Hello, i wars ripped.

I give: Battlefield 3 KEY

Ripper give: : FARCRY COMPLETE + COMPANY Heroes + mafia 2

I have not item become!

I have activated and the Trade wars canecelled and i deleted :(

Patrol 22

iMonster: Hi
Patrol 22: hey
iMonster: Can i help you? You have intress on a GameKey?
Patrol 22: I'm interested in your BF3 key
iMonster: Ok what you bid?
Patrol 22: total war shotgun 2
iMonster: Gift?
Patrol 22: Ofc :d
iMonster: ofcÄ?
Patrol 22: ofc = of course
iMonster: My english is bad
Patrol 22: np
Patrol 22: So do you want it? :)
iMonster: Steam Gifts
Patrol 22: What?
iMonster: I search tradeable Steam Gifts
iMonster: only
Patrol 22: It's tradable
iMonster: Saw?
iMonster: Please saw mir
iMonster: *me
Patrol 22 hat Ihre Handelsanfrage akzeptiert.
iMonster: Ok have you more?
iMonster: Valve Games?
Patrol 22: That's all what i've got tradable.
iMonster: FARCRY COMPLETE + COMPANY Heroes + mafia 2?
Patrol 22: ok
iMonster: Ok install Teamviewer please
iMonster: then acitvate the key
Patrol 22: I've got.
iMonster: and then send me the gifts ok?
iMonster: Ok send ID + Password
Patrol 22: ok, wait a bit.
iMonster: ok
Patrol 22: toilet :))
iMonster: mü
iMonster: np
Patrol 22: 848 152 245
Patrol 22: 5439
Patrol 22 hat Ihre Handelsanfrage abgelehnt.
iMonster: again
Patrol 22 ist Offline.

1 decade ago*

please go and report on steam rep. they wont give your game back btw.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.