guy has apparently impersonated the both of us.

1 decade ago

yeah. and that guy Coryigon doesnt believe lol. he thinks that its me. wtf some noob trader.

1 decade ago

Doesn't he know if a person gives you a steamtrades rep link, make sure you click on "View Steam Profile" and make sure it matches the one you are talking to and that private profiles are a BIG NO-NO and double check their profile on steamrep and make sure custom URLs match. If a person gives you a link, but the person you are talking to has a private profile, then that guy is just ignorant.

1 decade ago

he is an idiot. cant reason with him. asked him nicely at first. and kept on bitching me

1 decade ago

Funny that ... both of the comments are from the person you told me is impersonating you? And imediatly after you left the chat the names all changed again. Look you can change your steam name all day long and say this person's impersonating this person, but in the end I know that it is you. You both contacted me with the same, You trade games exactly the same, offered me the exact same games, and KEYS.

1 decade ago

See how the URLs are different, but the names are the same. It is not me and I am not the other guy. You can read the thread as other people can vouch, unless you think they are all my accounts. And he how the 2nd guy is private and mine is public. If a person gives you a steamtrades rep link, make sure you click on "View Steam Profile" and make sure it matches the one you are talking to.

1 decade ago

wtf these impersonators. does my 179+rep so YUMMY that you want to be like ME? these are hard-earned reps you moFOS!

1 decade ago

Lol I love these people, only way to solve this is support or brain delivery.

1 decade ago

I've been greeted by nothing but scams in this community thus far, and your telling me the first real trade was from a scammer impersonating you, through a legitimate trade? Whats the purpose and why?

1 decade ago

remove your -rep to me im asking you nicely. and i will remove my -rep to you. its not me you traded with.

1 decade ago

REMOVE -REP he is a great man, are u so stupid crmeep xD

1 decade ago

Explain to my why this person, would want to trade me a legit trade and impersonate you while doing it? Give me a response that explains why, and i'd be glad to remove it, otherwise its just silly what you are saying.

1 decade ago


1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.