hey :) contact me on steam if you want to trade and check out my inventory :)

[H] coupons

66%off Awesomenauts

75%off Krater

90%off Iron sky: invasion

[W] Any card


[H] various cards

[W] Shadowrun cards, System shock cards and other cards :)

1 decade ago*

Hi! I've got Dota 2 trading cards and Chivalry: Medieval Warfare cards. Message me back if you are interested. Also got coupons for Killing floor -50% and Eversion -66%. I am interested in the Awesomenauts coupon.

1 decade ago

hey, do you have Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box for a trade? I need this game, and I can offer you games from my list, or many cards :)
Here is my list - http://www.steamtrades.com/trade/geFFr/ufolecs-shop-store-have-games-to-trade-example-look-inside
give me info! thx :))

9 years ago

Closed 8 years ago.