I have...

Do not add me to discuss. That's what this thread is for.

I'll add you when we have a mutually-agreed-upon offer, if necessary.

I have ~1M Gems (1,000 sacks).

I want...

I want CSGO/TF2 keys, PayPal, offers (no cards).

I don't have a specific price per sack. I'd like to see your offer.

Send a trade offer here. Trade offers that do not contain my Gems in exchange for one of the above will be immediately declined. Don't be a moron and spam random offers.

If you'd like to offer PayPal, you'll have to have relatively high (i.e. 200+) reputation, and you will have to cover any fees. I will not even consider your PayPal offer if you do not have enough reputation.

5 years ago*

40 cents per stack on pp?

5 years ago

You don't have enough reputation.

5 years ago

fair enough , thanks anyhow for your answer
oh and from a previous seller if that would help to change your mind

5 years ago

Closed 5 years ago.