
You are scammed NOT by me. I added you to talk. I'll remove this -rep after explaining.

You didn't accept my invitation and you probably blocked me so I have to explain here.
We never talked or traded and of course I didn't scam you. Unfortunately you were scammed by a well known impersonator of mine. Check my profile by clicking the Steam icon under the avatar here in my SteamGifts profile and you will see that my Steam profile is always public with 4500+ games and you will understand that you weren't talking with me. I see you are a new trader here and it's really bad your first trade was a scam but you were really easy victim for him. Feel free to add me to prove you all of the above and you will become a better trader and never a victim again. Check other posts and you will see that you are not the first victim and I am afraid not the last one too, but you are the first one that didn't give me the chance to explain and I really can't understand how this will help you. Anyway, it's up to you to protect yourself or just stay in ignorance and become a victim again. Happy trading...

7 years ago* Permalink
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