
He got my Thief and sent me used keys


"He gave me -rep cause he is dumb.
I gave him a dlc for Awesomenauts and he gave me a key for Thief and then I gave him Dungeon of the Endless and he said it's not working,I gave him a second one and he said it was also not working.Then my friend tried the key and it was working,get your shit straight dude"

Thats exactly what happened. The deal was Thief 2014 for AWE skin and Dungeon of the Endless. He sends skin, nice. I send Thief, nice. He sends Dungeon, not working. He says he will bring me another one, ok. Couple days later he gave me another one and also not working, he makes his friend try it and he says it works, but ofc he says now the friend has just redeemed it and now he can't do no more.

Worst of all he seems to be a nice guy but, final result: I have a shitty skin and he has my game. So as you can understand, can't give you +rep. I just want the game he promised.

9 years ago* Permalink
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