Do you feel scammers are currently running free? Do you feel it's perfectly fine? (Realize, there's been NO moderator action against scammers/spammers for almost a month)

What are your feelings? I had an interesting chat with the admin I will post in a few and i'd like to see what people think about the site in it's current state before I post it.

edit 1: If you think the forums are safe, do a search for scam in the upper right. They aren't safe at all.

edit 3: Removed the chat log, seeing how that was a tad bit too childish.

1 decade ago*

everything is fine

1 decade ago

Keep Calm and Carry On.

1 decade ago

There is nothing to worry about.
Nothing at all.

1 decade ago

I'm ok with it. Maybe a bit more done about the people who spam the same coupons/bundle keys for every single offer?

1 decade ago

Scammers are going to still troll these forums regardless of anything you implement, maybe having a similar system to and banning people that get reported for scamming?

1 decade ago

That's the thing. There is NO ONE that is able to ban on these forums right now besides the site owner, and he has little to no interest in putting a moderator team anytime soon.

1 decade ago

That's a shame, I think having something like that implemented would be a brilliant idea. It's a shame the site owner has no desire to do this though, a real shame!..

1 decade ago

Shame they won't have someone sort this site out, I vote Yatters ;)

1 decade ago

I did it before and did it successfully, I even volunteered to help again.

1 decade ago

I know remember when you use to help out. The site owner really needs to open his ears and listen to what the users on his site want and do something about it. It's a shame that not many more people are not chipping into this thread either!

1 decade ago

the scammer thing is more valves fault than this sites.

1 decade ago

How so? Interested to hear it from that point of view.

1 decade ago

While it may not be perfect I think things are pretty good, I myself have never had any problems.
Getting another support mod back would be helpful though.

1 decade ago

Lold hardly

1 decade ago


1 decade ago

It's gone to shit.

1 decade ago

I agree. I have seen a ratio of like 10:1 on crap offers. Oh you got skyrim? I will give you chopperlift!

1 decade ago

it's full of scammers and alts, the reputation system is highly abused

1 decade ago

Besides, people like this guy. (Expecting neg in 5...)

1 decade ago

perhaps read the rep i get instead of just wetting your pants at "waah -7 he must be scamming, his rep couldn't possibly be there because he posts steamrep links in the scammer's threads, could it?"

1 decade ago

No. Too many scammers lurking around, I want some bannage power nao.

Also, we need coupons/free stuff prevention, it's SO annoying.

1 decade ago


1 decade ago

so if we give out free coupons that not good?

1 decade ago

Just because you may not trade coupons or/for small indie games, doesn't mean others don't. Not to mention these make good sweeteners.

There's a want for them by the majority.

1 decade ago

I think it's nice... except for the occasional guy telling me my games are worth a Steam Communist Beta Coupon. But aside from that, I'm getting nice games.

1 decade ago

I have more of a problem with cheaters, regifters, etc on SG than scammers here. Steamrep is really the only thing currently available that will work across the many trading communities anyhow.

1 decade ago

That's an easy fix compared to this. If you are letting scammers run free, people are slowly losing their money. If you let regifters run free, people are losing respect for a person at most.

1 decade ago

I just don't think the situation is appreciably worse than other trading sites.

1 decade ago

Other trading sites have moderators, this one doesn't.

1 decade ago

I feel terrible about strades. I mean, technically it's alright, but the amount of retards and scammers is TOO DAMN HIGH.

1 decade ago

Exactly how I feel. It works but it's definitely not what it should be at.

1 decade ago

To be fair to seems a lot of people in here are upset about people effectively 'lowballing' them with offers such as (coupons, beta's) and other rubbish items like that, but really I don't understand why people are getting offended by this. Who isn't going to try and push there luck and see if someone is either gullible or stupid enough to accept one of these as part of a trade for something like a game?. Slight flip reversal here if that was you offering out coupons and someone accepted and agreed to a trade for a game lets say, wouldn't you think 'WOW what a result'?. It's just part of everyday trading, as long a Steam keep sending out these crappy coupons people are going to try and palm them off to people in return for games or other items. If you can't deal with these 'lowballs' then to be honest you shouldn't bother spending time trading right?

