
good trade

8 years ago Permalink

+rep he went first

8 years ago Permalink

I asked the steamgifts community about leaving negative rep or not. I was not sure and felt bad for leaving negative feedback.
But 78 out of 86 people said they would give negative rep.

He wanted a game and offered a few games from his thread.
I choose a game and we had a talk in steam chat. I asked him if the key is for steam, desura or something else. He said it's a steam game and mentioned that it's a grennlitten game. He received the game he wanted and afterwards gave me the game I wanted. But it turned out it was a free beta key instead of a full game. He said that he didn't knew this and that he got the key from a friend. But at the same time he implied that I should have expected it because it's a greenlitten game which is not yet released. He never mentioned that it is a beta key, neither on his trade thread nor in chat as we had a talk.
I feel screwed and therefore I leave this -rep.

If you are willing to get in contact with me to compensate this bad trade. feel free to add me.

Edit: Me reacting to your answer:
You gave a free beta key which only worked for limited time. I checked the game on the Steam page and I was sure that I wanted it. There was no way knowing that you will give me a beta key which will unlock a game for the time period of the beta itself. You might not knew that the code was for a beta because your "friend" gave you the key but yet, you didn't even felt bad for not giving me what you advertised it as. You didn't even compensate my loss. You got a proper working key. I got a glimpse in a game.

9 years ago* Permalink

I admit some late reply but anyway I will do it.

Very comfortable you wrote this review pity that you forgot to write that before the exchange I gave you a link to this game to make sure you really want to exchange. After we exchanged it only then you began to tell me that something does not fit you.
Apart from this, inn0s added me to my friends after seeing my trade topic on steamgifts and then chose a game that he did not even check before exchanging ... Then he wrote that all the fault was mine. I admit that after part it is my fault because I did not know what I'm replacing but these games totally did not interest me so I wanted to get rid of them and got them from a friend who told me "do with them what you want".

6 years ago Permalink
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