
started trading with 51 games even though he only owns 4 games and the inventory is private as hell if you like added him he'll tell you the game you want and you added him for is a key naturally and you have to go first

7 years ago Permalink

-REP, scammer, alt account of have +200 rep on reddit there is no bump on reddit

LOL , the same list of games ,,scammers are idiots

IF You GOT scammed but the idiot, its your fault, i can't do better than that

Don't Be A VICTIM , Don't be Greedy

WANT PROOF? here is it
same copy/past
The same fucking (Games list}
The same fucking (CPUCores: Maximize Your FPS)
The same fucking (Gamer Girl)
Finally :The same fucking ( Poor Profile )

7 years ago* Permalink

what the hell? are you kidding with me?
i dont even know him or her!
why are you telling that without proofs!
damn virgin without life at least show proofs!
im new on this site

Edit: you are probably retarded, you and the people who's voting to aproove this just because u got +385 rep
your proofs mean nothing lol

7 years ago* Permalink
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