Here is a link to the wishlist. I also want games I don't own.

1 decade ago*

I can offer you No Time to Explain as a gift item or $10 from PayPal for Borderlands 2? I think this is a fair offer considering BL2 on offer at the moment and therefore not really beneficial for me to offer any more than that.

1 decade ago

Based on your rep and who it is from, no ty.

1 decade ago

that was given as revenge rep which is against the rules, I've already reported him for it and you shouldn't judge people by that.

1 decade ago

plus the fact that his statement was untrue and you don't know the overall details of what happened. You can't deny me based on someone's bias and childish behaviour.

1 decade ago

I still don't feel comfortable with trading with anyone whos rep is overall negative.

And I entirely can deny you on any basis I wish. Not that I should. Just saying.

1 decade ago

That's ridiculous man. His negative rep does not prove whether or not I am trustworthy to trade! if anyone is untrustworthy its him! he was rude to me when I asked him for proof of his key being legit, which I have every damn right to ask for. Also, I'm pretty sure you can't go around stating that you are refusing trade based on these kind of things. Perhaps I should report this as well.

1 decade ago

The purpose of the reputation system is to help traders make a decision. I am making my decision based on the system in place. I am sorry if you are misrepresented by the numbers, but from your reactions to a simple rejection as well, I would feel more comfortable with another trader.

1 decade ago

Yes well anyone would react that way when dismissed over ludicrous reasons and unfair judgement.

1 decade ago

And ya know what? I honestly don't care now, I'd rather take my business elsewhere and pay someone else than someone who is too quick to judge over someone elses childishness.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.