Mafia II DLC: Betrayal of Jimmy unrestricted ROW for 5x TF2/CSGO/Dota2 keys

feel free to send me a trade offer

9 years ago*

I'm interested in, but are there any possibilities to negotiate the price?

9 years ago

sry it is firm

9 years ago

Sorry, you can put whatever price you want on your stuff but I am curious. Doesn't it cost way less then 5 keys even at full price? lol

EDIT: I just noticed it's a DLC that's not available in every region. I was interested in picking up Mafia II DLC myself, guess I'll have to put that on hold. Are there any achievements on that DLC?

9 years ago

I'm just offering it for those, that can't get it. Keys go around 1.5€ a piece (you can search steamtrades), so no, it is not exceeding the price of the full price, it is actually less than that ;)
of course, you can have it from Russia cheaper, but locked.

don't know about achievements as the game is not my cup of tea

9 years ago

As I said, I did not mean to cause any harm, I was just curious. The other DLCs are cheaper then 5 Keys for me (Brazil), but I did not check EU prices, sorry. Also, the given DLC is not available on BR store, no clue why, but it seens it isn't available globally. May I ask where are you from and was it purchased on Steam before the changes in trading gifts?

9 years ago

It's available in PL and CZ for 8€. It's not worth buying even on 90% off sale tho.

9 years ago

no harm done and yes it was bought prior to the 30days gift option, so it is can klick on the link in my first post with the trade offer and you can see for yourself :)

9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago.