Is around 2.5-2.55$ each on community market, i stopped accepting dota2 keys for the past 3-3.5 months coz with lockless update they were falling like flies went to as low as 1.6$ on comm market during summer sale and still was around 1.8-2$ on comm market but now that they are removed and going to expire in 10 months the price on community market has shot up and is usually around the 2.4$-2.5$ mark so i was thinking of starting to accept dota2 keys not much if that's such a good idea and might want to hold but what are you guys doing like have you started accepting dota2 keys at normal rates again or as still not accepting it as opposed to tf2/csgo keys.

9 years ago*

lots of people accepting them yes

9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago.