Here's the deal, I need someone who can buy on my steam account anything from steam store(RU region is necessary). It can be the cheapest thing on steam (even dlc for 12 RUB) It will activate my wallet in RUB currency and let me sell my tf2 keys. So please anbody who can help me!

ADD me on steam to discuss!

1 decade ago*

oh...its a dangerous thing... im sure for 75% that you will get ban from steam for change region to buy games
its better do on the new account which was registered from RU IP

1 decade ago

Yeah I also thought about it, then i will do it through ru vpn, so i think it will be safe ;] If you can help me my friend, I'll appreciate that.

1 decade ago

Pretty sure VPN trick doesn't work anymore... you need an RU credit card

1 decade ago

Maybe u wanna invest your 6 tf2 keys for my AC III key for uplay, that is pretty safe xD

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.