
Don't trade with this guy, he wanted to trade with me with a friendly attitude.
Once I stopped responding (for 3 hours I guess) he insulted me of mtherfcker, what in the hell is wrong with you ?
To me, an attitude like this is not trustworthy on this community.

1 year ago Permalink

+rep good trader

1 year ago Permalink

-rep, I sent him 28 TF2 keys for 4x humble bundles. Then he sold my keys, and did not send me any of the bundles. not even one.
Do not trade with user under any circumstances.

1 year ago Permalink

First of all I'm gonna say this guy will pretend to be your friend until he gets a chance to scam you big.

I've been trading with this guy for about 1/2 years, doing small trades, swapping cards from same set/cross set, a few gamekeys trades here and there. Chatting it him was nice, we are both portuguese so we would make jokes about stuff and even talking about personal life to a point I would trust him a lot. Most recently he started asking me to buy him some bundles on HB and Fanatical as he would give me a few cents/euros more than what I was paying to get him the bundles. I knew I could've sell to someone to get more money but as he was my friend so I kept selling to him. Everything went smooth, he would always pay me even with a few days of delay but always without a problem.
Two months ago is where the story started to change, on 19th April evening he messaged me asking if I could've borrow him 122 sacks of gems because he found a guy selling TF2 keys for gems at a very nice rate and he said he would give me back the gems the following days. I said "sure, send me offer", and so he did, he sent me the offer and I waited patiently the following days to get my gems back. Messaged him on 25th April asking if he "forgot about me and my gems", he replied on 27th April saying that he has moving from his house, and he has very busy and I said "ok, no worries". Few more days gone and I messaged him again on 30/04 (no answer), on 03/05 (replied with a single "yo"), 08/05 and 11/05 (no answer) and finally on 15/05 he replied to my messages and said that he lost his job and he didn't have the will to be on steam and I had merci of him and waited a few more days. A week later I sent him a message (22/05) and he replied saying "I spent all the gems and now I don't even have gems to give you, do you really want the gems or you prefer in paypal"? and I said I would prefer paypal ofc, but I would wait for the gems, he then asked me "what's your price for each gem sack via paypal?" and we reached an agreement to sell 100 sacks at "0,33€ per sack", so it was the 122 I have loaned him the other month + 100 gems sacks (I even miscalculated that and told him it was only 212 sacks (when in the reality they were 222 sacks), but that's my fault). I made the calculation and said he owed me 70€ (212 x 0,33, I rounded it up 4 cents), he then replied with jokes "nah, I'm not gonna pay 4 cents more, that's way too much", a normal kinda joke he would say when making trades. After that I told him to send me the money and he insisted for me to go first, I sent him the gems at 6:42 pm and messaged him my pp email for the payment, a few hours later he said he was gonna send me the money, he said he haven't done it yet because he had people on his house. Until that day I've been waiting for the payment, messaging him but received no reply although he is active on his profile and active on the steamtradingcards group threads. I found this weird until I realized I couldn't make a comment on his profile or artworks and so I asked a friend in common to see if he was able to comment on his profile, and my friend said yes, confirming my suspections, he blocked communications with me but I didn't realize for around 1 month because he didn't remove from his friend list so I was able to message him but we would never see my message . The chatlogs are in portuguese (our mother tongue) but you can easily confirm what I'm saying by translating it. Also on the printscreens lie proof of both the sack of gems offers and the fact that I'm not able to comment on his profile although still on my friends list.

Here lies proof:

2 years ago Permalink

One of the best game sellers and a person pleasant to have business with.
I strongly recommend this merry guy :D

2 years ago Permalink

+rep easy fast trade, understandable friendly person.

2 years ago Permalink

+REP I went first buying keys, friendly and trusted guy

2 years ago Permalink

+Rep, friendly, fast and trustworthy trader! :)

2 years ago Permalink

+rep, nice and fast trader!

2 years ago Permalink

+REP ミ★ CáPutɑ ★彡 is an amazing trader, recommended! We successfully completed this trade: Thanks a lot for the trade!