1 decade ago

It's not about the lowballs, it's about the scammers and people like this person.

1 decade ago

LOL, you've got to ask yourself 'why would people continue to trade with this guy if he's even got negative feedback trolling on for months' I wouldn't even give people the time or deal with them!

1 decade ago

He is now, some of us actually reported him instead of just bitchin bout it, and whata you say? Marked as scammer ;) just here on steamtrades, unfortunately he still lurks around...

1 decade ago

LOL, you've got to ask yourself 'why would people continue to trade with this guy if he's even got negative feedback trolling on for months' I wouldn't even give people the time or deal with them!

1 decade ago

Bang on iWin.

1 decade ago

I feel perfectly fine yatterman, the ammount of people that are posting on steamtrades got increased a lot, same on steamgifts. Like 4 months ago u had to wait like 3-4 days to get 300 points on steamgifts u now dont need more then 1 day. Four months ago when u bump ur topic he stays there for like 1 hour and more, now he cant be there for 20 minutes. More people are on this site, so of course there is more scammers. Scammers were allways around. They are using rep from some trader and scamm people. But still those people who got scammed have no idea about this site, they dont know how to click on profile to see if its same person. So steamrep and your ban list cant help there much anyway. And free stuff will allways be around, so stop complaning.

1 decade ago

Its my opinion on him. I and stay with that statement i made. There is no banlist that can change that. We are talking about scammers Yatterman, not about some retarded russian lowballer.

1 decade ago

You called him a retard, and a lowballer in that post.

1 decade ago

Yes, and? I know to read.

1 decade ago

You may not be a scammer, but you are a huge dick and this is why the community fails.

1 decade ago

You said he isn't one even though you clearly said he is one in the screencap.

1 decade ago

I said he is retard. And his is still retard and lowballer. Tell me why am i a huge problem to this communitty? Make some point. And wanna hear that from you.

1 decade ago

You insult like a fucking toddler when you accuse someone of lowballing and being a retard. How hard is just to ignore someone? You aren't as low as scammers, but you are pretty fucking low.

Go back to breastfeeding.

1 decade ago

Its hard to ignore that retard trust me.

1 decade ago

And yet you still call him a retard. Instead of acting like a total dick, why don't you take the moral high ground and report him?


1 decade ago

I've had a high number of reports against you back when I was moderating because you mostly:

A) Insulted people
B) Left negative reputation to insult people

You never scammed anyone, but you treat everyone like shit.

1 decade ago

Not everyone. Just retarded people. And i got ban for that anyway.

1 decade ago

I wonder why.

1 decade ago

The fact that you feel someone is a retard because you don't like the way they act does not justify insulting them or leaving false negatives on their profiles. The way you act, you could be seen as retarded, so you have to learn to accept that not everyone sees things the way you do. I've had lowballs and annoying people on my threads. I just say no and move on. (Sometimes these people have no idea they're lowballing, either because of regional prices or just clueless about things like The Ship and Nuclear Dawn invasions. Sometime they're just trying to make a profit hoping you don't know better.)

1 decade ago

I dont care really. That guy is still a retard. And im a retard also.

1 decade ago

lmao entertaining..

1 decade ago

people with 4-8 posts at once makes staying on the front page harder

1 decade ago

I think people that the (2) things that's Yattersman mentioned about you ninjazinedin are actually both as bad as being an actual scammer. I've been around for quite a few months trading and I find it rare lately that you ever find 'friendly' traders anymore, this maybe could be related to the amount people are fed up getting scammed and so many rude trader on this site, moods really do rub of on others!

1 decade ago

I usually have 2-3 threads max at any time and I try to bump them no less than 10 minutes apart so I don't spam the main page. (Also gives them more visibility) It's annoying when people post 8 consecutive identical threads, or they post a different thread for each of their game. It just pushes everyone down real fast.

