
I made a mistake by accepting a region locked key, user was unwilling to work out a swap. He obviously has the experience that should prevent stuff like this, and was very unwilling to work out any other kind of resolution, which leads me to believe that his deception was intentional. Traders beware.

post-reply addendum: I did NOT choose it, you accepted my "Offer to multiple users". And if the fact that it was region locked was so prevalent to you, why didn't you see fit to give a less knowledgeable trader a heads-up? This wasn't left for revenge, this was a legit negative experience in which I was traded a ROW locked game on where I am clearly listed as an NA trader. Now, either you knew your "well documented region locked game" wouldn't work for me in my region and traded it to me anyway, or you didn't realize there would be a region issue, and that's okay because people miss things, but you didn't care at all to rectify the situation for my sake. Either way, it seems you don't care for making sure the trader opposite you is satisfied, and this is something possible future traders need to be aware of.

2nd add: I did NOT know it was region locked until after I tried to redeem it. Yeah it was a week later, when YOU finally replied to my message about a potential swap days after I asked. You're absolutely right, that was a very negative experience for me. Be aware traders, this guy DOES NOT CARE if you have region issues with a key he sends, it's apparently not his "bussines" to be that courteous to another trader.

3rd: Did you just admit to redeeming the key? So now, you aren't even keeping up your end of the trade, I can't re-trade, nor leave proper feedback for the trade on Barter. Who is the cheat now??

It is hard to fully understand when you don't express yourself succinctly. Did you or did you not redeem the key that you sent to me?? Why even mention playing Borderlands if you didn't redeem it? WTF does that have to do with any of this? It is quite hard to believe that you have +612 when your communication is this bad.

That doesn't help at all to clarify anything, you basically just translated everything you wrote before. I never agreed to get a region locked key, I didn't know it was region locked until after I tried to redeem it. I never had the chance to reject it, you never gave me a chance. I sure do hope this review makes it past votes, I'm tired of trying to get through to you so you see the err of your ways.

for reference, here's the chat before he changed it:

Glad to see this made it past votes. I bet you wish you had handled it differently now. Suck it, mate.

2 years ago* Permalink

Para que no tengas problemas con mi forma de expresarme, te voy a poner un resumen bien claro de todo lo que ha pasado, y de paso concluyo tu charada y te dejo solo posteando ad infinitum tus sinsentidos para tu único disfrute.
El trato que hicimos, donde venía bien indicado que el juego tenía "region lock" es este:
Cuando te fui a enviar la clave, me preguntaste si tenía "region lock", yo te dije que sí, tú aceptaste seguir con el intercambio y todo bien.
Luego dijiste que no podías activar la clave con una VPN y quisiste devolverme una clave que yo no sé si ha sido usada a cambio de otros dos juegos, a lo cual te respondí que no, si no querías tener problemas con la activación haberlo dicho al principio, pero cuando aceptaste se convirtió en tu problema majete. Te coges la clave y la cambias en Barter por lo que quieras en vez de molestarme a mí para que te resuelva la papeleta y solucione tu problema.
Pero como no tienes tolerancia a la frustración, te pillas una pataleta y me dejas una valoración negativa en Steamtrades que según tú no es por venganza. Bueno, puedo vivir con ello, las otras 600 personas que han hecho tratos conmigo ya saben el tipo de trader que soy, tu valoración sólo te retrata a tí como lo que eres, y a la larga quedará claro. Si acabas de empezar y ya creas conflictos, es simple cuestión de tiempo que los hechos te pongan en tu lugar.
Por tus comentarios se deduce que las 600 valoraciones positivas que tengo son de gente que está equivocada, sólo tú de entre todos tienes razón, el resto se equivocan. Tú eres listo y los demás no.
El caso es que tus intentos de hacer daño son burdos y cuanto más escribes más patente es tu ignorancia, hubo un momento en que me parecías divertido, pero la verdad es que me aburres, búscate una afición y deja de hacer el troll, aquí no te voy a dar más juego.
Como te dije en el comentario de Barter's, que tengas un bonito viaje y hasta nunca.
¿A qué ahora está todo muy bien redactadito y se entiende mucho mejor?

2 years ago* Permalink
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