
Almost two years ago Me, Cow and three other people participated in a group buy of Humble Bundle's Build a Deep Deep Silver bundle.
My key and another person's turned out to be region locked. That I comfirmed short after Cow purchased and gave me the key.
I tiod him I will try to contact Humble Bundle and will contact him again. After contacting Huble Bundle and me leaving him messages while he was online or playing games but not receiving a response - Cow finally answered to me, stating he gives his account to other people to play on and that probably wasn't him, point that he didn't receive any of my messages. Then after asking him to either contact Humble Bundle ( he is the buyer, so he has all the purchase information ) or provide them to me, so that I can seek help for either replacing the key or getting my money back, he refused to provide any help, stating he was offended by me and then removed and blocked me.

After consulting and explaining the situation to one of Steamrep's admins I was told I should make a report, which I did.
Almost two years after they finally review my ticket and archive it because they don't deal with game keys.
Here is my Steamrep report with everything explained and all evidence provided, including screenshots with conversations -
Cow is permanently banned on Steam Gifts ( Steam Trades And Steam Gifts were one site back then and bans were processed through Steam Gifts ).

Few things I want to point out, thought everythig is explained in details on my report:

  • The admin of the group we made a reservation banned him after talking with him.
  • Despite we all paying to Cow via Paypal, he himself told me used prepaid CC.
  • When asking him about email from the purchase he said he had deleted it - I tried activating my game very shortly after he purchased the bundle. So I am not sure if he deleted it shortly after purchase or after knowing my key was locked. In both cases I don't see relevant reason for deleting that info so quick
  • You can see from our conversation the stupid reason he acted offended, which lead to removing and blocking me. Not only he left me with a region locked key, he had traded ( or activated himself ) my key at some point. I don't see how my actions give him the right to do what he did. Especially when I gave him my money and then he not only refusing to provide anything but going and trading my game away.

Back then I found this person had dealth with region locked keys before our reservation and seems from his profile comments he is still dealing with region locked games

I don't want to see anyone in my or similar situation, because everything that happend and everything this person did was ridiculous.
Take a caution if you encounter him.

6 years ago* Permalink
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