Please return a game.
Please return a game.
Please return a game.
Because you do not need to return
Please say I'm sorry.
Because you do not need to return
Please say I'm sorry.

1 decade ago*

Because you do not need to return
Please say I'm sorry.

1 decade ago

I think i speak for everyone who will read this thread, when i say "Huh?!"

Ohhhh.... i see you have been scammed, low life scum are everywhere these days, i keep on thinking about the movie Idiocracy
The smart work thier asses off, barely reproduce, and dumbasses get thier retarded gf's pregnant and reproduce like rabbits, soon enough the entire world will be filled with people who can barely keep themselves alive.. anyway, sorry to hear :)

1 decade ago

Did you get scammed?

1 decade ago


1 decade ago

its you fault for not checking his rep dude

1 decade ago

Scammers with bad ST rep will often say they have no ST profile, while having a clean SR profile even if under investigation.

1 decade ago

That's true. I got scammed on my first trade here. Never trade with someone without a profile or who has low or no rep. Or do it, at your own risk. Also, scammers always seem to be in a hurry. Just my two cents.

1 decade ago

yup, they're always rushing things.

1 decade ago

im sure we can all agree on how to avoid future scammers, but its hard to avoid your first scam. Maybe something like a list of tips in bolded flashing text when you first sign up with steam trades is in order.

1 decade ago

Yeah, I was pretty naive in the beginning. You should always offer to find a middleman if the deal seems a bit too good to be true (if you're going first). Scammers always make an excuse and leave if you bring a middleman up. They always want you to go first and disregard any rep you have.

1 decade ago

nothing like being scammed to prevent you from being scammed XD
also, scammers never go for middle man, that's true, so ask for it and they'll go away. its the best way when trading keys and the deal is suspicious.

1 decade ago

"Bit too good to be true" = "Not true in most case"

I'm sure about it...

1 decade ago

we Thanks

1 decade ago

A swindler does not comment. A friend is seen off. The profile was not able to be checked.

1 decade ago

omg was this go111

1 decade ago

got scammed by go111 :(

1 decade ago

guys T-T

making me sad

1 decade ago

now -repped me
well, thx it was my fucking first damn trade

1 decade ago

Mark his Steamrep if you've got some proof
I added him to see what he'd try, and he linked me there to prove his innocence

1 decade ago

Closed 6 years ago.