
Scammer, multiple keys revoked

6 years ago Permalink


-Multiples Keys Revoked, Deleted from His Steam Profile, Changed His Nickname.

6 years ago* Permalink

+rep, traded quantum break, Long dark, Dawn of war III from him, he went first. Trustable trader. Thanks for the trade !

Keys revoked. =>
You think you may be smart because you deleted your positive feedback on other people's profile and changed your steam profile custom URL.
Remember kid you really cant escape. There is a thing called Steam ID 64 which will not change no matter what your custom profile URL is.
And there are people like me who keep a record of every transaction made with that 64 ID so you failed there.
Second thing, you can get the ID via trade history, you are dumb enough to think this might work for this reason too.
For those who need, his permanenet ID :

How I knew right after the trade that he was a scammer, read if you want to prevent getting scammed

This guy, had another account. He said that the other person was his friend and had set the displayed country other than his country, different name and all to fool people into thinking that his friend was actually a other person.
Friend's ID :
He said that his friend wants to trade the same thing with me that he traded with me for same price. I found it a lil bit fishy but not enough to consider he was scamming, till...his friend used the same language as him. His friend replied to me with "okey" just like this guy said "okey" to me. This was a definite for me that his friend is his ID again. And notice that how his friend is not even online from near 2 weeks.
So in short, his friend was him.
This made me realize that he is trying to scam.

Another thing is,
This guy has 0 trade threads up (all screens will be added below) and he has made trades with 6 people, and notice how those 6 people are taking the same games. No person will buy 6 humble monthlies, he blatantly lied to me saying he traded with them other games which I was sure he did not. I just kindly told him that I wanted to know the source was secure because I dont want to accuse anyone without hard proofs. So remember this folks, always check stuff, especially when a person randomly adds you.

proofs of what I wrote above.

How he says "okey" :
His friend not online since chatting with me :
He has 0 trades as of when I wrote this :
How his friend also used "okey" which made me sure his friend was actually this person only :

Almost forgot this, Me asking him how many monthly he bought to which he blatantly replies 2 just to make it seem less obvious that he bought many via fake credit card :

Alright, big stuff

Just uncovered that this guy does not only have 2 ID's, he is probably an ID buyer and has a loooooooot of ID's. Stupidly, all the ID's have the same name as him, Lynxsu.
ID's which I highly suspect are his, are below. OR
(Already said above about this ID. Definitely another ID of him. ) OR
( ) OR
(Notice how only this guy is the friend in that ID ) OR
( ) OR

These screens have the steam ID 64 number in them which you can match with the Links I gave you. So if they change their name or custom urls which are displayed in the screenshot you can still confirm that they are him by matching the 64 ID on their profile with the screenshot.

6 years ago* Permalink

Good Fast Trader. Thank you. REP+++++++++++

6 years ago Permalink

Edit- A key I bought from him recently revoked. Will re-edit this review if it's replaced, though I doubt this'll be happening as he's changed his name and removed me from friends.

6 years ago* Permalink

+REP, fast and secure trader! I recommend to all :)

6 years ago Permalink
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