OK, so this is really just a test to see if dota 2 items are actually worth anything. If what i have is worth an actual game then that's AWESOME (will play dota2 more ha) If not i would be happy to trade for some Drow Ranger stuff as the only 2 heroes i use is her and Clinkz (no items for him yet)

My Inventory http://steamcommunity.com/id/Acid_Flash/inventory/

1 decade ago*

No rares; you'd have a hard time getting someone to buy you Fortix for all of that.

1 decade ago

I have a couple of items worth more then Fortix to be fair :p Guess i will try again when i get some better items :)Still newish to dota.

Still will trade for Drow Ranger gear.

1 decade ago

added got some boots of drow

1 decade ago

you dont accept the invite so .... :S

1 decade ago

Closed 6 years ago.