1 decade ago

I agree ninja.
same sh*t different toilet.
scamming is the same it will always be, no one can have an impact on this but but valve and even then nothing is fullproof.

1 decade ago

No this is happening because there is no Yatterman list.

1 decade ago

Sure there should be something in place to "remove" problems as the are brought to light but its hard to trust anyone, i mean anyone.. I have read some stuff that isnt surprising but is very disapointing.

If there was some sort of management who did not have any interest in "trading" but more as a "enforcer" then it would be a more ideal situation. mixing pleasure w/ business always has a negative ending and the scamming wont stop until something is in place to have more penalties for scammers and more protection for honest users and then it turns into a filtering process of who is honest and who is not. Part time scammers exist and its just sad that this trade site could be alot more than it is but it does suit the purpose of what its intended for, trading.

1 decade ago

we need a constant update of list of scammers as well, never ending and daily.

1 decade ago

The site need staff. Yes!

1 decade ago

Theres also a lot more people doing like 5 posts for the same games as blinkdog said and no one does anything about it definitely needs a mod, the free stuff being offered is just annoying. Scammers are just allowed to stay on the site roaming free and will only escalate while nothings done.

1 decade ago

This is why we think it needs Moderators, not only are there scammers, but there are bumpers, spammers and arseholes like this guy.

1 decade ago

+1 on that JammyTurtle I couldn't agree with you more!

1 decade ago

You are one of the only people here who still replys to this thread who isn't a bumper, spammer, scammer or arsehole.

1 decade ago

You having a pop at me? :/

1 decade ago

No, he's having a soda.

1 decade ago

I was complimenting you D:

1 decade ago

I'm slightly retarded and misread stuff easily (I'm also dyslexic) ;)

1 decade ago

There's definitely a need for moderation on the site. Plus a few things sould be put in place to make the site more usable.

  • On the profile page, there should be a warning beside the link toward the Steam profile urging people to click on it to make sure they're talking to the right person. That would help against impersonators that gives our profile pages as "proof" of their rep.

  • Beside every positive/negative comment, you should see the +/- each commenter have like in the threads. A negative from someone with (+0/-16) isn't worth squat.

  • There should be a way to see open threads fom someone from his/her profile. I hate spending 10 minutes finding someone's thread just so I don't hijack another trader's topic to make an offer.

1 decade ago

Steantrades is a good, but could be great, if it werent for the scammers. It just needs a boost of moderators.

1 decade ago

Is it as good as SteamTrades?

1 decade ago

Is it as good as SteamTrades?

1 decade ago

Is it as good as SteamTrades?

1 decade ago

Looking at the general trend in these threads, filled with:

  • Free Starvoid keys
  • Free Titan Attack keys
  • Illegal steam/origin/battlenet account trading
  • Indie Bundle offers for AAA games
  • 1xDOTA2 for CS:Go offers
  • General cheapness
    I can heartily announce that any rational trader would have BETTER LUCK WITH AN OFFER FROM GOD.
    Because, god bless, this forum is INFESTED with sinful lowballers, exploitive traders, scammers, and the general scum of the internet.
1 decade ago


1 decade ago

You mean it isn't !?

1 decade ago

There are too many spammers, from time to time, I see people that have 8-9 threads running right on top of each other. As for scammers, I've had one or two add me and attempt to say that they are other people. Scammers are not really the site's fault since the scammers use proxy ips or internet cafes etc, however, it is kinda of a lot of them.

1 decade ago

There is been much account trading, but you cannot stop the scammers.
Peoples just doesnt check steamrep or doesnt even compare steamtrades ID with profile ID of person who added them, causing lots of impersonator scams.
EDIT: Actually there is solution of allowing users to have possibility to add text to their profile.

1 decade ago

There are a TON of scammers running around. It needs some more moderation. One feature that would help could be trade on the users' profile page, it also displays a link to said users' Steamreps page.

1 decade ago

personally, i'm not worried about being scammed.. but impersonators is what worries me the most.. have a -rep because of that. i guess there is one good thing that i can think of that comes from having a -rep: my impersonators can no longer link a perfect rep page, and that -rep will put a potential victim on alert.. but still...

