I have traded one Dota 2 key, but i don't know if it's the SEA (only for Australia, New Zealand, India, Japan, South East Asia). If you're not from this area and you wanna try it anyway, let me know, we can figure some way out where i'll take the key back if it wont work.

An update: I can say it for sure now, it's the SEA key, so it's only for Australia, New Zealand, India, Japan and South East Asia.

Le offers please. I'll take almost anything (although no guestpasses and bundle keys).
Or I might trade if for a few TF2 items or some metal. It'll be cheap, so feel free to leave any offer :3

1 decade ago*

how much key do u have ? i'll give u any $0-$3 games for 15x valid dota 2 key

1 decade ago

I have only one -- thanks god, impossibru to get rid off D:

1 decade ago

I have some TF2 items, you interested?

1 decade ago

I've just found out that it's the SEA key, sorry. But if you're still interested, let me know.

1 decade ago

Oh, im from Europe :( Thx for your time anyway.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.