Have top Playstation 3, Playstation 4 PSN games very cheap - no need to buy expensive CD's, everything is downloaded through official PS Network and works on hard drive with updates, online achievements etc. Contact me on Steam for more info if interested: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198013110328

Also have some Steam gifts for trade, u can see them in my inventory (only Steam trades acceptable for these).

9 years ago

trying to trade accounts is not allowed reported..

9 years ago

I'm not trading accounts, just sharing PSN downloads which is very convenient and cheap btw, and this little scammer tried to threaten me, that he'll report on me, like I do smth illegal :-)), if I won't agree on his terms of trade...think was going to scam me, also his profile looks like scammer's (many nick names, probably fake rep...) and also an offensive blackmailer, but not so smart as far as I understood...It's a pity that there r such ppl living with us on the same planet ! Hope he will get what he deserves !

9 years ago*

Closed 9 years ago.