
Added me on steam to ask me for street figther 6 and wanted to offer csgo items. I do have street fighter 6 to offer as a preorder. They wanted a gift for it because trading for a key "wasn't safe" I told them I don't know if tradeable inventory gifts exist for it, even as a preorder it can only be done if I send them wallet gift cards or gift it directly on steam(someone has to go first either way). This person was very paranoid and didn't even wanna set their inventory to friends only for 5 MINUTES just so I can check their stuff cause it would make them a "target". I told them my inv is public and how am I not a target, just don't enter stupid links. In the end I told them to sell their items and buy the game on steam and removed them. I don't have time

Long story short big time waster


11 months ago* Permalink

long story short you are a scammer. We didn't even trade.
I cancel up on you becuase you wouldn't want to see my profile when I asked If you had a key or a gift. I told you I only would do trade if it was a gift and we would be over with it.

9 months ago Permalink
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