I have...

2 x Guns of Icarus Online Collectors Edition (Steam-gift)
1 x Rocket League (Bundle Stars-key)

I want...

Guns of Icarus Online = 1 CS:GO key / offers
Rocket League = games from my wishlisht / offers

Trades will take 15 days (since march 9th) as I don't use the mobile authenticator.
Leave offers in the comment section please.

8 years ago*

Hello there, I'm interested in your offer, added you.

8 years ago

Some cards, Dota 2-Items and/or one/two keys for games in exchange for one or both of the games you offer?
Add me if interested :D

8 years ago

Thanks for your offer but I'm not interested in Dota 2 -items or -keys.
Game keys are negotiable though.
Can you list the games you have or do you have anything specific in mind you want to trade?

8 years ago

There ya go, bud. I already got Guns of Icarus from another trader meanwhile but I'd still be interested in Rocket League. Feel free to make an offer. We could make 2:1 or maybe even 3:1 cause my games aren't that expensive each. :)

8 years ago

Thanks but sorry, none of the games or items you listed interest me.

8 years ago

Hey! Are you still interested in Guns of Icarus Online? If yes what can you offer for that? I don't want CSGO keys.

7 years ago

Closed 5 years ago.