
Got a key on Origin for garden warfare revoked after a few days

9 years ago Permalink

I bought Dragon Age Inqusition (Origin key) from him for 14 TF2 keys, the game key was fine. But now the game is revoked from my account.

9 years ago* Permalink

Traded Civilization Beyond Earth a few weeks ago, it got revoked. Contact me for refund or good key man.

9 years ago* Permalink

Just today I found out that the copy of Sims 4 he traded was disabled because of the person he got it from or he decided to chargeback origin. I changed me review from Positive to Negative and now I lost my money to this guy 4 months later.

9 years ago* Permalink

I traded tf2 keys for this guy's titanfall key but after a couple of days it got revoked. DON'T TRUST THIS GUY HIS A SCAMMER AND ALREADY REPORTED.

9 years ago* Permalink

Scammer. Titanfall origin key revoked.

9 years ago* Permalink

+rep my Titanfall key got revoked.

9 years ago* Permalink

-------------------------------------------------- This is The Rep I wrote 10 months ago, a successfully trade, I bought BioShock Infinite from them and key code works perfectly--------------------------


I went first on the trade

Fast and Easy Trustworthy

Great Trader !!!

-------------------------------------------------- This is The Rep I wrote 10 months ago, a successfully trade, I bought BioShock Infinite from them and key code works perfectly--------------------------


Now The Rep I wrote as Today February 9th 2015

Jamierocks was selling to me 2x TItanfall + 2x Plants Vs Zombies Garden Warfare

Here it is :

Titanfall Origin game code u gave to me is not working, yes both of it
I was re selling the game code to someone else and here is the screenshots he gave me (The person who bought Titanfall from me, which ones the Titanfall I gave is something game that I bought from you) :

I can't provide screenshot of our trade's chatting, because I already put trust to them, because of 2 reasons :

  1. I was bought BioShock Infinite from them and it still stays until today.
  2. Jamie has many trades - so that they reach 150Rep, before I bought this 2x Titanfall + 2x PVZ Garden Warfare from them

So I become careless and not even bother to make screenshot of our trade's chat

Proof of Trade :

  1. Trade History Jan 14th, 2015 →
  2. Trade History Jan 15th, 2015 →

Still updating this ---- not finish collecting available proof (Still waiting confirmation from people who bought PVZ Garden Warfare

Please talk to me about this issue Jamierocks, since u already unfriend me before u gone offline for 10 days (As it today Feb 9th 2015)
Let me know if this only misunderstanding between us

Edit: March 14th, 2015

As far as for today,
It's good... PvZ Garden Warfare, 2 games was redeemed
1 was redeemed to a buyer (the person who come to me and buy de game which I bought from Jamierocks)
1 was redeemed by me myself at March 3rd, 2015

Well.... as still to today (March 14th, 2015) the games are just fine
2x PvZ Garden Warfare (Origin) still stays at our accounts

But the Titanfall 2x Copy u give to me are invalid Key Codes

1 decade ago* Permalink
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