
Great trader, +Rep

1 year ago Permalink

+rep Fast and Good Prices, THANKS for the game

1 year ago Permalink

+1 Rep fast response everything went well :D

2 years ago Permalink

+rep good and fast trade

2 years ago Permalink

+rep good trader

2 years ago Permalink

+REP fast and nice trader

2 years ago Permalink

Scammer ALERT!!!! i didnt trade but he tried to scam me as you can see other -rep he askes others to go first

2 years ago Permalink

Mate dont you dare say scammer alert to me. You got -3 reps yourself ofc i want you to go first.

2 years ago Permalink

+rep, good and fast trader

2 years ago* Permalink

Scammer and liar, who usually goes after new users. DON'T TRUST HIM.

-The exchange was WWE 2k BATTLEGROUNDS and Simulcra 2 for DayZ.

-I trusted him because he had more range (big mistake) and I passed my keys first.

-He said that a WWE 2k BATTLEGROUNDS key was duplicated. I couldn't see his game list (he would have it private or something) to see if he had it or not.

-He showed me a cropped screenshot that was probably from another account (the image of the acount does not match the one he has) to make me believe that he did not have the game, saying that he had only searched for W (which is probably a lie because the screenshot is cut)

-Finally when I could see the list of his games, he actually had WWE 2k BATTLEGROUNDS, I showed it to him, he acted surprised,

-After that he removed me from his friends list and blocked me as the user who wrote before me.

Here the proofs and the entire conversation:

Edit: You are an unscrupulous liar, the only thing you gave me was a bad afternoon. I have nothing more to say, in the conversation your lies are seen.

2 years ago* Permalink
  1. I sent you a key but you didn't send that part
  2. Gave me a negative review even after i gave him the right key.
2 years ago* Permalink

Edit: I'm one of 2 that got scammed in the last hour, so he's probably going on a scamming spree and just throwing away his reputation in one go. If you read this, don't trade with him, no matter how enticing the offer looks.

This one's a scammer. You would be smart to stay away from this user.


I went through with a scam so you don't have to. It seems he preys on users with low rep, so if that's you, and he offers something that sounds to good too be true, stay far away.

Storytime if you are so inclined:

I accepted their offer of their Hell Let Loose for my Maneater, which of course sounds too good to be true since Maneater keys are basically garbage. Of course, this was most likely going to be a scam, but knowing the risk, I decided to take one for the team, where at least we can all find out once and for all if this person is actually a scammer.

At the time of trading, they had a rep of +17/-1 with the only negative review reflecting a trade that actually didn't go through. I decided to risk my cheap garbage game key on a trade where I get literally INFINITE times the value because, why not? It was cheap af to begin with anyways, but now its practically worthless since Epic Games Store was giving it away 3 weeks ago. At least if they were going spend a year building a reputation in order to pull off a scam, no dumb stupid idiot would be so stupid enough to risk it all on something as worthless as Maneater, right? RIGHT?!?! Well, it turns out BenRex321 is the exception. Against all odds, he aims to defy all logic and waste an entire year of his time solidifying his place as the biggest idiot alive by pulling off what may possibly be the single dumbest heist in all of steamtrades history, because, my god, BenRex321 really is that stupid.

I agreed to go first given their reputation was higher than mine > verified they didn't own Maneater > sent my key > verified they activated my key > activated their key for "obviously not Hell Let Loose" > they blocked me.

I sit here absolutely appalled and shocked that my beloved Maneater key was stolen from me. SIKE ain't nobody wanted that key to begin with. You played yourself.

Edit: The audacity to respond with a professionally numbered list. Hilarious. I don't even need to spend time with that since the proof already does the work for me.
I hope throwing away your entire trading reputation for a game that was free 3 weeks ago was worth it you big dum-dum

2 years ago* Permalink

Is he serious, putting a negative review because he is being dumb enough to give me a Dup key, and i even gave the right key after anyway, and he is also pretending i gave him the wrong key. and now you are giving me a negative review?

  1. He gave me 1/2 Dup game key
  2. You didn't activate my key
  3. Gave me a negative review even after i gave him the right key.
  4. And pretending i gave him the wrong key.
2 years ago* Permalink

+rep, everything good

2 years ago Permalink

+rep, bough tf2 keys from him using paypal

2 years ago Permalink

+rep, reliable and quick trader.

2 years ago Permalink

+Rep Fast and Friendly Trader!

2 years ago Permalink

+REP great trader

2 years ago Permalink

+Rep 😁✌🏻
Good and friendly trader

2 years ago Permalink

+rep, fast and nice trader

2 years ago Permalink

+Rep! Fast, friendly & trustworthy trader!

2 years ago Permalink

+Rep good trader

2 years ago Permalink

+rep Nice and trustworthy trader

2 years ago Permalink

+REP, fast and nice trader! would recommend!

PS: he went first

2 years ago Permalink

+1, good trader

2 years ago Permalink

+Rep, trusted

2 years ago Permalink

+REP fast and friendly

2 years ago Permalink

+Rep good trader

2 years ago Permalink

+rep, good and fast trader

2 years ago* Permalink

+Rep, good trader

3 years ago Permalink
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