1 decade ago

Yea im not worried about scanners either they go after the less experienced traders for sure. But I don't want to build up a pos. Rep to have someone taint it.

1 decade ago

What you don't want to happen is for someone to gin up support for moderation, and then some over-reaching jerk starts up his own personal crusade of misery, by banning, whining, complaining, and then banning, banning, banning......and just a pinch of sarcasm to go along with it.

1 decade ago

Isn't that what I vaguely did, just only with banning + sarcasming? ;)

1 decade ago

Oh, so true! Good luck on your effort to bring sanity to this mess.

1 decade ago

Haven't used this site for over a month and now I have to say (got back here few days ago) it is a mess. I can't comment about scammers since I haven't been scammed yet but there are other things that bother me:
Users making 4+ threads and bumping them at the same time
People insulting each other more and more.

1 decade ago

1 decade ago

My method to avoid scam is to have the trader messge my thread so i can track his steamrep... then if he has low rep he goes first, if he sounds shady i just dont trade unless its a gift trade.... that about sums it up... been working or me so far.

1 decade ago

Not much worse than before, especially given other variables. I would like to say that Yatterman would cure all, but I just don't think that would happen for several reasons. Sure, there are alts and scammers, but they seem to be preying on those who don't read stickies anyways and make risky trades without doing due diligence. Spammers are no worse than before (Class ALWAYS had 5+ threads going with impunity).

Besides, there are WAY more people trading keys than just a few months ago. Key trades are inherently risky, and you assume the risk when you make a key trade. I think that without Steam actually working with the 3rd party sites to enforce true bans there will always be douchey scammers around. And Steam partnering will never happen since they don't really seem to give a shit unless you chargeback (and thus cost them money).

Back to your role in this: the grandstanding is pretty lame, Yatterman. You left because you had differences with cg. Posting a sarcastic and loaded "poll" just to somehow rally people around you is grandstanding that I figured we would be seeing in Tampa this week - not on steamtrades.

But hey, you really seem to want to how about just bump those scammer threads up when you can and create a helpful post to educate the noobs who are getting suckered. Beyond that, if cg doesn't want your help, I am inclined to think he has some good reasons.

1 decade ago

I'm sorry that I want to help a site again that i've devoted almost 4-5 months to with being the only moderator on here. You can think grandstanding it lame, but i'm trying to open his eyes. All he has been doing is promising more and more features for moderators (I haven't been able to close threads or delete rep for all the time I moderated here), and all of a sudden he takes it away. There has been not a single staff member devoted to steamtrades for the past month now.

Making a scammer thread won't help when I can't take any action against them from this site. And even if I forwarded the thread to him, he would take NO ACTION. This same shit happened when I needed him to delete various peoples negative reputation after lokonopa stepped down.

See this childish if you will, but honestly I just want this site to do well and be properly moderated, not the shithole that it is right now.

1 decade ago

To be fair, cg has added some features to SteamGifts, and the changes seem to have made that quite a bit better. Back to this: If you have been in contact with cg about how you feel, I am sure his eyes have been open. This thread doesn't seem to stand to engender you to the only guy who is able to give you mod powers. Plus, if you were the only mod for 4-5 months, why were you giving a pass to a select few for spamming? I would rather have no mod than one who seems to play favorites.

And really, where are the traders going to go? Consider how outright terrible the Steam forums are for trading (at least compared to "the good 'ol days" - and they are full of mods) The reality is people are coming to the trade game and diving right in...some are getting scammed because they just don't know any better and trust too much. Add to that the proliferation of keys, and the lack of legitimate middlemen (you were a prolific one for a long time) and maybe it was bound to change. Heck, most of the new scams are happening to people who aren't even keeping their chatlogs and would have no clue how to report here or to steamrep. Not sure how a mod would ban in those circumstances.

That said, I wish there was someone who could be installed to have power to undo the illegitimate neg ratings, and, better yet, ban users once a scam was proven. But given this thread, I can't imagine cg giving that to you. Seems like you simply should have just been patient and hoped that cg would change his mind.

