I have...

3 keys for Tulpa (Steam)

I want...

Offers of the same value on Steam, regardless the number of games.

I still don't know how to trade safely Steam keys (not gifts) so if you can help me about this point it would be great. ;)

Edit : Open to cards offer.

8 years ago*

Hi, interested in something from here http://www.steamtrades.com/trade/2iM5B/games-for-games-refs-cards for Tulpa?

8 years ago

Hi. Thank you for your reply but i'm not interested in any of these. I already got like 75% of them and the 25 other % don't interest me. But thank's for the offer. #sorryformyenglish

8 years ago

Np and thank you for fast reply :)

8 years ago

Closed 8 years ago.