2 years ago Permalink

+rep nice, friendly and fast trader

2 years ago Permalink

-rep Scammed me for 4 TF2 keys. Bought him a steam game retail key and when i activate says duplicated

2 years ago Permalink

before you make any accusations, I would like you to put here the evidence that you were really scammed, I'm sick of people giving me -rep when I've never scammed you...

" this guy gave me -rep just because I didn't want to trade games with him "

he doesn't even have proof that the scammei. it's giving -rep for nothing

thank you to the whole community for voting in my favor because this accusation is a lie

Edit: 29/12/2021 -
unfortunately this community is toxic and is voting for this user, i don't understand why they vote for it when it doesn't even show evidence and just put random -rep .... sad to see this :-(

2 years ago* Permalink

Very nice trader.
Had a good trade via

2 years ago Permalink

Ok trader.

2 years ago Permalink

Fast & Friendly! Thanks

2 years ago Permalink

+rep great friendly trader

2 years ago Permalink

+rep: fast, friendly and reliable trader ^_^

2 years ago Permalink

+Rep, a very efficient and friendly trader.

2 years ago Permalink

+rep, trusted and fast trader!

2 years ago Permalink

Reputation changed, he has scammed numerous people out of dozens of TF2 keys and is generally a shit person.

My personal experience was he wanted a rare game from me, but i had traded it and he blocked me over this.

This user is a child and under no circumstances you should trade with him.

2 years ago* Permalink

+rep, good trader.

2 years ago Permalink

+rep nice trader :3

2 years ago Permalink

+Rep, bought few games and everything went smooth. ;)

2 years ago Permalink

Edit from positive to negative.

We was friends/trading for months and around Christmas we would send random trades to each other for single cards (to finish sets) and just say to each other have it for free.

Then in the summer time many months later after not trading, he sent me a trade for 1 card and I just replied with a counter offer for 100 gems (Pretty standard amongst the people I trade with for single cards to finish sets)

He was disgusted I tried charging him for it as 8 months before we gave each other maybe 3/4 free cards each.

Then he blocked me!

How pathetic to do you have to be to do that? We did a lot of positive trades prior to that, not even a good bye or anything just blocked.

2 years ago* Permalink

+rep Fast easy trade of a few of my games for his. Thanks

2 years ago Permalink

+rep, bought few games from him

2 years ago Permalink

+Rep Thank you for a smooth trade!

3 years ago Permalink

Good trader. +rep

3 years ago Permalink

+rep Trade went through smoothly, and very friendly :)

3 years ago Permalink

+rep great trader

EDIT: Ended up scamming me of the entire bundle a week after we traded, he retraded the same keys to another person. - rep

3 years ago* Permalink

+rep Friendly and Great trader.

3 years ago Permalink

+REP. Very friendly and trustworthy trader.

3 years ago Permalink

+rep, friendly and trustworthy

3 years ago Permalink

+rep! Good trader! 👍

3 years ago Permalink

+rep Fast Trade & Good Trader =)

3 years ago Permalink

Nice and fair trader!

3 years ago Permalink

+rep very friendly, fast and polite trader and he went with the trade first.

3 years ago Permalink

+rep, perfect trade. Very fast and friendly. Recommended

3 years ago Permalink


3 years ago Permalink

+rep, Very fair and fast trader

3 years ago Permalink

+rep Friendly and trustworthy trader!

3 years ago Permalink

+rep thrustworthy

3 years ago Permalink

+REP ミ★ CáPutɑ ★彡 is an amazing trader, recommended! We successfully completed this trade: Thanks a lot for the trade!

3 years ago Permalink

+REP ミ★ CáPutɑ ★彡 is an amazing trader, recommended! We successfully completed this trade: Thanks a lot for the trade!

3 years ago Permalink

+rep Quick and reliable trader. Recommended!

3 years ago Permalink

+rep thrustworthy

3 years ago Permalink

+Rep, very polite and quick trader: Absolutely recommended!

Edit: Just scammed me for 150€ , have 30 pages of conversation. Full conversation here:

10 December 2021

3 years ago* Permalink

+rep good trader

3 years ago Permalink

+rep thanks for the trade!

3 years ago Permalink

+rep, trustworthy and fast trader.

3 years ago Permalink
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