From an outsider, it seems that cg wants a lot of control. And given our lack of alternatives, I am ok with that. It is his creation, and while it could improve, it is up to him to make changes. He is obviously aware.

As for you: why don't you come back as a middleman to help some of those who actually want to have some safe trading. Surely that would help the site?

1 decade ago

I never gave a pass to anyone spamming. I couldn't do a single thing about them spamming because CG never gave me power to. I would ban them, then they would just go back to spamming.

The traders would go to places such as tf2tp, sourceop, or steam forums themselves to trade.

I will never be a middleman again after what happened to my account during my middleman days, which was someone used me to middleman their chargebacks 3 times without my knowledge which in turn cause my account to be locked down for 2-3 weeks from being able to do anything. I NEVER want to risk my own steam account before helping the community, especially with all the money I've invested in it.

1 decade ago

Fair enough. Seemed like ClassEg ALWAYS had a bunch of threads going at once, and many of those threads stayed open for weeks or longer.

Obviously, there are alternatives, but part of the boom here was because the Steam forums went to crap with their format change. Outpost is good but has some quirks that aren't too noob friendly. I just think that the places that are more tf2-centric will have a harder time attracting the pure game trader. Just wild speculation on my part.

I hear ya about middle-manning - I never felt it worth doing simply because every deal that requires a middle-man is risky. You just have to hope the scammer is deterred from making the trade with a middleman when they can scam someone new easier. I always figured a pair of scammers (or someone with alts) could use a legit middle-man and really make a mess. More to the point, Steam's policies are entirely self-serving, and their policies towards scammers has always been to insulate themselves, and only bring the hammer when they lose money. They could do so much more to track/punish/expose scammers, but they don't.

I would love to see integrate with cg's sites. That would go a long way to deterring the scammers. Heck, Outpost has a lot of quirks I am not a huge fan of, but linking profiles directly to steamrep is a big win. Seems like it would help pageviews for both sites and would be a no-brainer for both.

Oh well, I trust you have generally good reasons for wanting to help, but calling out cg in public just seems like the wrong move. This really isn't a democracy, and it seems like being patient would have been better for your cause (and the end result on the community).

1 decade ago

ClassEg was one of the few people I banned multiple times, made it a permaban and then cg/loko decided to unban him.

The only reason I want to help is because no one else has really been wanting to because of the current state of the site. I don't care about calling out cg in public, and honestly if I get banned for it, I won't be suprised. I just want him to realize that more people then just me think that the site is currently in a shit state, and that it isn't "holding up" at all.

1 decade ago

Well, glad to see someone tried to get Class in line. He was a menace. I am certain you won't get banned for this, though I don't think you will get the promotion :)

However it shakes out, I do hope the site improves. Still, I see many of the issues as hard to police/unsolvable even with a mod (getting new traders to be careful, no legit middle-men left as deterrent) but certainly at least someone to deal with the proven scams and spamming would be nice. A real solution to deal with the impersonators would be even better, as that is damaging a lot of the major traders. Maybe cg will take some more of outpost's ideas since those would translate very well here.

Given that there is no moderation, this place is heaven compared to SPUF during the Winter Sale and for about 4-6 weeks after and that place was packed with quick-trigger mods. As it stands, for a careful trader this site is still better than the alternatives.

Edit to add: I guess what I still want to know is are you just looking to get your old mod spot back, or are you asking for more access to the code/tools? I think that last part is why you left to begin with. I could be wrong.

1 decade ago

I'm looking to get my old mod spot back. The reason I left was because cg removed EVERYONE from support on both steamgifts and steamtrades completely so he could "fix" things. At that point, I was infuriated and took a vacation from the site for 2 weeks.

1 decade ago

I can support that. I will hope that since he has been improving Steam Gifts, that maybe he will have time for Steam Trades soon.

1 decade ago

Hey daryl sorry i didnt respond earlier i was out cold, why is this happening right now?
We need a list of scammers that will be updated dailey.
I dont care who does it.
An overhaul is past due.

