
Discussed a fair price for games. I sent 2 of 3 and didn't receive my money. I asked what the delay was and was told that it had been sent via PayPal but nothing was received.

5 years ago Permalink

Here are our very short chat logs.

He added me late at night and out of the blue, without leaving a comment. Then asked me whether I had Stardew Valley, and how many copies. I asked him what he had to offer first, since at this point he was just random adding me and asking for stuff, and he replied he had CSGO keys and Bitcoin, both of which I wasn't after.

I then asked him on which platform he found me, and he said Steamtrades -
Both my Steamtrades post clearly says to leave a comment first before adding, ideally coming to an agreement first, which he must've ignored. I then remove him and head to sleep, then woke up this morning to this -rep.

Actually got a lot worse after. I've added our later chat to the imgur screenshots, see them for yourself.

5 years ago* Permalink
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