I have...

Send me trade offer here: https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=176580588&token=BEBXdm4n
90% off:

-16bit Trader (2x)
-Amerzone: The Explorer's Legacy
-Forsaken Uprising (2x)
-Tiny Bridge: Ratventure
-Merchants of Kaidan
-Destiny Warriors
-Why So Evil

75% off:

-Space Corn
-Devils Share (2x)
-Richard & Alice (2x)
-Forsaken Uprising
-The Collider
-Blast Em!
-The Hive
-Spooky Cats
-Camera Obscura
-The Howler
-Hatland Adventures
-Power of Love

50%, 33%, 25% and 10% are free.

I want...

TF2 weapons, metal (scrap, reclaimed, refined)
CS:GO skins, cases
Bundle games

8 years ago

Closed 8 years ago.