1 decade ago

marked scammers currently using this website:

1 decade ago

Yes we need Mods and we need them NOW. Too much scammers lately(not only on steam trades). We need at least 3 mods - 1 for bans,1 for reputation issues and one to help newcomers.

1 decade ago

Even better, Yatter did all of that singlehandedly.

1 decade ago

reputation system should be replaced with something scammers and trolls can't manipulate

1 decade ago

When there actually is someone moderating the site, you should be able to report fake rep and such.

1 decade ago

Reputation system is ok,but fake rep/stupid negatives can be controled.

1 decade ago

controlled by the wrong people at the moment

1 decade ago

I think at least 1 moderator SHOULD be necessary, IMHO.

1 decade ago

We need more policing for this site. Period.

1 decade ago

he is a steamrep scammer lol

1 decade ago


1 decade ago

lol got fed up with him doing it, he did it again so i posted his steamrep link in every thread, probably get my rep to -9 soon :D

1 decade ago

lol just got another -rep from a troll and fake +repper love this site

1 decade ago


1 decade ago

I've haggled with fijut he is pretty one sided but I don't consider that scamming... I think rep should ne verified like other siteshint hint neg rep because you don't like his offer is childish .. just don't take what u don't want..

1 decade ago

I actually told that to cg when I started moderating and he put the reputation system in. I told him that ALL negative reps need to be verified by an admin before they are issued on the user's profile so childish shit doesn't happen.

1 decade ago

During the fall of strades, I've sturggled to see anyone care about it though.

1 decade ago

It sucks to have people negative rep you and you have nothing you can do about it. I don't want a user insulting me or leaving me false feedback for no reason.

1 decade ago

in my opinion, steamtrades has been going down hill. it use to be an amazing place but now people have abused iterally ALL the rules.

some things that need to be fixed:

  • people making multiple threads
  • people trying to trade coupons for games
  •'s gotten to a point, where i've nearly stopped trading.
  • people abusing the reputation status
  • automatic ban for scammers. (proof needed)
  • after a certain amount of negative reputation, i honestly think there should be an automatic ban from the site
  • there definitely should be more mods
  • impersonators

if all of those problems were fixed, i think that the steamtrades community would enjoy this site more.

1 decade ago

actually i don't think it's all the administration's fault. i forgot how people in general are just fucking arseholes.

1 decade ago

Said the guy who has been invisi-bumping his threads every couple of minutes for weeks now.

1 decade ago

I think maybe to stop negative feedback trolling to randoms. (I assume this happens, I haven't had it yet) It would be good to implement a system where a user has to accept a 'trade state' - a state where the users are currently trading, the state where they can also leave feedback. They must set to a trade state before they trade or they won't be able to leave negative feedback if scammed.

1 decade ago

Also where you can view the users inventory with a link by their avatar. This, or a shortcode for users, e.g:

[inventory] - would display a link to the posters inventory.

Rather than going profile > steam profile > inventory or finding the link themselves.

1 decade ago

course there's always the "i'll have to do it myself" approach isn't there

1 decade ago

i'm done with this website in the state that it's in, i might hang around and do some more of this but as far as trading is concerned i've had enough. The reason i have -8 rep is because i'll stick up for myself rather than suck cock and fear getting -repped for no reason, so i'll continue to speak freely.

1 decade ago
Permalink just a screencap of this page to make note of my rep before i take deliberate action against scammers

1 decade ago

U said that yesterday but u are still here.

1 decade ago

If you're not trading anymore, how come you still invisi-bump your trading thread every two minutes ?

1 decade ago

i intend to stop trading, but should i just lose everything i have at the moment? nah i'll get rid of it first. Also it would help if you remained impartial and a little less biased when it comes to thread bumping, since everyone on the site is doing it.

1 decade ago

Not everybody is being such a hypocrite though, breaking the rules on the one hand and complaining how people are all such assholes on the other...
Also, your thread is up on page one approximately every two minutes - that's quite more noticeable than anybody else's threads. How is that biased ?

