
+rep good trader

1 year ago Permalink

+Rep, fast and friendly - all smooth

1 year ago Permalink

Great trade. Thanks.

1 year ago Permalink

Fast and friendly trader, he went first +rep

1 year ago Permalink

good trader

2 years ago Permalink

Fast and smooth, +репа =)

3 years ago Permalink

+rep, fast and good trader, sell him Valfaris for 1 TF2 Keys

3 years ago Permalink

+REP Good trader

3 years ago Permalink

Very fast and friendly trader. Recommend!

4 years ago Permalink

+rep good trader

4 years ago Permalink

+Rep, Fast and Friendly trader! Recommended

4 years ago Permalink

We traded about a week ago for a couple of games - COD:BO4, Assassin's Creed Origins etc. which were in form of gift links from Humble Monthlies. Besides those gift links he also traded me 2 games as keys - Kerbal Space Program and Galactic Civilizations III.
He guaranteed those two keys would work but just tonight when I've sent KSP key to my friend he said it's region locked. I then tried activating Galactic Civilizations III and Steam showed the "Invalid key" message.
Proofs of chat with this trader and my friend can be found here.

Also I tried adding him before writing this -rep but he blocked me.

5 years ago* Permalink

Now this is a blatant lie. First of all, KSP keys don't have and never had any region locks. For example, you can see it on GMG under "View Regions":
The game basically activates everywhere. There were no warnings about any restrictions, especially since I almost always use VPN for buying games outside of Steam. So, most likely, your friend is either a liar, a complete idiot, or both. And yeah, screens of your "dialog" with your "friend" — a ~1,5 year old account with 2 games on it, one of which is a f2p CS:GO — su-u-ure, not suspicious at all (Also - "Last Online 596 days ago",

Secondly, GalCiv3 key was absolutely legit. I got it from Humble Monthly - July 2017. So, again, either the key had limited activation time, which I honestly didn't know about, or you're lying. In any case, I basically gave you the GalCiv3 key for free because I didn't know what to do with it anyway.

And right now you HAVE GalCiv3 on your account, by the way. So I guess the key was not so invalid, huh?

So this -rep feels just like a cheap lie and a revenge for me leaving negative comment about you ripping people off. Both of your statements are either a lie or something I wasn't responsible for.

4 years ago* Permalink

+rep, He went first, recommended!

5 years ago Permalink

+REP, fast and secure trader! I recommend to all :-)

5 years ago Permalink

+rep fast and nice trader :)

5 years ago Permalink

+rep, Thanks for trade!

6 years ago Permalink

Paypal trade, he went first +++rep

1 decade ago Permalink
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