I have...

Steam Wallet

I want...

Borderlands 3 Global

Accepting offers

4 years ago

How much steam wallet?

4 years ago

Give me your offer. Prices are different in regions, so I think it's better if you tell me your price.

4 years ago

Id be looking for €40/$40, or if you could possible get that in nintendo e shop points that would be better.

Take note though I will need to trade my entire EGS account, but you will be able to change the email, username and password and take it like your own. Ive also claimed the recent batman freebies though I dont think they should count as part of the price, just letting you know if they interest you (the arkham trilogy and the lego batman games + metro 2033 redux and "everything").

4 years ago

Closed 4 years ago.