1 decade ago

if bumping my thread because everyone else is makes me a hypocrite, i guess i am. cry some more my friend.

and yeah, trust me, you're still biased.

1 decade ago

No, what makes you a hypocrite is whining about how people are assholes and behaving like one yourself. Look up the word if you're still confused.
Oh, and look up bias, too, while you're at it.

On a side note, it's not 'everybody else' that is bumping their threads more than they should, it's a handful of antisocial imbeciles who tell themselves it's okay because 'everybody else' is doing it.

1 decade ago

Loads of scammers and impersonators here and I agree that something needs to be done about this.

1 decade ago

this thread deserves no more attention

1 decade ago

Funfact, i've had that for almost a year now. You are incredibly late. Nice negative reputation you left me too.

I've had that the entire time I've moderated this site and middlemanned for this site. The admin who marked me has no proof I scammed a single person other then a IP match from a public IP.

I abused nothing at all. The IP match was from 2010.

1 decade ago

well you appealed and got caught lying so who am i to judge, you can edit your post all you like

1 decade ago

Dunno, maybe you can be a sensible person and realize an IP match from 2010 isn't enough for someone to be called a scammer over. Or you can continue being the idiot like you always have been and keep wondering why people hate you on the site.

1 decade ago

good luck friend, anyone with common sense can just read the appeal, your excuse is poor (and do you really need 4 [those are the ones we know about] steam accounts?)

i love it when people pull the "it wasn't me, it was my dog" excuse

1 decade ago

Except it's moreso, it wasn't me, it was someone else on a public IP. You really are dumb.

e: And the reason I have alternate accounts were for middlemanning giftable copies easier and a dota 2 alt account for friends to play on.

1 decade ago

sorry mate got better things to do than talk to compulsive liars, perhaps read back your appeal and your own words.

1 decade ago

See you!

Spoiler Alert: I won't be banned here.

1 decade ago

You must be new here.

1 decade ago

I like the line that says "Disappointing when power is abused". What power was abused, exactly?

1 decade ago

Better than offical steam trading forums but lack of moderation

1 decade ago

It's become a cesspool of sociopaths with a healthy sprinkling of scammers. Even the Steam trading forum is more fun to trade in nowadays :/

1 decade ago

The most important problem that has this forum now are the Impostators. It is a problem difficult to solve. The user from whom they steal the identity cannot do anything to defend itself. Even we can get banned in steamrep, since only images are used to report.
Example 1
Example 2
Example 3

The scammers use a lot of impostators accounts. We should think the way of fighting against this.
In my opinion, the first thing that it would be necessary to do, it is make an alert in web really visible for new users.

1 decade ago

i hope u will be admin again of this site. you did an awesome job. helped me with a scammer. because of his ban the scammer got scared and gave me my games back :3.

1 decade ago

whoa classEg is permaban yatterman? so im the only 200+ here. :D

1 decade ago

yea ur the worst philipino lowballer here.

1 decade ago

i dont care if i lowball. its my skills. dont you got skills? its Filipino not philipino.and your the most rude guy here that destroys the community. :D

1 decade ago

nice skillz.

1 decade ago

He shouldn't be?

1 decade ago

How can you tell classEg is permabanned ?

1 decade ago

We need support not only because of scammers, but also because of massive account trading. Rules aren't obeyed because nobody is keeping the order. Steamtrades Utopia didn't worked well out.

1 decade ago

I'm expecting that trading will become impossible when the forum is full of greedy people.

1 decade ago

To be honest, i can deal with retards, lowballers and such (or just ignore them), but what i can't deal with, is having people like this ONE (that finally got suspended, don't know for how long though) that already have THIS (thanks to me and some other guys) still using steamtrades... I don't know what can be done to prevent this, but there should be a system where if someone gets X number of negative rep, it should be reviewed by staff, and something should be done... The same thing for fake rep... Just saying ;)

1 decade ago

I got scammed and after giving -rep to scammer,he and his 2 alt gave me -rep.
So i got scammed and got 3 -rep for being scammed.

1 decade ago

Closed 6 years ago.