I'm looking to sell this game in this price: 30$ dollars.
If you're interested add me,

And a little advise, don't bother to add me if you haven't posted in this thread.
Also, and to be clear on this, I WILL NOT SEND FIRST, if you don't like it it's simple, don't post in here and don't add me.


9 years ago*

Is this steam key?

9 years ago


9 years ago

I'm sorry, I would be interested, but you want us to go first with a new Steam profile, you having a CD-Key, no AC: Unity on your library and almost no rep at all in Steamtrades. Sir, you're not making it easy on yourself to sell this. Certainly smells of scam.

9 years ago

Yes, that comment certainly also smells like scam.
I've been scammed from guys with higher REP than you, so REP means shit to me, that's why i have these conditions, if you don't like, don't comment. That's it.

9 years ago

Lol. Excuse me but I have the right to call shenanigans wherever I want. Moreso with the facts on the table. You say my comment smells of a scam? Check my account. Then check yours. See then who has more credibility.

9 years ago

What the hell are you talking about? hahahahaha, your credibility means shit for me.

9 years ago

And you mean shit to nobody. Full circle. Case closed. Move on.

9 years ago

lol...dont do this ist a scammer kid!
if you want lose your money too this analphabet kiddo make him offer

9 years ago

Hahahaha says a +5 boy, lmao scammer kid

9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago.