Sadly, this was meant to be a gift on for a group. However steam locked it.

South Park™: The Stick of Truth™ (RU Version) Georgien, Kirgisistan, Kasachstan, Moldawien, Republik, Tadschikistan, Turkmenistan, Usbekistan, Ukraine, Russische Föderation ,Armenien, Aserbaidschan, Weißrussland for 7 Tf2 Keys

Steam Retroactively locked this. I can no longer gift it on steamgifts.

Looking for offers.
Here is my wishlist

Be reasonable. I know its $16 and I paid 9 tf2 keys for it. So Anything less then 7tf2 keys or 13$ will be ignored. Sorry.

1 decade ago*

Im living in denmark, can i use a VPN and activate it? (And is it english?)

1 decade ago

Reddit might be able to answer question idk tbh

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.