I can help to buy the Total War: Shogun 2 - Blood Pack DLC, just pm me.
It's $1.59 where I am though, and I don't expect to be losing money for helping
Aside from that, pm away, though a pm sent posted here would be nice :3

[Wants] KoA DLC Fortune Summoners Dungeons The dark lord ,tf2 promos AC : R + dlc Guildwars trilogy + eye of the north skyrim paypal Good offers Orcs Must die goty Spellforce universe Looking for the beat the average android 2 humble bundle. also want launch, xmas, valentines , indie royale bundle.

[Have] (prices listed are for paypal or steamwallet(guild wars only))

$14.70 paypal(Excellent offers, only) about 3 refined

2x super monday night combat beta ( any small game) 3x nuclear dawn guest pass

1x portal 2 - 8$ ( best offer : spellforce universe + spellforce gold)

1x Bastion - 10$

1x Chantelise - 7$

May have 3x demigod for trade, if theres enough interest in it.

1x Darkness II LE (RU) (usable anywhere, only retail copies are locked) best offer atm : anno2070 or a tradeable dota 2 or AC:R +2bemine bundles (also , not in any rush to trade this one, as its LE )(straight trade for guild wars trilogy)- 30$

1x Dota 2 - 25$ Paypal (or buds, i can dream, cant i :P)

1xHoliday Sale 2011 Gift: Half-Life 2: Episode One(Includes 4 items: Half-Life 2: Deathmatch, Half-Life 2: Lost Coast, Half-Life Deathmatch: Source, Half-Life 2: Episode One) - 8$

1x Frozen synapse - 7.50$

1x Plants Vs Zombies Goty - 5$

1x The Ship Complete Pack - 5$

1x Recettear - 10$

1x Sonic Generations - 20$

1x Titan Quest Gold - 10$

Please post with what you want, and what you are offering for. I may take some time to decide on offers, as most of the stuff I have, are stuff I'd play. Also taking offers on games for paypal


don't add me without me telling you to, unless its a paypal offer.

1 decade ago*

dota 2 for borderlands?

1 decade ago

hmm, will think on it, but unlikely.

1 decade ago

two world 2 for portal 2 + kf?

or i will give you spellforce universe for portal 2 but just spellforce universe

1 decade ago

hmm would likely have to pass on both, as best offer on portal 2 is spellforce univ + spellforce 2 gold
and no real interest in two worlds 2 :x

1 decade ago

kk, i will give you two world 2 for portal 2 , i dont have universe gold.

but i think two world 2 worth better than portal 2 and this is good offer :)
i just want to play portal 2 :)

1 decade ago

main thing is i'd play portal over two worlds II, especially since it doesnt come with the dlc :X

1 decade ago

nvm... , i traded it with someone else.

1 decade ago


1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.