Humble Indie Bundle #2: Aquaria, Braid, Cortex Command, Gish, Lugaru HD, Machinarium, Osmos,

Penumbra Overture, Revenge of the Titans, Samorost 2, World Of Goo

Humble Indie Bundle #3: And Yet It Moves, Atom Zombie Smasher, Braid, Cogs, Cortex Command,

Crayon Physics Deluxe, Hammerfight, Machinarium, Osmos, Revenge of the Titans, Steel Storm:

Burning Retribution, VVVVVV

each comes as one Steam key containing all of the aforementioned games. will trade bundle for bundle, or each code for 3 or 4 other games. don't care what games, as long as i don't have them!

1 decade ago*

Humble Indie Bundle #2
for all these (11:11 if I'm not mistaken)
Crusader Kings Complete
Cthulu Saves The World
Dear Esther
Edna & Harvey Harvey's New Eyes
Intrusion 2
Oil Rush
On The Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness 3
Painkiller Overdose
Waking Mars

1 decade ago

i have these 6 already:

Dear Esther

Intrusion 2


Oil Rush

Waking Mars

but i would still be willing to trade. is yours one key or are they all separate?

1 decade ago

All separate.
Added you.

1 decade ago

Gatling Gears for Machinarium?

1 decade ago

i can't split up the bundle, so you would get all 11 games. if you have a few more to throw in, we can do it

1 decade ago

The only other thing I can offer is Waking Mars but I think I saw you already had it so I didnt offer it.

1 decade ago

yeah i do. thanks anyway!

1 decade ago

I'll trade the HIB 3 for The Humble Bundle with android 6 (no FS or BS) and the Klei Weekly + SS the random encounter, Poker Night and 2 games from de HIB8

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.