
Edit (15-04-2023): Since he decided to dispute this legit negative rep he earned trying to scam me all for a petty revenge plot, I'll also add some new things to my original comment that shows why this person deserves to have this negative rep stick to his profile and why you should press that Allow Review GREEN button.

Here is his friend who left me a negative rep despite us not even contacting one another or even trading

Conversation with Lordofwhatever05823 about NMS and TF2 keys

His comments left on my Steam profile about me buying him NMS and TF2 keys

Feel free to translate his comments on my profile yourself, so he can't lie and say I made him look "bad". He thought he could hold the negative rep he left on my profile over my head and blackmail me into giving him NMS (No Man's Sky), later 15TF2 keys so that he would remove it. His negative rep from me is well deserved since he involved me in his trade and tried to scam me in the process.

------------------Original Comment (Made it easier on the eyes)--------------------------

I was lucky in this whole kerfuffle. I lost nothing to this scammer, only time. However, Lordofwhatever05823 got scammed out of RE4 Remake while giving HoxyPh (Steam name as of writing NeX) Nioh 2. He gave him the wrong key, Resident Evil 4 (2005) (which he knew all along), and then told Lordofwhatever05823 to contact me and ask me to buy the game he promised him. In the end, I'm no gullible idiot as he expected. He thought I would buy Lordofwhatever05823 Resident Evil 4 Remake, while he would get to keep his Nioh 2 game, and his reputation would be intact. Best of all, he would scam me into paying for his game and thus get his petty revenge for a stupid yo mama joke I made almost 3 months ago on a Discord server we were on.

I was also in contact with Lordofwhatever05823 throughout this whole ordeal -

Here is the proof that he knew all along his key was for Resident Evil 4 (2005), not RE4 Remake before contacting Lordofwhatever05823.

Proof -

My interactions with this petty scammer via Steam Chat.

Pic -

And here is me calling him out on his bullshit after he lied that "someone" (meaning not him) scammed Lordofwhatever05823. The rest of our Steam chat was in Serbian since we are both from Serbia. I offered translations for the pictures I post in both Google Translate and my own work since Google Translate can be "special" at times with its translations.

Our conversation -

In the end, all the evidence shows this was premeditated. He was fully aware the game he had wasn't Resident Evil 4 Remake but the original 2005 version. He wanted to get his stupid petty revenge by making me pay for the game he was supposed to give this man by manipulating me with something nice I did for someone else. All for those stupid "yo mama" jokes I made almost 2+ months ago in a Discord server.

The Yo Mama joke scandal:

So, there is plenty of proof that this is indeed his Discord profile and the person he mentioned (funnyduck) I met on that server, where they shared they got scammed.

1 year ago* Permalink

I hope the community realizes this guy is heavily trolling me, starting with his not-funny and insulting joke. Even now he is trying to describe me as the bad guy.
Even his translating is heavily implying me.
EDIT: He wants his negative rep removed while he left a negative rep here but i never traded with him.
THis just shows you what kind of a person he is.

1 year ago* Permalink

-rep Scammer Alert
Let’s begin at the beginning, I been looking for a good deal for Resident Evil 4 Remake. On Sunday I was reached out to by HoxyPh (76561198071045735) saying that he had the game I was looking for, all I would have to is exchange a game such as Nioh 2. Originally I had told him I already no as I had another trade for the exact same game, for a better price. But sadly that deal did not work out, so I came back and we agreed on Nioh 2, after purchasing the key we exchange keys. He got what he wanted but I got Resident Evil 4 (2005), not the remake. After confronting him about the situation, he said he thought it was the remake. He then reached out to Sv. Prolivije, asking him to help fix the situation saying that I was scammed and to help make me whole. He scammed me, and that its. But I believe do to my conversation with Sv, Prolivije he was trying to scam him into paying it as well.

Should also mention that with the help of Sv. Prolivije It would seem he knew the key was not the remake. He will be posting his own story soon.

I should mention he does say that he will get me a key but until then I will leave this negative rep.

Here’s his steam id: 76561198071045735

Here’s the Proof: (Complete Conversation)

1 year ago* Permalink

Fast and easy trade. +REP

1 year ago Permalink

+rep super fast and friendly trader

1 year ago Permalink

+rep Nice and Fast Trader

2 years ago Permalink

+rep safe and fast

2 years ago Permalink

+rep Fair and friendly trader!

2 years ago Permalink

quick and fair trader, thank you!

2 years ago Permalink

+rep, nice trader

2 years ago Permalink

Reliable trader!

3 years ago Permalink

Fast and friendly a good trade was made :D

3 years ago Permalink

+rep good quick trade, no hassle

3 years ago Permalink

+rep great trader, easy trade :)

3 years ago Permalink

+REP, excellent trader, recommended !!

3 years ago Permalink

+Rep friendly & trustworthy +Rep

3 years ago Permalink

+rep Very quick, very nice, trustworthy

3 years ago Permalink
  • rep! Fast and easy!
3 years ago Permalink

very fast, fair and friendly trader

3 years ago Permalink

+rep, great trader!

3 years ago Permalink

+rep Good trader

3 years ago Permalink

+Rep Thanks for trade man :)

3 years ago Permalink

+Rep, trade went fast and smooth, no hassle. Recommended.

3 years ago Permalink

+rep , good trader, everything was ok :)

3 years ago Permalink

+rep nice trader! Smooth trade, Thank you! :D

3 years ago Permalink

Fast and friendly, thanks!

3 years ago Permalink

+rep friendly and nice trader !! :)

3 years ago Permalink

+Rep Fast trader

3 years ago Permalink

+rep went quickly and smoothly

3 years ago Permalink

+Rep, nice and friendly trader, thank you!

3 years ago Permalink

+rep , nice and reliable trader !

3 years ago Permalink

+rep very friendly trader :)

3 years ago Permalink

thank you for trade.

3 years ago Permalink

+rep. Great trader. Thank you.

4 years ago Permalink

+rep! Went first, good trader!

4 years ago Permalink

+rep Nice and trustworthy trader. Thanks!

4 years ago Permalink

+Rep, fast and fair trader

4 years ago Permalink

+rep Nice and honest trader! Recommended

4 years ago Permalink

+rep, quick and friendly trader! Thanks for the trade :)

4 years ago Permalink

All good.

4 years ago Permalink

+rep, friendly trader! <3

4 years ago Permalink

Fast,Friendly and reliable

4 years ago Permalink

+Rep fast, reliable, trustworthy and friendly. Would trade again with no issue

4 years ago Permalink

good trade

4 years ago Permalink

+rep reliable and friendly trader!

4 years ago Permalink

+REP great trader

4 years ago Permalink

+rep fast and easy, thank you!

4 years ago Permalink

+Rep, good trader, went fast and smooth.

5 years ago Permalink
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