I have...

Platinum rank, level 134, the nickname is panther030, it costs 10 usd to change the nickname.. 2200 comp points.
Lots of common skins, sprays etc. Total of 324 wins / 109 hrs played
the stats can be found here https://masteroverwatch.com/profile/pc/eu/panther030-1618
Legendary & Epic skins:
All origins skins & all skins from HOTS promotion.
Ana - Wadjet
Bastion - Null Sector
Genji - Carbon Fiber, Bedouin, Sentai
Hanzo - Cyberninja, Young Hanzo
Junkrat - Jester, Toasted
Lucio - Ribbit
McCree - Mystery Man
Orisa - Null Sector
Reinhardt - Bundeswehr
Roadhog - Stitched, Islander, Sharkbait
Soldier: 76 - Cyborg 76, Nigh Ops 76
Sombra - Augmented
Symmetra - Devi, Oasis
Torbjorn - Woodclad, Chopper, Deadlock, Ironclad
Tracer - Mach T, Graffiti
Widowmaker - Talon
Zarya - Cyberian
Zenyatta - Harmonious, Sunyatta

If you have any questions feel free to ask.

I want...


6 years ago*

Closed 6 years ago.