Hey all,

AC3 is for Ubi-Shop, unfortunately not Steam, but hey, its AC3 :)

Shogun 2 (key) and Castle Crashers(tradeable) are for Steam however.

Very Interested in Offers that include Borderlands 2, preferably 2 of them (a longshot, but hey, worth trying)

But otherwise, I'm open to offers

1 decade ago*

Hwmch paypal for AC3?

1 decade ago

not really looking for paypal, but Steam Wallet might be okay, how much are you willing to offer?

1 decade ago

Shogun 2 key for Crusader Kings 2 and Victoria II?

1 decade ago

I don't believe I'll enjoy those games right now, but thanks for the offer

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.