I got a message from "OllieD" on steam asking to trade.

He is abusing the way Steam displays uppercase I to impersonate the real OllieD: http://steamcommunity.com/id/OllieD/

The scammers profile is:

When looking at a profile in Steam, you can right click and "Copy Page URL" to get the potential scammers URL and compare to the one the legit user has listed on this site to make sure you're dealing with the real trader.

edit: it looks like this site suffers from the same font problem! If you copy and paste the above profile URLs into your browser bar you'll see the differences. Those links appear the same but actually lead to different profiles.

1 decade ago*


yup, heres his id: 76561198069531303

might end up changing it.

1 decade ago

also here's the conversation we had

OllieD: hey

Plastic F. Duck: hi

OllieD: are you buying ns2?

Plastic F. Duck: yes

OllieD: 15$

Plastic F. Duck: Standard or Deluxe?

OllieD: standard

[I then proceeded to look the guy up to see if he was legit]

Plastic F. Duck: haha I used to love to abuse that bug with the steam fonts where a capital i shows as an l

Plastic F. Duck: but I never scammed people with it :v

OllieD is now Offline.

1 decade ago

Closed 6 years ago.