Forge tradable gift * 3 = $3 each or offer

Indie Gala Mass Effect BTA gift link *2 = $3 each or offer

If you have enough rep, i can go first, otherwise, you must pay me 50% first.

PayPal Rules:(Copy from another guy :p)

  1. Your PayPal account has to be verified.
  2. You must check "I transfer money to friends or family" (paying for fees) and add the note: "This is a payment for a virtual item I already received, I understand and accept hereby that I will not claim back this payment." Without the quotation marks. Any PayPal payments I receive without this note will get their money returned.
1 decade ago*

I don't want to start a drama but.. "You must go first or send me 75% first" "This is a payment for a virtual item I already received, I understand and accept hereby that I will not claim back this payment." so I must pay before getting the key. Seems a bit unfair, because if you don't give me the key I'll just lose 16$ :/

1 decade ago

The paypal rules was copied from another guy, it's quite a bit unfair, but if i send you the code and you don't pay... wahtever, i'll consider it again.

1 decade ago

it's 50% now, i thank it's fair.

1 decade ago

keep in mind, that this could mean paying fees twice for the buyer...

1 decade ago

Would you accept XCOM: Enemy Unknown GIFT for this? Thanks.

1 decade ago

I don't want game this time, thank you :')

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.