I have...
  • Street Fighter X Tekken: Full DLC Pack ($40 USD)
I want...
  • tf2/csgo falchion keys
  • paypal from verified accounts
  • offers
8 years ago*

Fake ttrader

8 years ago

you stole me a game, and now you say i am a fake trader?, now I will denounce you for publicly defaming (if you want reverse this situation give me what you owe me)

8 years ago*

you have not given me a chance, just have defamed me, disrespected and remained offline saying it was yo.Realmente and nor do I believe that my key was wrong I think who's wrong is you.

8 years ago

You already recognized that code are already redeemed , because you not deleted when you used it , and you kept doing business with that code. Instead of pay off the debt , you still prolong the dispute, proof that you really are a thief and a liar , return what you owe me and I will erase all my messages and my negative feedback, but you will not, because you prefer to stay with what you stole from me without paying for it , right?

8 years ago*


This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

thx for the bump

8 years ago

Closed 8 years ago.