I have...

TRADABLE ROW Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Gifts

I want...

4 CS:GO keys (limited in Phoenix / Vanguard / Chroma / Winter Offensive keys/Breakout keys)
if you need some more CSGO copies ,you can use 18 CS:GO keys (limited in Phoenix / Vanguard / Chroma / Winter Offensive keys/Breakout keys) to trade with me for 5 CSGO copies ,which is a little cheaper

LV31 Steam Profile, 200+ Games and you can check my inventory,
TRADABLE gifts.so we can trust each other. Fair Trade,No Liar!
If you accept my price,then add me please.
I hope you have a nice day.

9 years ago

do you want my tradable gift Alan wake franchise for your csgo gift?

9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago.