
+Rep Fast and friendly trader. Thanks for the trade ^^

7 years ago Permalink

Prefers gin, but beers will do.

7 years ago Permalink

It's a good cat!

7 years ago Permalink

'Cause Crimson sucks

8 years ago Permalink

thank you

8 years ago Permalink

Come on... do more giveaways!

8 years ago Permalink


8 years ago Permalink

Great, patient and trustworthy trader +rep

9 years ago Permalink

Excellent trader, nice and honest. Will deal again. Thank you very much!!! +REP

9 years ago Permalink

very fast and fair trader, thanks ;)

9 years ago Permalink

+rep friendly and trustworthy

9 years ago Permalink

Good trader!

9 years ago Permalink

good trader +rep!

9 years ago Permalink

Nice trader. He went first, then I sent his items. All went just fine! Thanks. Rep+++

9 years ago Permalink

Nice and quick trader +reps
Finally got RIDDICK!

9 years ago Permalink

Great trader! Went first and trade went smoothly.

9 years ago Permalink

+Rep for Helpful and Trustworthy :)
He helped me out in getting 2 games which i was unable to purchase myself

thanks again man, i really appreciate the help
edit: and no, we didnt have sex XD

9 years ago Permalink

thanks for the giveaway <3

9 years ago Permalink

Great person, very generous, friendly trustworthy trader +rep

9 years ago Permalink

Traded a good bit of Steam cards for a bundle. Positive rep, smooth trade!

9 years ago Permalink

+rep, went first. Bought a game for keys!

9 years ago Permalink

Great trader, went first with Paypal and he delivered within a minute. Very kind and generous.

9 years ago Permalink

Excellent Trader, He is generous and kind in all his trades :P +1

1 decade ago Permalink

This user it's a scammer, did a trade and give him even more than the actual spend, he deleted me and never gave me back my items, don't trade with this guy.

1 decade ago Permalink

+rep!! Really nice guy <3

1 decade ago Permalink

Nice trader! Also, was patient while steam trading was down.

1 decade ago Permalink

good trader,polite,patient.+rep

1 decade ago Permalink

++++ REP EXCELLENT TRADER! The best trader in the history!!! Thanks for all!

1 decade ago Permalink

+REP HUGE TRADE! Excellent!

1 decade ago Permalink

good trader)) +rep!!

1 decade ago Permalink

great trader +rep

1 decade ago Permalink

goooood trader +++ rep :D

1 decade ago Permalink

+rep super fast trade and fair.

1 decade ago Permalink

this guy is HIV positive

1 decade ago Permalink
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