I have...

Borderlands GOTY + Borderlands Enhanced

I want...

$5/5€ steam gift card
Paypal (EU), fees on you if any

I found a key for the Borderlands GOTY edition from humble bundle that I revealed a long time ago.
So there's a slight chance that I somehow used the key and just forgot about that :(

Of course that means that I would go first in the trade, to make sure the key works.
So I can only sell to people who will immediately activate it and don't want to resell the key.

4 years ago*


This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

4 years ago

I'm interested in the key. Is it region locked to EU?

4 years ago

Hi, sorry for the late reply. I don't check the site very often :(
Are you still interested?
Key should be without region lock as far as I know.
But like I have written above, I'm not sure if the key is still working, so I would go first anyway :)

4 years ago*

Closed 4 years ago.